Home > Some Bright Someday(50)

Some Bright Someday(50)
Author: Melissa Tagg

“They seem attached.”

Sam’s voice startled him and he straightened. They hadn’t spoken much tonight—hardly at all in the past week. Though they’d both stood up with Marshall for the ceremony, they’d managed to avoid conversation.

Had Sam finally grown tired of the stalemate?

“To Jen? Yeah, they love her. You’d think they’ve been living with her for two years rather than just two weeks.” Colie had beamed earlier when she’d shown him the locket Jen had given her. And Violet had been the reason he hadn’t been able to sit next to Jen during dinner, insisting on claiming the chair at her right since Colie had already plopped down at her left.

“Not just to Jen.”

He wasn’t in the mood for Sam’s suggestive tone. Not tonight. “If you’ve got something to say, go ahead and say it before Jen comes back.”


“Yeah, I’ve spent some time with them. Surprising as it might seem, I’m actually pretty good with kids. I know it’s shocking that I’d be good at anything, but it’s the truth.”

“You know I don’t think that,” Sam countered. “Look, I never meant for things to get so weird. I just don’t like that you’ve lied to us. I don’t like thinking Jen could get attached without knowing the full truth—”

“She does know.”

Sam’s brow slanted. “She does?”

“I told her everything the other night. And unlike you, she took it well. Really well.” Really, really well.

Sam’s focus reverted to the dancing. “I’d rather not know what that look means.”

Luke turned to face him. “Good. I’d rather not tell you. But she’s a grown woman, Sam. She doesn’t need to be shielded or protected or worried over.” She was stronger than Sam realized and deeper than most people knew.

And all he wanted tonight was to give her an evening she deserved, filled with everything good.

Sam folded his arms. “I don’t think you’re incapable, by the way. I’m not surprised those kids like you. I’m not surprised Jen does. I just can’t help wondering what it’s going to do to all of them when you leave again.”

Jenessa appeared on the patio, Cade in his usual spot on her hip. “Maybe I’m not going to leave.”

Sam’s head jerked. “You for real?”

“I’ve been thinking about it a lot. Do you think the mayor was serious about that city job? I know that Ferris guy doesn’t like me, but it’s not only up to him.”

“True enough.”

Eyes still on Jen, he was surprised to feel the warmth of Sam’s hand on his shoulder. “Everyone will be happy if you stick around.”

“That means a lot, Sam. ’Specially coming from you.” He peeled his gaze from Jen and shot his friend a smug grin. “A comment like that coming from you is almost sappy.”

“I’ve never been sappy in my life.”

“I’m just saying—”

“Go dance with your girl or something.”

His girl? He wouldn’t have the nerve to go that far just yet. But they would dance. And at some point, they’d talk. Actually talk, not just the bumbling starts and stops that’d cluttered most of their conversations since the other night. Since the kiss.

And somehow, someway he’d find the words to tell her what she meant to him.

But first . . . the dance. Accept the mission. Identify the strategy.

He left Sam at the tree and threaded with swift purpose through the gathering of tables toward where she stood. Jenessa caught sight of him when he was still yards away, the slow spread of her smile doing ridiculous things to him. Who could they find to keep an eye on Cade for a few minutes?

As if she’d read his mind, Jenessa turned to the closest table and oh, Kit and Beckett were there. She handed Cade to Kit and didn’t waste a moment moving away.

They met in the middle. “Dance?” he said.

She nodded and took his outstretched hand. Seconds later, they were at the edge of the crowd of dancers. Nearby, Marshall and Mara swayed to the music, and Colie and Violet were still having a blast of their own, holding hands and swinging in circles.

Complete the mission.

Before his jostling nerves could hinder him, he pulled Jen close. But he’d moved too quickly and she stumbled, bumping into his chest and laughing.

“Sorry,” he rasped, one arm around her waist and the other hand settling on her back. “I don’t do this much. Or ever.” But at least he’d picked a good time for it, a slow song lulling through the air.

“It’s my fault. I shouldn’t have worn heels when I knew I’d be standing on grass most of the evening.”

Her breath warmed his neck. “You could take them off.”

“I would, but now that we’re dancing, I’d rather not stop.”

Who could blame him for pulling her even closer after a comment like that? “I might be okay with never stopping.”

“Lucas?” She lifted her gaze, her fingers behind his collar almost as distracting as the sight of her lips.

“Yeah?” His voice was husky.

“When you said, ‘it’s a date’ the other day, and I said, ‘definitely,’ we did mean the same thing, right? This is a date-date? And you did kiss me and—”

“Yes, yes, and absolutely, unquestionably yes.”

She leaned her head on his shoulder, but not before he caught the glimmer of satisfied relief in her eyes. “Good.”

“It’s also probably important for you to know that, assuming you’re amenable and all, I have every intention of a repeat.”

He felt her giggle. “The date or the kiss?”

“Both, preferably. Maybe one sooner than the other.”

“Well, I’m free tomorrow for another date—”

“Go ahead and willfully misunderstand me all you want, Miss Belville, but I’ll make myself clear soon enough. Again, assuming you’re amenable.”

She looked up at him again. “When? Right now?”

“And once again, I can’t tell whether you’re issuing a challenge or an invitation.”

Her blue eyes fairly sparkled. “Maybe both.”

“We’re in the middle of a crowd.” He leaned his head toward hers. “All our friends are probably watching us this very moment. And the kids. Think of those impressionable young minds.” They were so close now that the tiniest movement would give him what he’d wanted for days. For years, really.

“Are you trying to torture me, Lucas Danby?” Her voice was a breathless whisper.

He tightened his hold, dipped his head . . .


His sister’s voice shattered the moment. Really, Kit? Now? He felt Jenessa release a breath as ragged as his own.

“I think Cade has a fever.”

All at once his arms were empty as she turned. And then Colie appeared. She tugged on Jen’s arm, one hand splayed on her stomach. “I don’t feel very good.”



Two kids down. One, hopefully, not to go.

Jenessa stepped from her steaming bathroom, that hot shower even more soothing than she’d expected, and padded to her bedroom doorway, ears perked for any sound. She’d left her door inched open just in case anyone needed her. Colie had already thrown up twice, and Cade’s fever, though thankfully not too high, indicated he must have the same bug as Colie.

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