Home > Tail 'Em(27)

Tail 'Em(27)
Author: Sam Hall

“You want answers? Let me show you.”

He waited for several heartbeats, watching my eyes go wide as he pushed my shirt up and over my breasts, then my bra was tugged down until my nipples were bared, pulling tight in the cool air and under his burning gaze.

“So beautiful…” he hissed, then swiped the flat of his tongue up and over one peak.

Jeeesus. I’d heard plenty of stories about Jai’s proficiency in the bedroom, read scrawled odes to his cock on the stall in the ladies’ toilets, but those women needed to develop their vocabulary. It was like I could feel every little studded taste bud on his tongue softly abrading my skin, sensitising it and making it ache. I felt his chuckle as I grabbed the back of his head, not letting him pull away, but he had no intention of doing so.

His cunning tongue traced the circle of my areola, moving in increasing smaller rotations, my fingers tightening until I pulled at his scalp, until flick. He sent the aching tip bouncing, then just as I gasped, pulled my nipple into his mouth.

I must have hurt him, as my fingers turned to claws and raked across his scalp and shoulders so hard that he pulled away, rearing up, but he grinned. “That’s right,” he said, reaching for my hand and dragging the nails across his chest, leaving reddish lines in their wake. “Mark me. Make me yours.”

And that’s where things got a little savage. The rabbit had teeth apparently, if you got her hot and bothered enough. Jai feasted on my body, sucking one aching breast and then the other, until I was letting out long drawn out growls, my nails clogged with his skin.

“Now you’re gonna see,” he said, pulling away, walking his fingers down my stomach and tracing my belly button before stopping at my waistband. “Last chance.”

“What? The big bad wolf gonna eat me all up? I thought…”

I was being cheeky, but my words died as I saw his smile. It was hot and sly, promising me one thousand and one pleasures, if I just gave in. But those teeth were sharp, too sharp, and there were too many of them, white and shining in the moonlight.

“Jai?” I heard the waver in my voice, and so did he, my heartbeat running like a bloody rabbit’s.

“Shh…” he said, unbuttoning my jeans and sliding them down my hips. I should have wriggled free, rolled off the bed, grabbed my gear, and ran, but when had I ever been sensible when it came to Jai? Instead, I spread my legs, inviting the predator in. And like any good monster, his eyes shone silver as he stared at his prey.

“So pretty…” he said, brushing the backs of his fingers along my seam, my skin roaring to life in response. The flesh he’d bruised so sweetly with his jeans clad cock flowered under his touch, swelling, slickening. I frowned at that, feeling a gush of fluid, but as if he’d anticipated that, his thumb slid slowly up the entire hood of my clit. My cunt spasmed weakly, as if expecting to be filled and somehow disappointed it wasn’t. With each contraction, I could feel another trickle of fluid.


I struggled to get up, some of the lovely, hot feeling washing away as I felt liquid dripping from me. Had I…?

“It’s OK, love. This is the way it’s supposed to be.” He brought his slick fingers to his mouth and licked them slowly, like they were some kind of high-end ice cream or something. He looked like a naughty little boy, caught with a treat and… Those eyes shone silver and opaque, like he was a monster that was going to eat me all up. “Fuck…” he groaned. “Your scent is deepening.” His hands went around my thighs, and he yanked me closer, spreading me wide. Part of me recoiled. This wasn’t my gentle boy under the gum trees. But I wasn’t a kid anymore either. He shot me one last look, giving me one final out, but my hand whipped out, pressing his head down.

“Yes, Shan…” he mumbled into my thigh, and then his tongue flicked out.

I had a love-hate relationship with being eaten out. It was the sweetest, loveliest of sensations that almost broke my heart with the right guy, but it was often not enough. I needed something more, harder, rougher to get off. Well, I needn’t have worried. His tongue was cunning and quick, flicking my sensitive nub until my poor, punch-drunk little clit started pulsing with waves of gentle pleasure that should have heralded a weak orgasm, but that wasn’t about to happen. His insistent fingers took over, sliding my hood back and forth, making the pleasure spike but not climax.

“Fuck…your taste,” he groaned before spearing his tongue inside me.

My fingers dug into the sheets as I writhed around on the bed. I felt full of his mobile, wriggling tongue, the pressure of his mouth, his lips, his nose driving me insane. I made inarticulate cries to dark gods, having no idea what they’d do for me. I had to be drowning Jai, as I could feel gushes of liquid pouring out of me, but he seemed to drink it down and come back for more.

When my cries had gone hoarse and ragged, he relented, pulling back and sliding a finger into me, followed by another, then another. Maybe there was more, I couldn’t tell. I was on fire, a scrambling, wild thing. I bore down on his hand as he thrust his fingers into me, something deep inside me needing the stretch.

“That’s it, Shan. Open up for me, love. Take me deep.”

There was something in those words, something I should have been paying attention to, but I didn’t. My brain was one big screaming cry for completion. I needed to come, my spine ached with it. I panted wildly, fighting for breath and… Jai felt amazing, but that wasn’t it.

“More…” I croaked out, but for what, I didn’t know.

But Jai did. His grin was wicked and sharp as he bent low over me. Another finger slipped inside me, the sounds they made as they moved making me cringe, but only for a moment. His lips closed over my clit, sucking it hard as his fingers curled up.

“Oh god…” I kept panting that over and over as he moved, my eyes snapping open as it came. I thought I’d come before but I had no fucking idea, the experience so different as to need another name. I screamed it all out, the need, the pleasure and the pain of today, all of it like Jai did when he came sniffing around my door at night. The moon watched me fall to pieces, and I felt like a great soft mess as I yielded to Jai’s insistent movements. The pleasure kept rising, cresting and coming apart, only to do the same again and again, until finally, I was sobbing no more.

I came thudding back to earth in a soggy puddle. Tears leaked out my ears, moisture painted my thighs and seeped out of me. Had I…? Was this what girls meant about female ejaculation? I looked up gingerly, every damn muscle aching, as if I’d just performed some sort of heroic feat. And I guess I had. That wasn’t an orgasm, it was a nuclear fucking holocaust. And out of it rose a triumphant Jai, licking his fingers like a cat would. I reached for a T-shirt, a towel, or something to wipe it away, secretly horrified at the mess I’d created on his bed. Avoiding the wet spot would be impossible when it was the size of an Olympic pool. His hand slapped down on my thigh when I moved, forcing me to stay still. I just stared when he bent down, licking me clean with economical movements.

There was something sweet and hot and all too much about it. My vagina was still reeling, but I still moaned softly as he worked.

“Your slick is mine, Shannon. You don’t waste it on a rag,” he said when he was finally finished.

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