Home > Crush (Crave #2)(104)

Crush (Crave #2)(104)
Author: Tracy Wolff

   And the game is on.

   The girl runs for about ten seconds, and then she just disappears.

   “Where’d she go?” I demand, leaning forward and searching the field—like every other person in the entire arena.

   “Watch and see,” Hudson repeats, which is absolutely no help at all. I turn to Jaxon, but he’s shouting encouragement to his friends.

   Seconds later, the girl pops back up—all the way at the opposite end of the field from where she needs to be to win.

   “Portals are a real bitch,” Xavier says with a shake of his head. “Especially since her team isn’t anywhere near her—”

   He breaks off as Luca fades across the field to her in less than the blink of an eye. She tosses him the comet, and he fades right back to the other end of the field.

   Except one of the dragons from Cam’s team is there waiting, and as soon as he gets close, she sends a stream of fire at him that has him jerking to the right to avoid her…and falling straight into another portal.

   This time, he pops up several seconds later at center field with the ball glowing bright red. He sends it soaring up and over to Rafael, who jumps to get it—but misses when one of the wolves intercepts it and takes off right back down the field.

   “This is unbelievable!” I shout to be heard above the crowd, and everyone on my team grins at me.

   “You haven’t seen anything yet,” Hudson says. “This is just the beginning.”

   “What does that even mean?” I ask, right before Rafael and a vampire from the other team fade straight at each other.

   They collide with a huge thump that can be heard around the stadium, then go down in a tangle of limbs and fangs. Rafael pops up seconds later with the ball and disappears into another portal.

   The game goes on like this for the next twenty minutes, until Kali finally crosses the finish line, the ball burning bright red in her hand.

   The crowd goes wild, and I slump back in my seat, already worn out just from the adrenaline pumping through me.

   “That was the most intense thing I’ve ever seen,” I tell Jaxon, who grins at me.

   “Just wait,” he says as he leans forward to drop a kiss on my lips that makes me really, really uncomfortable, considering everyone who is watching.

   “For what?” I ask. “I thought the match was over.”

   “For our turn,” Eden answers for him. “If you think watching is intense, just wait until you’re on the field.”

   I know she’s right, and I can’t help wondering what it’s going to feel like, though I don’t want to ask.

   Hudson answers anyway. “Like you’re caught in the middle of a tornado. Everything goes really slow and also superfast at the same time. And you’re just along for the ride, waiting to see what part of the storm is going to kick the shit out of you.”

   A whole new flush of adrenaline surges through me. “Which part usually does the kicking?”

   “In my experience?” he asks, brows raised.

   “Yeah. I mean, who do I need to watch out for?”

   “The dragons,” he answers with a disgusted shake of his head. “It’s always the bloody dragons who have the most tricks up their sleeves.”






Now You See Me,

Now You Don’t



   By the time our turn comes an hour later, I’m about to jump out of my skin.

   “Break a wing,” Hudson tells me as we head down to the waiting area while the refs and teachers reset the field, realigning the portals to come out different places than they did in the previous games, so that no one who’s been trying to keep track has any extra advantage.

   “Excuse me?” I answer, super offended. “Why would you wish that on me right before I go out to play the most important game of my life? Especially when I need to fly?”

   He laughs. “I meant it in the break-a-leg context,” he tells me with a shake of his head.

   “Well, maybe be more specific next time,” I answer. “Because it sounded like you meant it in the break-a-hip context.”

   “What are you, ninety?”

   “What are you?” I snipe back. “Three hundred?”

   “Age is just a number,” he answers with a sniff.

   “Yeah, that’s what I thought.” I roll my eyes.

   “Don’t be nervous,” Jaxon says, taking my hand and squeezing it so tightly that I’m not sure he hasn’t broken something.

   “I don’t think I’m the only one who’s nervous here,” I tease.

   “Just excited.” He grins. “I can’t believe I’m actually going to play Ludares. This is going to be so kick-ass.”

   My chest squeezes as I remember the Jaxon everyone knew before I got to Katmere. So certain he couldn’t show an ounce of joy or weakness for fear a war among the species might break out. I’d forgotten this was the first time he’d allowed himself to compete.

   “I know, right?” I start to say more, but Flint is in the middle of his team-captain-slash-cheerleader tour, where he gives every player a clap on the back and some encouraging words, and apparently it’s Jaxon’s and my turn.

   “You’ve got this, okay?” he tells us. “Jaxon, don’t be afraid to shake this shit up, literally, and you—” He gives me a mock-serious look that has me struggling to keep a straight face. “You just get up in the air and fly your little heart out. You’re our secret weapon. Every other team only has two flyers, but we’ve got three—four if you count Jaxon.”

   “Yes, by all means, count the blimp,” Hudson drawls.

   Stop it, I hiss, but honestly, it takes every ounce of self-control I have not to laugh. Which only encourages Hudson more.

   “Too bad there’s a roof on this place. If we were lucky, he could just float away.”

   Stop, I say again as we start to walk out onto the field. I actually have to pay attention now.

   “Okay, okay.” He stops at the sidelines and watches as we head, single file, onto the field. We’re almost to the purple line when he calls, “Hey, Grace?”

   “Yeah?” I turn toward him instinctively.

   He gives me a little chin nod. “Break a hip.”

   I burst out laughing all over again, and as I do, my stomach unclenches and the last of my nerves dissolve.

   This time it’s Aiden who marches onto the field with us and takes his place in the box. He’s a lot more serious than the other members of the Circle—though not quite as serious as Cyrus—so there are no encouraging smiles from the dragon and no wishing of luck.

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