Home > This Virtual Night (Alien Shores #2)(54)

This Virtual Night (Alien Shores #2)(54)
Author: C.S. Friedman

   “So we’re even on that count. Any idea why they didn’t finish you off?”

   He rubbed his forehead, then shut his eyes for a moment and concentrated: probably directing his wellseeker to shoot something useful into his veins. “I heard someone yell about another fight going on, and people were needed. I was down already, so I played dead. Apparently I do that very well.” A half-hearted laugh turned into another fit of coughing.

   “I think I saw the results of that fight. Bloody mess. I doubt anyone survived it.”

   “Well, they wanted their Armageddon battle.” His expression was grim. “I guess that’s what they got.”

   Slowly, carefully, he lowered himself from the pod. The robe slid from his lap to the floor as he stood upright, but either he didn’t notice or didn’t care. As he shifted his weight onto his left leg, he winced.

   “You fractured your left femur and your right temple,” Ru told him, “and broke three ribs. The bones have been fused, but that’s just a superficial repair. You’ll need a few weeks of natural healing before they’re at full strength again. I can have the replicator make a brace for your leg—”

   “No brace,” he said sharply.

   “Just to protect it from impact—”

   “No brace.” He took a deep breath and leaned down to pick up the robe, which he wrapped around his hips, knotting the sleeves like a belt. For a brief moment his eyes unfocused; was he trying to access the ship’s innernet? If so, he would discover he was locked out, as Micah was. Finally he focused his attention back on Ru. “I said I’d pay you for getting me out of that hellhole. Fair’s fair. What’s your price?”

   Information on the place you came from, Micah thought. But if they asked for that directly, all his defenses would go up. “We can talk about that later,” Ru said. “To be honest, I’ve been so focused on getting away from Shenshido I haven’t had time to think about it.”

   “No problem. Now that we’re away from that miserable shithole, you’ll find me the soul of patience. So . . .” He looked around the ship again. “Can I ask where we’re headed?”

   “Course is set for Harmony Station. I wanted to wake you up before I loaded it.” She seemed about to say more, then hesitated.

   “What?” His eyes narrowed suspiciously. “Is something wrong?”

   “I’ve been informed we’re going to be placed under quarantine when we arrive. No one will be able to leave the ship until Guera clears us to do so. That includes you. I’m sorry.”

   He was clearly less than pleased by the news. No surprise there. If he really was a scavenger, the last thing he would want was to be trapped inside a quarantined skimmer, waiting for Gueran authorities to inspect it. “Why the fuck are we being quarantined?”

   “They said they want to make sure that whatever caused the problem on Shenshido isn’t contagious.”

   “They think a disease made everyone crazy?”

   “I’m not sure they think it so much as need to rule it out. I’m sure there won’t be a problem. It will just take a bit of time. I’m sorry.”

   He was looking less and less pleased. “That doesn’t sound like a bounty hunter’s report,” he challenged her.

   She was silent for a moment, biting her lip, as if considering how much to confide in him. She’s a good role-player, Micah thought. Given her profession, I guess she has to be.

   “Ivar, I was hired to find out what happened on Shenshido. It was rumored the station had been working on some kind of new weapon to use against the scavs, that backfired on them. Obviously if that was the case, I couldn’t just show up and start asking questions about it. I needed a cover story.”

   “Do you believe that’s what happened? They were working on a weapon?”

   She spread her hands. “I’m just a mercenary, hired to gather data. Others get the pleasure of analyzing it. Apparently they need to do some of that before we rejoin civilization. I’m sorry.”

   Micah watched Ivar closely. If he really was a scav, quarantine would be an untenable situation. But admitting to that meant admitting to his outlaw status. Who else would be so fixed on avoiding the Guild’s scrutiny? Up until now his conversations with Ru, back on Shenshido, had been a delicate dance of implications and assumptions. At least that was how she’d described it. If Ivar wanted her to help him avoid quarantine he’d have to ask for that help. Which would put a lot of new things on the table.

   Ivar stared at her for a moment, as if that would somehow make her motives visible. “Can you drop me off somewhere else?” he asked at last. “Before that. Since you know I’m not carrying anything contagious.”

   Now it was she who took time to consider, or at least pretended to. After letting Ivar’s fears simmer for a few seconds, she turned to Micah. “Can we work in a discreet side trip?”

   He hesitated. “I could wipe it from the pilot’s log. But if they check on our fuel reserves they’ll know we diverted, and realize that the log was probably altered. Very risky.”

   Ru looked at Ivar. Said nothing.

   “Ten thousand,” he offered. “Untraceable cash chits.”

   Micah whistled softly.

   “You carrying that on you?” Ru asked. “Somehow I doubt it.”

   “I can get it before disembarking.”

   A slight smile crept across Ru’s face. I know what you are, it seemed to say. And I know how much you need my help. That doesn’t come cheap. “Twenty thousand.”

   He opened his mouth to respond, then shut it. Lips tight, he nodded.

   “So I take it you’ve got a destination in mind. Last I looked, there wasn’t much in this octant.”

   “I was thinking a little further out.”

   Ru’s eyebrow rose. “How much further out?”

   “Sector Nine.”

   “That’s empty space. No stations.”

   “Nothing mapped. But I’ve got friends out there. I can give you coordinates for a meeting point. They’ll give you the cash when you arrive.”

   She raised an eyebrow. “And I’m to believe this would be a safe thing to do . . . why?”

   “You rescued me. I owe you.”

   “Assuming for the moment I’m willing to trust that, what about those who’ll be meeting us? No offense, but that’s pretty far out for me to be counting on people’s good will.”

   “You rescued me,” he repeated. “No ally of mine is going to screw with you.” After a pause he added: “I guarantee it.”

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