Home > Master of Desire(41)

Master of Desire(41)
Author: Angela Knight

He blinked once. “Well, yeah. But…”

“Conal, he respects you. He said so -- you heard him. Believe me, getting any praise out of Liam is harder than winning the Congressional Medal of Honor.”

His gaze sharpened, and his head dipped to kiss her, his mouth suddenly ravenous, tasting of relief as much as need. She kissed him back, opening her mouth as their tongues swirled and danced, arms winding around his neck.

At last Conal drew back, breathing hard, his gaze fierce now, determined. “I want to be with you. But I want more than that.”

Her breathing rough, Helena grinned. “God, I do too. In fact, I’ve got a list…”

“Let me finish.” Violet eyes searched hers. “I want to marry you.”

Stunned, she stared at him. A crazy joy swelled in her brain, a hope that told her just how desperately she loved him. But…”How can you be sure it’s real?”

“I’m more than old enough to know the difference between hormones and love.” He smiled, dimples flashing. “And I know heart and honor and brilliance when I see it. But I’ve never known anyone like you.”

Helena bit her lip, wanting him so desperately her teeth ached. But…”I can’t leave Maeve. She needs me to take care of the Changelings.”

“Maeve can have you whenever she needs you. We can work around it. Lots of women work.”

Helena laughed at that. “I guess they do. And she doesn’t need me that often.” She took a deep breath. “Let’s go talk to her.”

* * *

They found Maeve eating breakfast in the garden, with Liam lying on the table by her hand. Essus perched on her shoulder, fully healed. Around her, her Familiars played. Shere Khan was bellowing threats, chasing Eliza the chimpanzee as she swung through the trees, the tiger racing along the ground below. Judging by the way the chimp was laughing hysterically, he didn’t really intend to eat her.

Helena looked at her partner. “How are you doing, Liam?”

“I’m… feeling a bit better,” he replied. “I had Maeve reset the geas. I think it’s safer all around.”

“I’m sorry I had to do that to you,” she said softly.

He snorted. “It was better than watching you die.”

Maeve gave Conal a smile. “My boy, I had no idea. You impressed me thirty years ago, but last night…” She shook her head. “That took real strength. Liam said he doesn’t think he would have been able to stop if it wasn’t for you. And Helena, of course.”

“I do… have a question about that spell,” Conal said. “That was risky. Liam had to possess somebody to use his power, but it wouldn’t have worked on Helena. If the wrong person had been there…”

Maeve shrugged. “If the wrong person had been there, Helena wouldn’t have used the release. But I wanted her to have the option. I trusted her judgment, and she proved me right.” She went silent a moment, her face a bit grim, as if she were contemplating how the situation could have ended. Then she smiled and swept a gesture at the table. “Sit down and have breakfast with me.”

The glass-topped table was already set for three. There were plates of fruit, cheese, pastries, and assorted Sidhe dishes. As always when Maeve dined, more platters of food sat around the garden -- nuts, fruit, assorted meat, all the Familiars eating and talking in a cheerful babble.

As they loaded their plates, Conal asked, “Where’s Siobhan?” Helena glanced at him and saw the line of his shoulders tighten.

The smile fled from Maeve’s face. “In her room. I’m working on a wristband that will keep her powers nullified until she can be trusted.”

In other words, forever, because that little bitch will never be trustworthy, Helena thought. Judging from the tight angle of his lips, Conal agreed with her. She took a bite of a flaky Sidhe pastry, her mind working furiously, trying to come up with a way to ask Maeve if she’d have any objection to their marriage.

Maeve looked up from her plate. “So, when’s the wedding?”

Helena stared, aware her jaw had just dropped. Conal’s eyes swung to Essus and narrowed. “Our psychic link.”

The bird lowered his head and looked as chagrined as it was possible for an eagle to look. “I didn’t intend to eavesdrop, but you were… really loud. And I…”

Maeve grinned. “He cheered. Then he looked so embarrassed I had to know why. In any case, I approve. A baby needs both parents.”

Helena’s jaw dropped another inch. “A baby? Did you have a vision?”

The Mother took a serene sip of her honeystar tea. “No, but I do know Direkind biology. You are highly fertile during your Burning Moon.”

Helena stared at Conal, who stared back. “We forgot the condoms!” But her momentary consternation gave way to the mental image of a little violet-eyed baby. Or maybe a little brown-skinned one with delicately pointed ears…

Judging from the grin spreading across Conal’s face, he was imagining the same thing with just as much delight.

“Well,” Liam said, as Essus spread his wings for all the world as if he was tempted to crow, “that’s a surprise.”

Maeve sat back in her chair and smiled smugly. “I always did want to be a Fairy godmother.”



Angela Knight


Angela Knight’s romance writing career began in 1996, when she realized her dream of romance publication with Red Sage’s Secrets anthology. She is a New York Times Best selling author of more than fifty novels, novellas, and e-books over a career spanning twenty plus years, including the Mageverse and Time Hunters series. Romantic Times Bookclub Magazine gave her a Career Achievement award in Paranormal Romance, as well as two Reviewers’ Choice awards for best erotic romance and best werewolf romance.

Angela is currently a writer, editor, and cover artist for Changeling Press. She also teaches online writing courses with SavvyAuthors.com. Besides her fiction work, Angela’s writing career includes a decade as an award-winning South Carolina newspaper reporter. She lives in South Carolina with her husband, Michael, a thirty-year police veteran and detective with a local police department.

Angela at Changeling: changelingpress.com/angela-knight-a-26




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