Home > Shoulder the Skye (Skye Druids #2)(24)

Shoulder the Skye (Skye Druids #2)(24)
Author: Donna Grant

“Does that mean we can come in?” Sabryn inquired.
Bronwyn stared at her for a long moment before saying, “You three are welcome in my home.”
Elias then watched as Sabryn, Carlyle, and Finn walked inside.
“Bloody hell, it’s cold,” Finn said and rubbed his hands together.
Carlyle shot him a peeved look. “Do you have any idea how much it costs to heat a home this size? The repairs alone cost a bloody fortune. Don’t get me started on the heating.”
“I’m sure you’re going to tell me in great detail,” Finn said with a roll of his eyes.
Sabryn looked Elias over. “You’re injured.”
“Busted rib or two. I’ve had worse.” He cleared his throat and turned to Bronwyn. “Let me introduce my friends. This is Sabryn. She’s American. The dark-haired Irishman to the left is Finn O’Connor. The cultured Brit is Carlyle Oliver. Guys, this is Bronwyn Stewart.”
Carlyle bowed his head to her and smiled. “It’s a pleasure. My grandfather used to speak of Carwood Manor and its beauty. I’ve longed to see it.”
“It’s nothing like it used to be,” Bronwyn said.
Carlyle looked around him. “Nothing can diminish the great bones of such a residence.”
Finn rubbed his hands together. “Right. Let’s get down to business, shall we? Who has it out for our lad?”
Kerry stood before the mirror in her room and turned her head from side to side as she studied her hair. After years of having dull, lifeless locks, she had changed it with her magic. And she couldn’t get enough of looking at it.
She had left the gray strands that mixed with her brown, though. After all, she had earned every year she had been alive. She wore the lighter streaks like a badge of honor. She also hadn’t changed the length. She had gotten used to having it above her shoulders. However, instead of limp strands, she now had full hair that always did exactly what she wanted.
Kerry gently touched the bottom of her hair and smiled at her reflection before turning away. So much had changed about her life in such a short period. For once, she could honestly say she was happy. It was hard not to be when the Ancients had chosen her. Just thinking about the spirits of all the Druids who had come before made her smile. She couldn’t wait to tell everyone that the Ancients had singled her out. That they now spoke only to her—in one voice.
And that they had granted her extra power.
They had a plan to right everything that had gone wrong with the Druids, and she would be the one to lead all Druids—even those on Skye—into a new day. She didn’t know when that day would come, but she hoped it was soon.
Rhona and that filthy Reaper, Balladyn, had put her in the Druid prison deep within the Red Cuillins, thus taking her magic while she was locked within. But it had been Rhona who’d removed her as a deputy. That slight would be repaid tenfold.
Kerry grabbed a scone from a tin and stood at the kitchen window overlooking the land and people she had given her entire life to. The Druids in her quadrant of Skye were her family since she had no children, but the way they had treated her since she’d returned from the Red Hills was like having her heart cut out with a spoon. The pain was excruciating, agonizing. It wouldn’t be too much longer before they came to her door once more for advice and direction.
She stuffed the last bite of scone into her mouth and wiped the crumbs from her lips. The Ancients had given her the mist to command. She knew the Druids they wanted removed, and she had quickly set out to do just that. Unfortunately, the Ancients had ordered her to hold off on using the mist for a short time. They wanted to lull the Druids on Skye into thinking things were back to normal, but Kerry hadn’t been able to help herself the other night. She had bade the mist to come to her, and it had answered like a faithful companion.
It galled her that she hadn’t been able to remove the one person the Ancients wanted gone. Elias MacLean might have gotten away once, but he wouldn’t the next time she turned her attention to him.
But that wasn’t who’d had her attention the other night. One on Skye had been shunned by everyone and decided to walk her own path: Bronwyn Stewart. She wasn’t on the Ancients’ list, and that was good. Kerry had simply wanted to see how Bronwyn reacted to the mist. And just as she had expected, the drough had accepted it.
There were others on Skye Kerry couldn’t wait to bring into the fold. She had been concentrating on them, but every once in a while, she thought about the names on the list—ones that would be marked off one by one. Among those was none other than Elodie MacLean and her lover, Scott Ryan. Kerry wouldn’t have put Elodie and Elias on the top of that list, but the Ancients obviously knew something she didn’t.
Curiously, Edie wasn’t listed. Neither were Edie’s children. All the offspring with magic were to be spared the slaughter. They could be swayed, turned to be exactly what Kerry wanted.
“You mean what I want,” the Ancient said, her feminine voice smooth and commanding.
Kerry bowed her head to the voice that filled her mind. “Of course. What the Ancients want.”
“The Druids have run amok for too long. You’ve forgotten who you are at your core. The magic of our kind is fading. Rapidly. If things continue, Druids will cease to exist, leaving the realm in the hands of other magical beings.”
Kerry’s lips pulled back in a sneer. “The Fae and Dragon Kings.”
“The Fae are weak. The Dragon Kings’ focus is split. Your concern should be for Death and her Reapers.”
Reapers, who were Fae, but Kerry didn’t argue the point. “Then let me proceed with your plan now. I’ll dethrone Rhona and remove Balladyn once and for all.”
“Not yet,” the voice replied. “Other things are happening.”
Kerry didn’t like being left out. “Like what? Shouldn’t the focus be on ensuring the Fae are never welcomed on Skye again?”
“I will determine what’s important!” the Ancients stated curtly.
Kerry shut her eyes, cowering at the anger directed at her. “I only want to serve. I’m eager to see things through.”
“You’re eager for power and to dole out retribution.” The Ancients paused. “The time is coming.”
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