Home > Druid Dreams (The Chronicles of Sloane King #1)(62)

Druid Dreams (The Chronicles of Sloane King #1)(62)
Author: M.F. Adele

“I really hope the information you got was good, otherwise I’m going to be livid.” The vampire looked pointedly at me, and I shrugged as I struggled for a witty comeback. “It’s not,” is all I could manage as the laughter in the room started up again. He was there for half of my interrogation. He should know it was shit information.

After a few more minutes, we all tapered off. I wiped the tears from my eyes and battled the urge to chortle when the demon took his duster and swiped it across Novak’s face. That pissed him off, and he swung the handle end of the cleaning device at Stone. He skirted to the side away from the blow, chuckling lightly at the angry vampire.

“Okay, okay,” Stone surrendered. “I’ll stop fucking with you. Sloane, please start talking so everyone will stop looking at us like that.” He pointed to Levi’s open mouth.

“Right, so, I was able to compel Kelvin into giving me a few answers. Mostly they just lead to more questions, but this is the gist.” I took a deep breath before plunging in head-first. “The person who is behind this drug is male. He’s a fae-mage hybrid. His mother is a summer fae, and he and Kelvin were half-brothers on his father's side. He didn’t come to pick up the crystals, instead sending his half-sister, Kadence Moore, to retrieve them. He said they started testing the drug on vampires a couple weeks ago, but there hasn’t been any confirmation on that yet. Simon is looking into it now. Their father’s name is Alric Moore.”

“How do you know this guy's mother was a summer fae?” Vaughn was befuddled as he glanced around the room.

“I can explain hybrids to you,” Stone started as he ran feathers over the desk in the corner of the room. Clearly he was taking his job seriously. “When Sloane told us Kelvin was a vampire-mage hybrid, she stated it in that particular order for a reason. In the supernatural world, outside of the other realms, hybrids come in a variety of mixtures. The mother’s species is always listed first and the father's second. So, when you have a vampire-mage, you know the mother was a vampire and the father was a mage. If the species were reversed, mage-vampire, then the mother would be a mage and the father would be a vampire.” Stone finished with a shrug of his shoulder and continued dusting the surfaces around the room in his short dress.

“What does any of the other information mean to us?” Vaughn inquired.

“By having his Da's name we can look him up in the guild headquarter’s archives, but we’ll have ta travel to the guild headquarters ta do that.” Palmer didn’t look happy about the possibility of going to Belfast.

“Right, but we also have his sister’s name,” I reminded him. “And we know she’s a part of this too. Before we look for Alric Moore, we need to find Kadence and put a stop to the shitstorm she’s going to cause with the vampires.” It was a logical move. Baton Rouge was closer and easier to travel to. I needed to check up on the coven council as well, since my father wasn’t back yet. I needed to call Papi, too, and tell him everything that’s gone on.

“That’s a solid start. I already know a little about Kadence Moore, but you aren’t going to like it.” Novak stopped pretending to dust the computer monitors to face me fully. It was hard to take them seriously in those outfits. I smiled at him. “Don’t start.” He pointed his duster at me, feathers first. I covered my face with my hands to smother fresh giggles. “Anyway, I think Kelvin was her twin brother, or that’s what I heard. She’s on the coven council. Has been for decades. She’s anti-Sloane when it comes to Nathaniel stepping down, so she’ll definitely be an issue if that’s where we’re headed. She is a crazy cunt.” He emphasized the last sentence in a deeper voice than his usual smooth tone. I didn’t like the thought of going in unprepared. That wasn’t enough information about her.

“We’ll have Samuel and Charles meet us in Baton Rouge. Jack and Grim, too. She won’t be able to contest my position. I outrank her as coven heiress. If she wants the position, then she’ll have to challenge me just like an alpha fight.” I felt comfortably secure in my ebony tower, I could admit that. She wouldn’t win, though. I refused to lose. “The rules are different, but the outcome will be the same. If she challenges me, then she’ll die. If she’s behind this fucking drug being leaked to vampires, then she’ll stand trial, with me as her judge. If she’s found guilty, then she’ll die by my hands with the same audience.” I was indifferent about the outcome. If she was anti-Sloane, then she’d eventually be on the receiving end of my special brand of punishment, regardless of her affiliation with the epidemic.

“You sound pretty sure of yourself,” Levi commented.

I shot him a fang-filled, lethal grin. “I might not be the villain, but I’m the antihero of this story, Levi. My kill list is a mile long. I’ve been trained to use more weapons than I can count. I am the biggest, baddest predator on the planet. I’m not even bragging about that - it’s just a fact.” I retracted my fangs and stood. As I walked to the corner of the room to grab a laptop, I spoke softly. “If I seem sure of myself, it’s because I am.” I looked pointedly at him. “I’m faster, stronger, and smarter than she is. I’m an impossible combination of supernatural strengths. I’ve been molded for these kinds of fights my entire life. The supernatural world works very differently than the human world around us. Right now, you’re in a room full of future leaders.”

I let that sink in as I opened the laptop. I wanted to keep track of all the information we’d gathered so I didn’t lose any with the coming mess. Palmer took it from me and began typing everything out. The shifter was deep in thought and hadn’t said a word since before Stone and Novak had walked in. “What are you thinking about, Briggs?”

“I’m thinking about this: Why did a summer fae breed with a species other than their own? How many offspring does this Alric guy have out there? Where should we start looking to find this mysterious hybrid male? Who could be behind the shifters that were introduced to the drug? A drug that needs a name, by the way.” Briggs ticked his questions off his fingers until he was sitting with only his middle finger in the air. “And, what can we do from here?”

He had many good points, and he was right. Those were questions that needed answers. I didn’t have them, though. “We’ll begin by looking for Kadence Moore. It’s the easiest starting point. Finding out who gave the drugs to the shifters will be difficult, but we could follow that path next. There’s no way to know for certain how many children Alric has sired. Some of them may not be registered. I’ve never heard of a summer fae mingling outside their race, much less with a different species. I have no idea how to find someone that I know next to nothing about. We can’t do shit from here tonight.” That summed up all that I knew about his questions.

I wasn’t happy about the unknown, but I was glad that I didn’t have to walk through it alone. It had taken me no time at all to grow attached to having these guys around, and that scared me. Except York. I still wanted to throttle him into next week. I knew that feeling would change soon, and we’d eventually fall back into the easy contentment that we had before. I just wanted to be mad at him for a little longer. It was going to take more than a few hours for me to look at him and not feel my chest being ripped open. I understood why he didn’t tell me what was going on. What I cannot comprehend is how he thought that was the best decision he could make.

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