Home > The Princess & The Player (Royally Pitched #1)(21)

The Princess & The Player (Royally Pitched #1)(21)
Author: J. Santiago

“Is any of your family coming?”

His disappointment faded. “Just one of my sisters.”

Ele scooted up. Taking the sheet with her, she held it to her chest and sat up. “Six sisters, you said. How did they choose who gets to come?”

“We plan to be here for the duration. Everyone should get a chance.” He gave her a jaunty grin. “But really, Sheena is my best mate.”

“Like me and Jamie.”

“Aye. But we can go places together,” he teased.


He liked her quick wit and easy nature. She surprised him as she handled his teasing with natural aplomb, except of course if it was about her sexual history. But fair enough.

“So, if you are busy tomorrow and I am occupied the two days after, then we play the following day. We are thinking we’ll see each other three days from now.”

“I hadn’t actually counted, but that seems right.” She snuggled into his side again, draping her limbs across him. “Seems an awfully long time when you lay it out like that. Bloody football matches.”

“Bloody football matches? Really? Bloody football matches?” He flipped her on her back, pinning her arms with his hands at her wrists. “Blasphemy, Your Highness.”

His mouth landed on her collarbone, lightly rubbing his stubbled jaw against it. She squirmed, laughter spilling from her lips.

“Someone’s ticklish,” he said with a wicked chuckle.

Ele laughed louder, practically thrashing in an attempt to move away from him. “Tristan,” she managed to gasp between giggles.

Relentless, he continued to stroke the indentation along her shoulder, causing her to squeal with hilarity and delight. Distantly, Tristan heard a thump and then footsteps before the bedroom door flung open. He released Ele, flipped, and yanked the comforter over her, hiding her from view. He looked across the room at a frantic, red-faced Robert.

“Your Highness,” Robert said, his tone clipped, “is everything okay?”

Ele giggled once more before clearing her throat. With a blush staining her cheeks, her hair wild around her face, and a somewhat sheepish grin, she peered up at Robert. “I apologize. Everything is fine.”

Maybe it was for Ele, but Tristan was pissed. He glared at Robert, who didn’t appear to be the least bit alarmed by the obvious anger radiating from him.

“You should probably leave,” Tristan snapped.

Robert met Tristan’s glare with one of his own and planted his feet, appearing to grow even larger.

“Robert,” Princess Eleanor interrupted, “close the door on your way out.”

“Yes, Your Highness,” Robert said. Bowing to his charge, he turned to leave but not before shooting a withering look at Tristan.

When they were alone, Ele sat up, pulling the sheet with her. She placed a hand on Tristan’s rigid back, his muscles coiled tight. The tension faded, and he dragged his gaze from the door and met hers.

“Robert is always going to protect me.”

When Tristan opened his mouth to express his annoyance at Robert’s interruption, Ele held up her hand. She was still in tiara mode, and her sheer power in the moment was both intoxicating and intimidating.

“It doesn’t matter who you are outside this room, in here, with me, you are subject to invasions of privacy, being viewed as a potential threat and security risk, and always”—she paused, emphasizing her point—“always second to the duty of my team and the crown.” She leaned forward and kissed him, an attempt to soothe. “Do not ever tell Robert what to do. He does not play nice when it comes to me. It’s apparent he likes you, and he knows you make me happy. It’s the only thing that saved you today.”

Tristan was not soothed. Her little speech served to piss him off even more.

“I’m going to go.” He climbed out of bed and located his hoodie. When he pulled it over his head, he looked back to where Ele sat, motionless. “I guess I’ll see you in a couple of days.” He returned to the bed and leaned in to kiss her forehead. Then, he walked slowly to the door.

“Good luck.”

He looked back to acknowledge her and got tripped up on the sight. Just a moment before, she had been Princess Ele. Now, with his abrupt departure, she looked like she was just a girl being left after a row with a guy she’d shagged. And he was sorry.

But he wasn’t sorry enough to turn around and make it better because, while he sympathized with the girl, he was pissed at the princess.






19 June


The Michigan Inn

“Your Highness, the prince is calling for you,” Millie announced as Ele turned back to face the mirror.

Beatrix paused in her ministrations, meeting Ele’s gaze.

“Would you like me to come back after your call?” Her stylist picked up a clip from the vanity and placed it where she had been working, so she could finish when Ele completed her call.

“Yes, please,” Ele said, holding out her hand for the iPad.

Millie gave it to her, and Ele waited for the room to clear. She perched the device against the mirror and dropped her chin onto her fist.

“Hello, Jamie,” she said.

He was dapper in a navy-blue sport coat and gold tie, his dark hair styled just right. Ele missed him so fiercely at the moment, and she frowned.

He smiled at her, and then he paused and narrowed his eyes. “What’s the matter?”

“Nothing,” she assured, schooling her features. Sometimes, she hated technology. “Busy day?”

He practically scoffed. “Aren’t they all?” That earned him a genuine smile. “Ah, there she is,” he teased. “Seriously, Ele, twin telepathy kicked in. What happened?”

“If your sixth sense was that good, you would have called last night,” she quipped.

“Did something happen with the boy already?”

That he knew about Tristan and his presence in her hotel suite last night had been expected. Robert didn’t necessarily report to James, but there was a dotted line of responsibility, and Robert took his duty seriously. She was sure he hadn’t revealed any details, but he would have reported Tristan’s presence.

“Our lives happened.” She pursed her lips, trying hard not to elicit a full-blown pout.

“Well, that’s ominous. Tell me.”

Ele’s cheeks heated. She couldn’t believe she was about to discuss this with her brother, but she wasn’t ready to share it with Millie, and she would never reveal any of her personal life to Juliana.

She ducked, placing her forehead on her fists, and spoke to the table below her, “We were messing around; he was tickling me actually.” She didn’t try to stop the smile.

She was hurt and angry about the way he’d left, but it was still one of the best nights she’d ever enjoyed. Every thought of Tristan in her bed heated and loosened her body.

“Ele, I can hardly hear you. Buck up.”

Lifting her head, she continued, “I was making a lot of noise, laughing, maybe a shriek even.”

“Oh.” Jamie nodded, already understanding what might have occurred. “Robert?”


“Our lives happened,” he repeated with a sympathetic grin.

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