Home > Crown of Danger(32)

Crown of Danger(32)
Author: Melanie Cellier

I knew such compositions only worked if someone stood waiting to receive them, but my aunt had assured me she had assigned someone to the task. Which meant there was nothing now to do but wait—alone, as she had instructed me.

It felt like a great many minutes but was probably only half an hour before a rush of power swooped into my room, making me leap to my feet. It hovered in front of me as a ball, my aunt’s voice emerging from inside.

“Verene? Are you alone?”

“Yes, Aunt,” I replied, once again leaning toward the hovering mass of power, although I felt a little foolish doing so. I wasn’t actually sure it was necessary.

“We don’t have long,” she said. “What is this opportunity, and why do you need my guidance?”

“I have reason to believe King Cassius has invited the Academy to the capital for the Midwinter celebrations, but Duke Francis is hesitant to accept. His hesitation is due, I suspect, to whatever promises he has made to you and my parents about my safety.”

“And you wish to go to the capital.”

“I believe it is too good an opportunity to miss. I have been able to learn much here at the Academy, but my picture will always be incomplete unless I see the court itself.” I hesitated. “And there are strategic reasons for wishing the Academy and the court to be in the same place at the same time. You committed Ardann to helping Prince Darius, where we could do so without overt involvement, and I believe this is such an occasion.”

“How so?”

“The prince has confided to me that he has moved up his timeline. King Cassius grows increasingly unstable, so Darius intends to force his father’s hand this year.”

“Interesting.” She was silent for a moment while I held my breath. “After the attack on you, I am inclined to agree with the young prince’s assessment. And if this is a chance to resolve the matter once and for all, then we cannot have you be the barrier standing in his way. I will inform the duke that since so much time has passed since the attack without sign of further danger, he is free to allow you outside the Academy. As long as Captain Layna and a sufficient number of guards accompany you, of course.”

“Do you really believe it safe?” I asked.

“Not in the least,” she said briskly and without sentiment. “But I trust in Captain Layna’s judgment as well as the duke’s natural caution. If the Academy is to travel to the capital, you will no doubt do so under the protection of Captain Vincent and his guards. And, of course, the instructors of the Academy are a significant force in their own right. I cannot imagine anyone attempting an attack on such a party. Is there anything else you need while we have this opportunity?”

A sudden thought flashed through my mind.

“I am interested to meet some of the sealed merchant families of Kallorway during my visit to the capital. I don’t suppose you might have any reason to suggest that if Faylee Robart has any business to complete in Kallmon, Midwinter would be an ideal time to travel there?”

“The head of the Robart merchant family? Hmmm. She would certainly serve your purpose, given both her many connections and her old friendship with your family. If I can arrange it, I will. And I’ll ask her to keep an eye out for you.”

“Thank you, Aunt.”

“It is I who thank you for taking risks in the service of Ardann, Niece. And now I must return to the reception your message called me away from. The power of this composition will fade soon anyway.”

“Farewell, then.” I bit my lip and added in a rush, “Tell my family I love them.”

A softer note sounded in her voice. “I will do so, Verene. Although I fear they will not soon forgive me for this decision. Take care of yourself.”

The power cut out before I could reply, and I was left leaning forward over an empty piece of air. I quickly straightened.

I had succeeded then. And I would have the chance to see Kallmon at last.

This time I didn’t hesitate to cross to the tapestry and knock on the door behind it. I had an unassailable reason to talk to Darius now, and if the vision of a purple flower insisted on intruding on my mind, I could only attempt to tamp it down.

He pulled the door open himself, as if he had been standing close this time, and the sight of him left me breathless. He looked tired and rumpled, but somehow no less strong. It took all my willpower not to reach forward and straighten his wayward hair. I even swayed slightly toward him, making something spark in his otherwise dark eyes. But I kept my hands at my sides, and he squashed it a moment later.

“I heard voices,” he said. “Are you all right?”

I nodded. “I was talking to my aunt.”

Both his eyebrows rose, and he glanced around my sitting room as if expecting to see the queen of Ardann stashed in a corner somewhere.

“Your aunt? What has happened? I hope there’s no bad news from home?”

“No, indeed. I contacted her.” I stepped back, gesturing for him to come properly into the room.

“I haven’t heard anything of your plans recently,” I continued. “Do you have a strategy for how to take your father by surprise?”

He ran a frustrated hand through his hair, giving me an indication of how it had ended up in such a state. “I’m still working on that. It is not an easy task when isolated so far from the court.”

“I may have a solution for you on that matter.”

“You?” He frowned down at me. “I don’t want you playing in this, Verene. My father is too dangerous.”

I drew myself up. “You’re forgetting that I act as the representative of my kingdom. I have offered you Ardann’s help, and I intend to deliver. Are you aware that your father has issued the duke with an invitation for the entire Academy to attend a Midwinter Ball in Kallmon?”

“I have heard rumors he had plans for Midwinter, but I have yet to receive exact confirmation. Surely the duke himself did not confide such a thing to you when he has not spoken to me?”

“No, but I had it from an excellent authority,” I said. “And it struck me that this might be your chance. But I currently stand as an impediment to the duke’s accepting the invitation since I am bound inside the Academy walls. So I have requested that my aunt remove that particular block to the plan. I believe once he has her permission for me to travel, the duke will accede to the king’s wishes. And not even your father could suspect you of plotting your way to the capital when he issued the invitation himself without your knowledge.”

“Verene, you can’t travel to Kallmon.” Darius sounded dark and angry, but I stood my ground.

“I think you missed the important point,” I said. “Here is your access to your father and the Mage Council and the court itself.”

He took several steps toward me. “No, I missed nothing. You cannot leave the safety of these walls.”

Inside I melted a little at his concern for me, but I forced myself to sound confident and strong.

“Captain Layna is to travel with me as my personal guard again. And I have no doubt the duke will also bring Captain Vincent and most of his guards. Surely you cannot think any assassins would dare assail such a group as we will make. The entire Academy, Darius.”

“And once we arrive at the capital?” he asked.

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