Home > A Growl, a Roar, and a Purr(51)

A Growl, a Roar, and a Purr(51)
Author: K.C. Wells

Vic chuckled. “You’re applying human logic and human rules here? Well, I got news for you. Human rules don’t apply when you’re talking about the paranormal. And no, I can’t explain why shark shifters live as long as we do, because every other shifter I know lives a normal human life span. Is it because oral historians have always been sharks? Who knows? We don’t know everything about shifters.” His face darkened. “I can only say living a long time isn’t as hot as you might think. I don’t make friends, for one thing.”

“Why not?” Rael asked, struck by the sadness he saw in Vic’s eyes.

“Because I don’t want to be the one watching my friends die hundreds of years before I do. Not that you’d care,” he added, glaring at Crank. “You don’t give a shit about me.”

Crank opened and shut his mouth, his eyes wide. Then he sighed. “You’re wrong. About me caring.” He glanced around the table. “My buddies are The. Fucking. Best. Thing in my life. I wouldn’t be without them. And what you just described sounds like an incredibly lonely existence.” He locked gazes with Vic. “I apologize.”

Vic blinked. His expression softened. “Thanks. I appreciate that.”

“And I had a thought….”

Hashtag bit his lip. “Did it hurt?”

Crank fired him a warning look before giving Vic his full attention. “I don’t think sharks live long because they’re historians. I think they’re historians because they—you—live long. You’ll know things long after generations have turned to dust.”

Everyone around the table stared at him.


Roadkill shook his head. “That was pretty damn eloquent. After all these years, you still manage to surprise me.”

Vic smiled. “I was thinking the same thing.” He shook his head. “The thing you have to remember about shifters is, there are no rules. For every fact we think we know, we discover contradictions to that fact. Like my species, for example. But there are other things. Like why a two-hundred-pound human can become a four-hundred-pound bear, and others turn into six-ounce mice.” He laughed softly. “It makes my head spin.”

“I hear ya on that one,” Crank remarked. “My head’s been spinning ever since Horvan shifted into a teddy bear.” He grinned.

“Or should that be a Mama Bear?” Roadkill added, his eyes glinting with mischief.

Rael loved the low growl that rumbled in Horvan’s throat.

Vic’s gaze alighted on the whiskey bottle. “Is that really all you’ve got?”

Roadkill chuckled. “I said all we’ve got is whiskey. What I didn’t say is how much of it we have.” He refilled Vic’s glass, then poured one for himself. He raised his glass. “Glad to have you here, Vic.”

Vic stilled for a moment, then raised his own, clinking it against Roadkill’s. “Glad to be here.”

“You might not say that after you’ve put up with a night of Crank snoring,” Hashtag muttered, helping himself to whiskey.

Vic smiled. “I think I can cope.”

Rael couldn’t dismiss the thought that their little band had just gotten bigger.



RAEL WAS about to call it a night when Vic yawned. “Is it that time?”

Hashtag laughed. “I’m not surprised you’re tired. You haven’t stopped talking all day.”

Vic flushed. “Sorry.” He peered at Rael, who was sitting on the couch with Dellan. “Did I ask too many questions?”

“Not at all,” Rael assured him. “I hope our answers helped.” Not that they’d been able to share all that much. Vic had wanted to hear about the first time Dellan had spoken to Rael, his dreams, and how the three of them communicated in both forms.

“There were a couple of questions I didn’t get around to,” Vic confessed. “Not because we ran out of time, but because they were, shall we say, a bit… personal.” He coughed.

Crank snorted. “Aw. That could’ve been entertaining.” Roadkill gave him a hard stare.

“I think we could all do with some sleep,” Doc said suddenly. “It’s been a long day.” He smiled at Vic. “You’ll be downstairs with me and the boys.”

Hashtag clicked off the lamp in the corner of the room. “You’re sleeping on the couch.”

Vic frowned. “Okay, but isn’t there another bed up there?” He pointed to the loft bedroom above the kitchen.

Rael opened his mouth to tell him it was available, but Dellan got there first. “There is, but it’s… not comfortable.”

Rael blinked. No one had even spent a night in that bed.

“Besides, that couch is comfy,” Doc told him.

“Yeah, and it’s nice and peaceful down there,” Roadkill added.

“Quieter than it would be up here, that’s for damn sure,” Crank muttered.

Warmth filled Rael as he realized what their friends were up to.

“If you say so.” Vic got up from the couch, stretched, and yawned again. “Although it sounds like it’s going to be crowded down there. Especially when there’s only these three up—” He snapped his mouth shut, his face flushing. “Oh. Right.” He coughed. “Well, I’ll be saying good night, then.” He gave Rael, Horvan, and Dellan a cheerful nod. “Sleep well.”

There were smothered chuckles and snickers from Crank, Hashtag, and Roadkill as they followed him out of the room. Doc was the last to leave, his lips twitching.

He could have slept up here. Rael gave his mates a reproachful glance.

No, he couldn’t. Even in Rael’s head, Dellan’s voice was firm.

Why not? It’s not like we’ll be doing anything tonight.

Dellan’s eyes sparkled. Says who?

Rael stared at him. How can you be in the mood to fool around? After all that?

All what? Dellan frowned. It’s not like he came to tell us we’re in danger, right? He told us about the two groups of shifters, that’s all.

Although I’m pretty sure there was stuff he didn’t tell us, Horvan added.

You think? Rael’s stomach clenched.

Horvan snaked his arms around Rael’s waist. Not that you need worry about it now. Personally? I’m all for a little fooling around.

And I’m damn sure I am. Dellan’s eyes gleamed.

Part of Rael’s anatomy was already convinced. But… you haven’t gotten your results back yet.

So? Dellan smiled. I had something else in mind for tonight.

Care to let us in on it? Horvan gazed at him mildly.

Dellan went over to the foot of the ladder and grasped a rung. He stared at them, and a wave of heat surged through Rael, leaving him breathless.

Dellan nodded slowly. I want to watch.



Chapter Twenty-Two



HORVAN GRINNED. “Kinky. I like it.” He peered at Dellan. “Well, what are you waiting for? Get that cute ass up that ladder.” He grabbed hold of Rael’s asscheek and squeezed. “Because I’m gonna do exactly what I promised.”

“And what’s that?”

Dellan gazed down at them, loving the shiver that rippled through Rael as Horvan’s lips brushed against his ear.

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