Home > A Growl, a Roar, and a Purr(17)

A Growl, a Roar, and a Purr(17)
Author: K.C. Wells

“So that’s it? You just accept that he’s your mate? You don’t question it? He fits into your life, and you assume everything is going to be hunky-dory?”

Horvan turned his head slowly to face Crank. “How can I explain this to you? Yes, he’s my mate, but… I don’t know him—yet. I look forward to finding stuff out about him. I know I’m gonna love him—that’s a given—but I have the rest of my life to work out why he’s perfect for me.”

“Wait—you know you’re gonna love him?” Crank gaped. “Whoa. This is—”

“Tell me about it.” This whole state of affairs was still making Horvan’s head spin. “And as for accepting the situation and not questioning it….” He smiled. “It’s pretty difficult to doubt it when I can hear his thoughts in my head, and he can hear mine.” He could imagine how that was going to go down.

Roadkill gaped. “Seriously? There’s some kind of telepathic link between you?” His eyes widened. “That is so freaking cool.” Then his expression softened. “You’re really worried about Dellan, aren’t you?”

Horvan let out a heavy sigh. “Yeah, I am. We both are.” He told them about Rael’s nightmare. “If he’s right, Dellan is getting weaker. I think what Rael fears most is that Dellan might totally lose the ability to shift. Worse, he might lose his humanity, and we’d never get him back.”

“Do you have any idea as to why he’s stuck as a tiger?” Crank asked.

“None whatsoever. But once we get him out of there, I want answers.” Horvan glanced at Roadkill. “I’ll need you for that part.”

Roadkill frowned. “Me?”

Horvan nodded. “To fetch Doc Tranter. He might know what’s wrong.”

Roadkill gaped at him. “Doc Tranter.” He expelled a breath. “Oh my God. The doc is a shifter too, isn’t he? How many of you are there?”

“I have no idea. My parents didn’t know much either, beyond the basics. I had so many questions growing up. Where do we come from? How long have we been around? How many different kinds of shifters are there? Only there were no answers.” It felt like there was a gaping hole in his life. Horvan hated knowing nothing of his origins.

Roadkill coughed. “Can I be practical for a moment? If Rael turned up yesterday, and it looks like we’re going to be here for at least a week…. You didn’t plan on having four guys to stay, did you? So maybe while we’ve got the time, I should go do some grocery shopping.”

Horvan nodded. “That would be great.” Supplies had been the last thing on his mind.

“And I’ll start looking into transport options. Because you know what my first thought was when your message said skyscraper.” Crank grinned. “We’re gonna need a chopper. I’d better see what’s available.”

A wave of gratitude washed over Horvan. “Thanks, guys.” He pulled them up to their feet and grabbed them both in a hug.

Roadkill cupped the back of his head and looked him in the eye. “Anything for you. Because you’d do the same for us.” His eyes twinkled. “Hell, we were gonna go hunt the bear that ate you.”

Horvan laughed as he released them. “Wow. That might’ve been awkward.”

Crank patted his back. “I know you’re not gonna pay me any attention when I say this, but… try not to worry, please? We’re gonna do all we can to get your mate out of there.”

“What he said.” Roadkill placed his hand on Horvan’s shoulder. “When Hashtag gets back, you’ll see. The ideas will start flowing, and before you know it, we’ll have a plan.”

God, Horvan prayed they could carry out this rescue before it was too late.



Chapter Eight



HORVAN WAS removing the pasta dish Crank had concocted from the oven when the doorbell rang. “Hey, Hashtag’s timing is spot-on as usual.”

Rael laughed as he filled a platter with chunks of garlic bread. “I can’t tell if you’re being sarcastic or not.”

“Oh, I mean it. If Hashtag says he’ll have something done by a certain time, you can bet your bottom dollar it’ll be done.” He inclined his head toward the living room. “Go tell ’em to get their asses in here. They can help themselves.” The plates were already warming in the bottom oven.

Rael disappeared from sight. Horvan placed the dish on a metal rack. Hashtag’s text had filled him with hope.

I think I’ve got it. Back soon with news. Get those beers chilled!

The others filed into the kitchen, chatting loudly.

“This isn’t anything like that chicken dish you made for us, is it, Crank?” Roadkill asked, eyeing the pasta with suspicion. “You know, the one that gave us all food poisoning.”

Crank glared at him. “That was a perfectly fine meal. Don’t blame me because you reheated the leftovers twice. You gotta be careful with chicken.”

Roadkill rolled his eyes. “Yes, Mom.”

“I think we’re safe,” Horvan said with a grin. “This one’s only got vegetables and tofu in it.”

“Tofu?” Hashtag seemed horrified. “Since when do you eat tofu?”

“Since he met that girl last year. The one who was vegan. Ain’t that right, Crank?” Horvan shook his head. “The things we do for love.”

“Say what you like, you bastards. Tofu is a healthy option.” Crank helped himself to a large portion before adding a couple of chunks of garlic bread. Horvan made sure everyone had plenty before helping himself. In the living room, Rael, Crank and Roadkill had taken the couch, with Hashtag sitting on the floor, his plate on the coffee table, his laptop open beside it.

“Eat first,” Horvan instructed him, perching on the table, his plate balanced on his knee. “You can tell us what you’ve learned later. Because I’ll bet you haven’t eaten since breakfast.”

Hashtag rolled his eyes. “Yes, Mom.” He dug his fork into the cheese-covered pasta. “And never mind what Roadkill says, Crank. This looks fucking amazing.”

“Tastes pretty good too,” Rael added.

For about five minutes there was no talking but plenty of appreciative noises. Horvan got up briefly to go into the kitchen when he realized he’d forgotten the beers. By the time all the plates were empty, he was buzzing with anticipation. “Okay. Now you can tell us.”

Hashtag pushed his plate aside and peered at the laptop screen. “Like I said, I think I’ve got a plan, but I’ll need time to set it up. However—” He tapped on the keyboard. “—important stuff first.” He turned the laptop so Horvan could see the monitor. “Your mate, I believe.”

Horvan caught his breath at the sight. The image was in black and white. A lean, magnificent tiger was pacing slowly up and down along the front of the cage, its head bobbing now and again. “He’s beautiful.”

Rael was at his side in a heartbeat. “Oh God, that’s not good.” His face paled in the light from the monitor.

“What do you mean?” Hashtag demanded. The other two got off the couch and crowded behind Horvan and Rael to see.

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