Home > Adapt Or Be Crushed(20)

Adapt Or Be Crushed(20)
Author: Sarah Noffke

Sophia paused and tilted her chin to the side. “Armor? We have that.”

“You do, but you need something better. Stronger.” Mae Ling continued to stroll. Sophia hurried to catch up with her.

“Stronger,” Sophia stated. “Like, better than the steel top that I wear in most battles?”

“Yes, and much lighter and flexible,” Mae Ling answered. “Oh, and something for the dragons too.”

Sophia glared at the secretive woman. “I don’t suppose you’re going to offer up the reason that we need this new armor?”

Mae Ling’s brown eyes dazzled when she smiled. “Find someone who can make you this armor. The reason will become clear later. No need to worry about a battle before it’s here. Spend your energy preparing.”

Sophia let out a breath and nodded obediently. “It’s easier than it used to be to shove the worries of upcoming dangers out of my mind and focus on the present moment.”

Mae Ling gave her an appreciative expression. “That will serve you well all your life. Try and always be in the present moment. No need to time travel into the future or the past. One is set and the other is constantly in motion, so the best place for a sane mind is in the here and now.”

Sophia found herself laughing. “I’m not sure I have much of a sane mind anymore or ever did, but I’ll still follow your advice.”

“And that’s why I keep giving it to you freely,” Mae Ling stated. “Although you’re never obligated to do so. I’m simply a guide.”

“I’m not sure why anyone wouldn’t follow their fairy godmother’s advice,” Sophia imparted.

“Well, it happens all the time for various reasons,” Mae Ling explained. “Sometimes people need to figure things out on their own. Or they don’t want things to go right. Or they would rather break the world than fix it. You are rare, Sophia, in that you seek the best for yourself, your own and your world.”

This made Sophia shake her head. “I have a hard time believing that most don’t want solutions or a better world.”

“And that’s exactly why you’re in the position that you are,” Mae Ling said with confidence. “You believe in a world that doesn’t yet exist, but I’m certain if people like you keep coming into power then it could. I hope it does one day. It would make our jobs as fairy godmothers easier.”

Sophia and Mae Ling walked in silence for a long moment. The dragonrider found the experience very calming. It was exactly what she needed as she tried to wrap her mind around the new problems at the Gullington. The robot spy bugs buzzed by them every so often. After a while, Sophia sighed, realizing it was time she left.

“You’ll let me know when you have information on the sheep?” she asked Mae Ling.

“Of course,” the small woman answered. “And you know where to go for this armor?”

Sophia smiled. “Yes, I know exactly who to ask. Let’s hope he can fit it into his busy schedule.”

Mae Ling flashed her a knowing look. “One day, you’re going to realize how important you are and that anyone will drop anything to help you.”

“I hope I don’t,” Sophia said honestly. “That doesn’t seem very humble.”

The fairy godmother nodded. “Never change, Sophia Beaufont. You were created perfect and somehow keep getting better.”



Chapter Thirty-Seven



Roya Lane was bustling with life when Sophia stepped through the portal. She made a beeline for Silk Armor, but the universe obviously had other plans for her than seeing Jeremy Bearimy right away.

As Sophia strode down the busy street, she watched as a familiar figure stuck out their leg as if trying to trip her. She halted right in front of the baker assassin propped up against the brick wall and rolled her eyes.

“Lee, is that seriously your attempt to try and trip me?” Sophia glared at the woman.

“It wasn’t a real attempt or you’d be on your back.” Lee pulled her leg in and stood straight, towering over Sophia. “I was messing with you. Believe me, if I wanted to, I would have swept your legs out from under you.”

“I invite you to try on our next meeting,” Sophia challenged.

“Okay, but I’m not dragging your butt to Magical Urgent Care,” Lee stated. “I’m not allowed in that place after what happened in there the last time. Well, and the time before that. And before that.”

“Did it involve bringing your wife in there with multiple injuries that looked strangely like you were trying to murder her?”

Lee nodded. “Can I help it if that woman is a complete klutz? I swear, sometimes I think she throws herself down the stairs just to make others suspicious.”

“Weren’t you putting an extra coat of wax on the stairs the last time I was at the Crying Cat Bakery?” Sophia asked.

“I like them shiny,” Lee stated. “And that’s what the railing is for. If Cat simply held onto it instead of clutching a glass of wine and a cigarette, then she’d catch herself.”

“Although this conversation is intriguing, I need to be on my way.” Sophia eyed the other side of the lane where the seamster’ shop was located.

“Yeah, I don’t have anything else going on today either,” Lee said, like she hadn’t heard her at all. “Want to go get drunk?”

“No, and I’m working,” Sophia answered.

“That’s what I told Cat when she assigned me chores,” Lee stated. “So should we rob someone? Maybe a gnome? Or we could go and get matching foxes. I want something to follow me around. You could name yours This and I’ll name mine That. Or something equally as cute.”

“I don’t think a fox will follow you around,” Sophia argued.

“That’s why we’ll keep a dead rat in our pockets,” Lee offered.

Sophia grimaced. “That’s gross.”

An embarrassed look crossed the woman’s face. “Oh, it is? You can’t smell anything weird on me, right?”

Sophia closed off her heightened senses, just in case. “Sorry, no time to get matching pets today. Maybe on another occasion.”

“I’m holding you to that,” Lee stated. “Oh, and I made arrangements for King Rudolf Sweetwater’s triplets’ birthday. It’s going to be special, even for the children who have everything.”

“Thanks,” Sophia responded. “That was really nice of you.”

Lee’s eyes bulged as she whipped back and forth. “Are you insane? Keep your voice down. What if someone heard you say that?”

Sophia laughed. “Then your reputation would be ruined, wouldn’t it?”

“I swear if it gets out that I’ve done nice things, I’ll have to do some bad stuff to undo people’s perception.”

“Like murder people?” Sophia asked dryly.

Lee shook her head. “No, something really bad, like litter.”

Sophia lowered her chin and gave the assassin a confused look. “That’s worse than murder?”

“Of course it is,” Lee replied. “Most won’t miss the blokes I take out. It’s more of a community service than anything. But messing with Mother Nature, now that’s awful.”

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