Home > Witch Wars (The Witches of Orkney #3)(35)

Witch Wars (The Witches of Orkney #3)(35)
Author: Alane Adams

“Silence!” Hestera snapped. “Your men failed me today. I will not forget that.”

Lord Barconian extended his hand, but the witch turned away.

“I said we would coexist, not be friends.”

“What of Vertulious?” Lord Barconian asked, withdrawing his hand.

“He is your problem to deal with now.” Hestera snapped her fingers and disappeared, leaving a cloud of purple smoke.

The other witches mounted their Omeras and took flight. The Balfin soldiers grumbled but began making their way toward the beach and the rowboats waiting to take them back to their ships.

“What will you do with him?” Abigail let the spellbook fall open a crack in her arms. “He’s still powerful—there is no prison that will hold him.”

“This one is coming with me to face trial by the gods.” Thor gripped the he-witch’s robes. “He will spend eternity regretting his actions.”

But before Thor could haul the alchemist away, Vertulious began to vaporize, disappearing in a trail of smoke into the waiting spellbook.

When he was gone, only his robe remained.

“What have you done, child?” Thor demanded.

“What needed to be done,” Abigail said, snapping the book closed. “Vertulious would never have gone willingly into the spellbook. Only the threat of you taking him to Asgard would do it.”

“But how will he face punishment now?” Thor asked.

“Oh, he’ll be punished.” She grinned. “He thinks he can control things from the spellbook, but he can’t when no one’s around to listen to him.”

She walked to the edge of the cliffs, cocked her arm back, and threw the book into the sea. A silver fin lashed in the air, and the book disappeared underwater.

“The mermaids will make sure it’s buried under a rock deep in the sea. It will be centuries before Vertulious ever sees the light of day.”

“You planned that?” Thor sounded impressed. “For a witchling, you’re rather clever.”

“I’m not sure I’m still a witchling.” Abigail watched the departing sails of the Balfin ships. “I don’t know if Madame Hestera will let me back in.”

“If not, there is always a place for you with me,” Thor said. “I owe a great debt of gratitude not only to your father but to you as well, for making sure my hammer wasn’t used in an evil way.”

“I’m sorry I tricked you,” she said.

He winked at her. “Apparently I am easily tricked. You can make up for it by promising to destroy that apple tree. Such power cannot be allowed to exist outside of my father’s walls.”

“You have my word.”

“I’ll hold you to it. Now, giant”—he turned to Utgard-Loki—“I have a thing or two to say to you.” He whistled for his goats to follow with his chariot.

“Not again.” Utgard-Loki groaned as they walked back to the sea. “My brain is very tired.”

Lord Barconian put his hand on Abigail’s shoulder. “You saved many lives today.”

“Thank you.”

“You are always welcome here.” He nodded to Abigail and Hugo and walked away toward his men.

Rego gave Abigail a quick bow. “That was some fine magic today. I hope we meet again under better circumstances.”

“Me too,” she said.

Mullet ruffled her hair, and Obie thwacked Hugo on the back. Then it was just Robert and Hugo.

“So I guess it’s goodbye,” Robert said.

Abigail smiled. “Thanks for standing up for me.”

“And me,” Hugo added.

“It’s what friends do.” He threw his arms around Abigail in an awkward hug. “I’ll miss you.”

“And I you.”

She stepped back, and Robert slapped Hugo on the shoulder. “Need to improve your sword work if you’re going to be a soldier.”

“No more soldiering for me,” Hugo said. “I’m going back to being a scientist.”

“How will you get home?” Robert asked.

“Like this.” Abigail put two fingers in her mouth and whistled.

A shadow crossed the ground as a pair of dark figures circled overhead before landing next to them.

Starfire squealed with excitement as he nuzzled Abigail, but Abigail’s eyes were on Big Mama. The proud Omera held her head high, eyes blazing with triumph. With Vertulious gone, his hold over the Omeras was over.

Abigail wrapped her arms around Big Mama’s scaly neck. “I’m sorry,” she whispered.

The Omera snuffled loudly and moaned deep in her throat, letting out the pain she had endured.

“So you’re not mad at me?” Abigail asked.

Big Mama snorted and headbutted her again.

Abigail grinned. “Good. Because we need a ride. And one for our friends.” She turned to look at the three witch-lings that huddled in a small circle.

“Friends?” Endera sniffed, folding her arms. “Don’t push it. We can make our own way back.”

“Oh, stuff it, Endera,” Nelly said. “I’m not riding on a crowded ship when I can fly on the back of that beasty.”

Starfire lowered his wing, and Nelly climbed on, followed by Glorian and lastly Endera.

The young Omera took a short hop and sped into the air. It wobbled once, then gained altitude. Nelly’s cries of excitement could be heard as Starfire wheeled out over the sea.

Abigail put a hand on Big Mama’s neck and pulled herself up. “Until the next adventure,” she said to Robert.

“Count me in.” He saluted her with his sword. “I’ll write you letters.”

She smiled. “I’d like that.”

Hugo climbed up behind Abigail, and they took off, heading for the sea.

“Hold on,” Hugo said. “Can you land on the beach?”

Abigail guided Big Mama down.

Hugo slipped off the Omera’s back and walked across the sand. “Oskar, is that you?”

From behind a rock, a boy poked his head out. “Is it over?”

“Yes, but you have to come now, or you’ll be left behind.”

“I’m not riding on that … that … beast,” he said, eyes wide with terror.

Abigail urged Big Mama closer. The Omera snapped her teeth, and the boy cowered back.

“Abigail, stop it,” Hugo said. “She won’t bite, trust me.” He climbed back onto Big Mama and held his hand out. After a moment, the boy grasped it and gingerly climbed up behind him.

“Hold on,” Abigail said. “You’re in for a wild ride.”

The Omera gathered her haunches and launched into the air. They waved goodbye to Robert as his form grew smaller and smaller until the island disappeared from view.



Chapter 30


It was evening when they landed on the shores of Balfour Island. Endera and the others flew straight to the Tarkana Fortress. Hugo and Abigail descended onto the grass in front of the Balfin School for Boys and waved grateful goodbyes to Big Mama.

“Thanks,” Oskar said, eyes downcast. “I’d appreciate it if … you don’t … that is …”

“Tell everyone how you were a solid lookout?”

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