Home > Pretty Wild(13)

Pretty Wild(13)
Author: K.A Knight

Grabbing my cloak, I slip into it and listen at the door. My body twinges below, my healing still taking place, but I let it fuel me. When I don’t hear anyone, I slip out of the door on silent, bare feet and head down the stairs to the servants’ quarters. They lead out back, so it’s easier to escape that way. I just need to make it to the slums, then I will be safe, safe to run into the forest.

I know the risk is high, I could die there, but it’s better I die fleeing and fighting for my life than sitting and accepting it. They might look like and be monsters, but here in the gleaming throng, I’m surrounded by true evil. It just hides behind beauty and riches.

No, I would rather take my chances out there.

I send up a prayer to the Great Mother to guide me and stay with me on this night, to accept my apologies for being chosen and leaving. I beg her to understand, and when a soft floral breeze wraps around me in the corridor as I hurry down it…I know she heard.

And understands.

I reach the kitchen and skid to a stop, but it’s too late. Someone is awake and in here—Cook. She turns, her mouth opening to scold me for sneaking down here for a midnight snack, but she freezes at my panicked look, the bag on my shoulder, and my cloak.

She takes it all in and sighs before stepping closer. “I knew this day would come.”

“I-I…” I stumble over my words, and she smiles sadly, taking my hand in her warm one and squeezing. We both flinch as she spots some blood still lingering on my pale fingers.

“Child, this is not the place for you. It never was. You are too pure, too strong to ever yield to their demands. It would eventually mean your death. You are a lost soul here. You have a purpose, a destiny, I can feel it…and it lies beyond these shining walls.” Tears fill her eyes then, and they reflect in my own.

She isn’t going to alert anyone. She is offering her understanding, and she’s the only one to care how much I’m suffering. If they catch her helping me, she will die for it.

“I had hoped the prince could protect you, I think your mother did as well, but some plans were put into motion long before your birth. This was always going to be your path. I’m just sad you have to walk it alone.” She leans in and kisses my cheeks. It’s such a motherly act that the tears finally fall. She brushes them away with a kind smile. “None of that, child, it is not goodbye forever. I will see you in the beyond where we may be equals. I am thankful for the time I have gotten to spend with you, the child I could never have.”

“Cook—” I gasp. “I’m sorry… Come with me?” I urge.

She laughs. “No, my place is here, not out there. I am not strong enough to survive the tests that are to come. But you are, I know it. Never doubt your own strength—find and use that which you suppress.” She gives me a knowing look. “Go, take some food. I will make sure no one checks on you for as long as I can. Sneak through the darkness and use the side alleys so you are not spotted. Use your magic if you must…” She turns and bustles around, gathering food before placing it in a sack and adding it to my bag before smiling at me once again. “Go now, child, run fast and hard. Do not stop until you meet your destiny…”

I nod and lean in to her, kissing her forehead. “I love you, Cook, my mother.”

I rush to the door, knowing if I do not, I will fall to a sobbing mess in her arms. Ripping it open, I pause as the cold wind hits me and turn back once more to meet her eyes. “Thank you.”

“One day, you will save us all,” she whispers before turning away.

I rush out into the garden and, following her advice, I use the shadows of the house, not the road. I slip around the manors and houses, avoiding patrols and freezing when they pass too close, sure they will spot me, but the Great Mother is with me tonight.

When I reach the slums, I burst into action, racing through the dirt towards the forest. I hear a call and almost stumble as I look over my shoulder.


They spot me, and leading the pack is the captain. How did they know I was gone so fast? Please, let Cook be okay! I turn and speed up, but I feel them hurrying towards me, moving faster than I am, their magic poised to grab me.

But then something amazing happens.

Changelings, lower fae, and all my friends down here rush from their huts despite the late hour. Some look confused, but when they spot me fleeing, they turn, and without hesitation, form a line.

Between the guards and me.

At the center is the woman I healed a few days ago. She nods at me and turns. “Stand strong!” she calls.

I reach the edge of the forest, breathing heavily, and glance back to see the guards clashing with the lower fae, attacking them to get through. I feel their pain and falter, wanting to go back and heal them, when that wind pushes me into the trees again, urging me on.

I swallow back tears at leaving those who clearly need me, but I don’t want to ignore their sacrifice, so I head into the dark woods.

Into the wild, magic infused forest.



At first, I stumble through the trees before my body starts to glow with my power, easing my way. I go slow, wary of the monsters and magic here, but when I feel the guards trooping into the forest, I push myself forward.

They are risking everything to come after me, but I can feel the queen’s magic with them. They won’t let me go. With a scream of frustration, I force myself to move faster.

I grip my bag as I move as quickly as I can. Branches snap over my arms and face, my blood coating leaves as I run. But they are drawing closer, I can feel it now.

The hunt.

The monsters and the guards are coming for me, drawn by the power. I will never escape them like this. The wind comes again, pushing me to the right. I follow it gladly, my body aching as I force myself faster and faster.

I cry out in pain as something stabs into my side, but I ignore it and continue on until I spy a river ahead. I skid the last few feet before stopping, blood dripping to the ground below, giving me away.

Lungs screaming, I kneel and stare at the dark water of the river. I know if I follow it, I can get away. They won’t be able to track me, even their magic won’t work in it. It’s nature’s washing machine, after all. A pure source of magic, and the people…my people hunting me will lose me in the azure waters. I just have to get far enough away.

Gripping my long, ice-coloured hair, I secure it back quickly with a branch to stop it from hitting me as I glance over my shoulder, noting the distance I’ve covered. I can hear them coming, the wild beasts they ride loud and thunderous miles away as they try to catch up—the horns of the hunt blaring.

With a scream of protest, I throw myself into the river and let it carry me away…






Something wakes me. I feel better, stronger, though my shoulder still twinges…but what roused me? Blinking, I stretch and let out a yawn before starting back through the forest, but something urges me to run. To explore.

It’s a call almost, and I am helpless to resist, my wolf pulling me in that direction, knowing something I do not.

The moon is full, breaking through the trees as I run, my four paws eating the distance quickly. My howl of anger fills the night, warning all others away—not that they tend to live around here anyway. This part of the world is empty except for me and the fae, who are hundreds of miles away.

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