Home > Shadow Seeker : The Crow Haven Series(21)

Shadow Seeker : The Crow Haven Series(21)
Author: Michelle Areaux

I knew it was wrong of me to use guilt to get my way, but it was the only way to divert her from the real truth.

“Lizzie, you are like me. You are special, just in a different kind of way. Seeing Ghosts and dealing with the afterlife isn’t something I ever wished on you. But, you can sense spirits and that, in itself, makes you unique,” she said, sighing.

Nodding, I couldn’t help but chuckle. “Yeah, I’m definitely something.”

Mom's eyes turned to tiny slits as she stared at me in confusion. I was starting to act weird and I needed to reign it all back in. “Well, I think you are special,” she said.

I nodded awkwardly as I picked at my nails. “Thanks.”

“You know, Lizzie, another idea would be to research this town. I’ve found that sometimes when searching for something important, it helps to dive into the history of what you are searching,” she added, quirking her brows at me.

“I will talk with Ace and Maylee. Maybe they can help me.”

“I think that’s a great idea,” she said.

“I’m going to go check the attic,” I said, jumping up and heading toward the stairs.

“Ok, well if you need me, just let me know,” mom yelled, as I began bounding up the stairs two at a time.

I made it upstairs and then found the door at the end of the hall that led to the attic. Creaking, the door welcomed me with a musty wave as I began walking up the wooden steps.

I could see a stream of light filtering in through a small window; but other than that, it was almost pitch black.

The old floorboards creaked under each step, alerting the world of spiders and dust to my presence. I found the cord for the lone light and pulled, allowing the room to become bright once again.

Boxes lined the walls and old furniture had sheets draped over them. It appeared to be an ordinary attic, but something deep inside of me knew there was more lurking in here. This house held too much history for there not to be something up here. If my aunt had the necklace, she would have left it somewhere to be found. While I had only met my great Aunt Morgan a few times, but her angelic magical qualities always shined and radiated with me. She was the person who had taught my mom all about being a Mediator. She had led her to uncovering her real truth-- never just handing it over like a gift.

So, I knew that whatever I was meant to find, would be up in this attic. Waiting for me to find like the hidden gem it was.

Moving slowly, my eyes roamed over every inch of the space. Most of the boxes were labeled and contained kitchen items and old blankets. As I reached the back of the attic, I found a small leather jewelry box. Kneeling down, I placed my hands on the warm leather, feeling the course, slick material under my fingertips.

It was cracking from age, but the structure of the box was still good. I turned the box over in my hands, my heart rate picking up as I realized I may have just found the necklace.

Slowly, I lifted the silver clasp and opened the box. Only, to my dismay, there wasn’t a necklace to be found. Instead, I found a stack of paper.

Feeling deterred, I fell back on my behind and allowed my head to fall against the wall.

“That wasn’t what I was expecting,” I spoke to myself, my own voice sounding strange in the confined space.

I lifted the papers and noticed the yellow stains from age. Unfolding one, I realized it was a letter. The ink had faded over time, but it was still readable.


My dearest Elizabeth,

If you are reading this letter, I have passed from this earth. By now, you have realized the truth of who you are. Just as your mother once did as a teenager, you will have to decode the mysteries of your own life. I wish that I could have given you more information, but the order of the paranormal world prohibits us from telling you too much. We are all meant to uncover our own realities and the real truth about who and what we are. For you, the answer to your safety will come when you find the Crows necklace. It will provide you safety against those that seek to harm you. The necklace is hidden in a very special place on this property. Once you uncover its hiding spot, place the necklace around your neck and never, never take it off. The answers you seek are near. Have faith in yourself.

All my love,

Great Aunt Morgan


Each word seemed to jump out from the page as my eyes scanned over them again. Shaking my head, I held in a raging scream. Why did everything have to be so confusing? If I needed the necklace for my own protection, why hide it? Was someone else looking for it? My head was full of a raging hurricane.

Suddenly, my phone pinged from inside of my pocket. Taking it out, I saw the glowing message on my screen.


Ace: I’m out by the pond.


Perfect timing, now I had to go deal with training with Ace. I quickly typed a response and then placed the box under my shirt. I was going to take the box and the notes and hide them away in my room until I found a way to tell my mom.


Me: Be right there.


I left the attic and made a quick stop to my bedroom where I hid the box under my bed. Once downstairs again, I passed my mom on my way to the back door.

“Hey, I didn’t find anything in the attic, except for some old blankets and quilts. I might use one on my bed,” I lied.

“Oh, that’s a nice idea,” mom noted, only taking her eyes off the television to offer me a smile.

“Maylee texted while I was in the attic. I am going to meet her and Ace to hang out,” I added.

“Ok, well please be home for dinner. You have been gone most of the weekend,” she said, a slight hint of sadness in her voice.

She was right. I wasn’t used to being gone so much, I was sure it was difficult on my parents.

“I will,” I said, waving as I took off toward the back of the house.

Once outside, I took in a large gulp of fresh air. The sky was still dreary and overcast, but the coolness of the breeze felt nice against my heated skin. I briskly walked toward the pond, like I was a woman on a mission.

In no time, I saw the tall grass lining the pond and standing like a gift from the gods above, was Ace.

It was disturbing how someone so brash and impolite could appear so angelic.

It was like a curse.

My eyes couldn’t stray away from him, no matter how much I fought with myself, I just couldn't look away from him.

“Took you long enough,” Ace scowled, as I approached him.

Seems like our nice conversation from earlier was just a fluke. He was back to being rude again.

“Sorry, I was just searching for the necklace that will save my life,” I snapped, rolling my eyes.

“Did you find it?” he asked, stepping forward. There was an intense need in his eyes and I found myself getting lost in them.

“Oh, now you are interested. Now, it’s ok that I am late,” I teased sarcastically.

Shaking his head, Ace’s jaw drew tight as he bit back his own snarky comment. “Look, now is not the time to fight. If you found the necklace, that will be huge.”

Sighing, I shook my head. “No, I didn’t find it. But, I did find a letter from my great Aunt Morgan. Apparently, she hid the necklace somewhere on her property,” I finished, looking around.

This land was expansive, it would take us forever to search for it.

Ace’s eyes followed mine as I glanced out over the rolling hills. “Well, at least we know where to look,” he said, sounding strangely hopeful.

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