Home > Halloween Bites(39)

Halloween Bites(39)
Author: Alexa Riley

He nods his head and relaxes his body, opening his arms and turning his head to the side, exposing his neck. It’s a position an animal would assume were they to be held down on the ground. It’s almost as if it’s a submissive pose, and it strikes me as odd. Dominic then releases him, and they get up off the ground.

I look the guy up and down and see his clothes are in about the same state as when he first walked out of the woods: torn and dirty. He looks thin too. Not gaunt like he’s at death’s door, but slim and in need of a meal.

“Would you like some cookies?” It’s comical that I would offer up food to someone who just tried to attack me, but from what Dominic said, he’d take him out if he smelled me again. And from the part of the conversation I did understand, they know one another. This night is just getting weirder and weirder.

“You should go.” I look over to Dominic, and I don’t know whether he’s talking to me or to Xavier. He looks at me, and it’s then I realize he’s telling me to go. What the hell? This is my home.

I take a step toward Xavier, and I hear Dominic growl. I don’t know what the hell is happening, but this strange guy needs something besides meth for dinner.

“Here,” I say, holding out the basket. Xavier hesitates for only a second before taking the basket from me and nodding his thanks. “Sorry, they all look like cocks. But they taste wonderful.”

He looks up from the ground, and it’s then I see his eyes are glowing as well. The sunset is doing crazy things tonight. I wonder if mine are glowing too. Xavier smiles, just briefly, and then looks away again.

“It’s not her, but I can smell what’s mine,” Xavier says, making no sense, but none of this is.

“It’s not her, so stay away from her.” Dominic’s voice sounds like he’s been eating gravel. Can anyone talk normally around here? Why does everyone growl?

“She’s not mated,” Xavier responds, but it doesn’t sound like he’s challenging him; it’s more of a question.

“Sunday.” That must be Dominic’s go-to word, because for some reason Sunday is the answer to everything around here.

I don’t know what’s happening, but I’m annoyed with Dominic. Turning to him, I put my hands on my hips and give him my best sassy stance, but he doesn’t speak. Fine. Be that way.

“I’m going inside. I’d appreciate it if we kept the fights to a minimum, or at least take them elsewhere.” I walk toward the backdoor of the bakery and pull out my keys, but I turn back in time to catch Xavier before he walks back to the woods. “Hey, anytime you need something to eat, just leave a rock on that picnic table. I’ll leave a basket out for you.” I nod to the table I have set up in case employees need to go outside for a break, or on those rare afternoons when I get to go outside and enjoy a book in the sunshine.

Dominic just stares at me, not seeming to like my offer, but Xavier bows his head in acknowledgement. Ha! Now I got a local customer! He may not pay, but I’m counting it. After a second, I go inside, locking the door behind me and walk upstairs to my bedroom. Once I’m there, I gently pull back the curtains and look down to see that both men are gone. I step back and flop down on my bed. “What the fuck was that?” I whisper to the empty room.



Chapter Four






I watch Ruby march her sexy ass inside as I try to get myself under control. The thick metal door slams behind her, hiding her perfect round ass from me. Seeing that she’s back safe in her home calms my nerves but not my wolf. He’s still on edge, wanting to break out and at least mark his mate.

My wolf wants to leave his scent on her so others will know she’s spoken for, but this is the exact reason I haven’t. My grip on him isn’t tight enough. If I could’ve just left my mark on her from the start, this wouldn’t have happened. Xavier would’ve smelled me all over her because no one mate-marks a female unless she’s going to be theirs on the next full moon. I’m sure Ruby saw the change in my eyes. She probably told herself she didn’t really see it or that it was a trick of the light.

I knew my wolf started to show the second he scented her fear from two blocks away. It took everything in me to hold my skin and not shift right in the center of Main Street. The sight of the local sheriff turning into a wolf would have sent any lingering tourists running and screaming down the street.

Taking a few deep breaths, I try to calm myself further. I want nothing more than to use the key I have in my pocket to the bakery. I kept a copy when we closed the sale; no way would my mate be living somewhere I couldn’t easily gain access to. I needed to protect her, something I’ve been doing every night since she moved in, quietly slipping in the backdoor of the bakery and sleeping at the bottom of the stairs that lead up to her room. It calms my wolf—and me—to at least be close to her scent. I’m sure Gwen smells me all over the place in here, but I don’t care; I have to be near her.

I’m running out of time, and I have no fucking clue what I’m going to do. I need to get close to her and get into her good graces because come Saturday night when the moon hits high in the sky, my wolf will take control.

But right at this second I have a more pressing issue. Looking out into the woods, I hope Xavier hasn’t gotten far. I let my wolf out a little, picking up his scent, and then I dart into the woods, hot on his trail. I’m not a half-mile in when I finally catch up to him, sitting next to a stream, his head buried in his hands. He doesn’t act like he hears me, but I know he does as I slowly walk up and sit beside him,

“I thought—” He lets his words hang in the air because they are hard to finish. I know just how hard it is.

“You thought you found her, I know.”

He turns his head and glares at me, his wolf always present in his eyes. That’s what happens when you let yourself stay in the wild too long. You become more beast than man. I’m surprised his wolf hasn’t taken him fully already, never letting the man in him break to the surface again.

“You have yours and you haven’t even marked her,” he snarls at me, clenching his jaw tightly. He’s clearly agitated that I haven’t claimed my own mate. That makes two of us.

“You know I can’t fully mate her until the full moon,” I respond in a level voice, not wanting to provoke him. It’s not fair to beat down on a broken man, even with all the aggression coursing through my body. My wolf wouldn’t even enjoy it.

“You haven’t even scented her. I smelled nothing of you on her. What if a human takes her from you?”

“They won’t. I stay close, and she’ll be mine.” I say the words through gritted teeth, thinking about some human coming and snatching her up. Another wolf wouldn’t. Wolves can only mate with fated mates; they’re the only mate a wolf wants.

His eyes narrow a little on me. “If she was mine, I would’ve taken her home, scented and marked her, and she wouldn’t be running around giving my cookies out to everyone.” I know he believes that’s true, that he could just stomp off with his mate. Maybe he could if she was a wolf like him. That would make things a whole lot easier. But what if his mate was human? Even if she wasn’t, wolves don’t like being picked up and carted away. Females hold a lot of the power when it comes to mating.

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