Home > A Growl, a Roar, and a Purr(34)

A Growl, a Roar, and a Purr(34)
Author: K.C. Wells

Judging by Rael’s narrowed gaze, Horvan wasn’t out of the woods yet.

“Oh.” Hashtag gave a knowing smile. “I get it. So shifters are basically sluts?” His eyes glittered.

“Hey!” Rael’s eyes flashed. “I haven’t had sex in, like, a year.”

Aww, sweetheart. I had no idea. Then it hit him. And yet you told me to wait? Christ, you have fucking strong willpower. As soon as Dellan was himself again, Horvan aimed to make up for the dry times.

Over and over again.

Horvan? You do know I can feel you getting hard, right?

He stroked Rael’s back. You’re sitting in my lap, and I’m thinking about fucking you. Duh.

Well, stop thinking, because all I wanna do is grind on it, and I think Hashtag might object to that.

Horvan chuckled inwardly. Wouldn’t be the first time he’s seen me fuck someone. There was that time in—

Shut. Up. I do not want to hear it, okay? There was a pause. There is something I was meaning to ask. Have you… have you had many… three-ways?

Horvan cupped Rael’s cheek and gently turned his head toward him. You haven’t, have you?

Rael shook his head. But I’ve been thinking about our first time.

Horvan grinned. So have I.

Rael glared at him. Stop that. Just listen, will you? I think the first time we’re… together should be different. What if we just… touch? To remind Dellan what it feels like to be held and caressed and… loved?

Horvan’s chest tightened. I think that’s a wonderful idea.

But so we’re clear… you are gonna fuck my brains out at some point, right?

He laughed and pulled Rael into a hug. You know it.

“I’m getting that feeling again.” Hashtag’s voice broke into their communication. “Like there’s this whole other conversation taking place.” When both Horvan and Rael smiled, he held up his hands. “Forget I mentioned it. I don’t wanna know.”

At the front of the RV, Crank was muttering, and Horvan couldn’t quite catch the words. “What’s up with him?”

Hashtag snickered. “Oh, he’s grousing because he can’t listen to his favorite music like he can in the car.”

“Oh really? And what is that?”

Hashtag’s eyes gleamed. “That is something that is gonna stay in the closet.”

Rael laughed. “I may not have known Horvan all that long, but even I know he’s not going to stop until he finds out Crank’s guilty pleasures. You’ve set him a challenge.” He stilled, glancing toward the rear. “Do you feel that?”

Cold spread through Horvan’s body. “He’s afraid.” Only that was putting it mildly. The waves crawling off Dellan were terror, bordering on panic. Like Dellan was caught up in a nightmare.

Hashtag’s eyes were compassionate. “Go be with Dellan. It sounds like he needs you. We’ll sort out the driving between us at the next stop. Only ten more hours or so and we’ll be there.”

Horvan thanked him and got up from his seat, taking Rael with him. Dellan was lying in the nest of blankets, his paws jerking as though he was trying to run in his sleep. Horvan climbed onto the bed and stretched out at Dellan’s back, stroking the soft fur. Easy now. You’re dreaming. We’ve got you.

Rael was in front of him, his hands buried in Dellan’s ruff. Dellan. It’s just a dream.

Both of them stiffened at the fleeting image in their minds. An unknown man, standing above Dellan, who was clearly on the ground. Anson stood beside the stranger. It was obvious from Dellan’s reaction that he feared this man.

Who is that?

Dellan’s hackles rose and he growled. The hairs on Horvan’s arms stood to attention, and Rael shivered.

Dellan might not have answered them, but the implication was clear.

This man was an enemy.



Chapter Fifteen



DELLAN OPENED his mouth to growl for the second time in as many minutes, and Horvan laid a gentle hand on his snout. You have to keep quiet, baby. Just a little while longer, okay? Rael and Hashtag had gone inside the cabin with the owner. Roadkill and Crank were unloading the fishing rods and anything else to keep up the pretense of being guys on vacation.

Dellan out.

Horvan rubbed along Dellan’s back, keeping the motion soothing. Soon. But we have to wait until that man has gone. He lowered his face, until he was looking right into Dellan’s eyes. No one can know you’re here, okay? It wouldn’t be safe.

Beneath his gentle touch, Dellan stilled, and Horvan knew he’d gotten through. Slowly he removed his hand from Dellan’s snout.

Not baby. Dellan’s voice was almost sullen.

Okay, that made him want to laugh out loud. I promise, one day you won’t mind me calling you that. Dellan made that snorting sound again.

Horvan couldn’t wait to meet him as a human.

Crank poked his head around the RV’s door. “He’s leaving,” he said quietly. Then he shivered violently. “And for the record, it’s fucking cold here.”

“Could have something to do with all that white stuff lying around,” Horvan commented dryly. “How does the place look on the inside?”

“Looks good. There’s a wood stove in the corner of the living area, and it’s already lit. I’ll make sure we have plenty of wood inside, because I sure as shit am not going outside for it.” He disappeared from view.

Horvan glanced at Dellan. “You’ll have to forgive Crank. He comes from southern Florida.”

Rael climbed into the RV. “Okay, he’s gone.”

No sooner had the words left his lips than Dellan was off the bed and heading for the door. Horvan followed. “I guess he needs to go again.”

Except Dellan wasn’t stopping. He was running away from the RV at speed.

“Where’s he going?” Roadkill shouted from the cabin porch.

“Fucked if I know.” Horvan and Rael ran after him, through snow that lay about five inches deep. The landscape was white but for a few splashes of green where snow had fallen from tree branches. Dellan was a flash of orange-and-black stripes against the stark white.

“He’s heading for the river,” Crank yelled.

“There’s a river?” Horvan could see no sign of it.

Crank caught up with them. “Hashtag says it’s on the map.”

Seconds later, the sound of ice breaking reached Horvan’s ears. “He’s found it.” He ran to where Rael was standing on the bank, watching Dellan in the water. The tiger disappeared below the surface of the ice, then reappeared again, shaking his fur.

Horvan stared at him in disbelief. “What is he doing?”

Rael shrugged. “Not sure. Tigers love the water, but not when it’s so cold. Let me try asking him.”

Inside Horvan’s head, Rael pleaded with Dellan to get out of the water.

Not mate. Not mate.

Rael turned to Horvan. “What does he mean, not mate? It doesn’t make sense.”

“Ya think?” Crank rolled his eyes. “Jesus, are you that dumb? You were bitching because you could smell those women on him. You think he can’t smell them himself? Or maybe feel the disgust through your link? He’s probably trying to wash the scent off.”

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