Home > ImPerfectly Happy(32)

ImPerfectly Happy(32)
Author: Sharina Harris

I wish I could scrub away the stupid. Sliding my tongue against my teeth, I grimaced when I felt a light scuzz. I need toothpaste. I rooted around the drawer and found what I was looking for. The toothpaste had been rolled, twisted, which forced me to squeeze until the nearly empty tube pushed paste to the top.

Nearly empty.

That’s me. Somehow, I’d allowed a man to twist and roll me into his desires, and when he’d used me up, simply sling me into a drawer, forgotten.

Nearly empty. I had nothing else to give. And I didn’t want to give anything away.

Fuck Keith and fuck men. I was done, and if it wasn’t battery-operated or my fingers, nothing would penetrate me. I turned on my phone, deleted all texts from Keith, and messaged my girls.


Keith is a lying piece of shit, and I’m leaving him. I need to pack my stuff and go. Meet me in an hour?



My phone rang like I knew it would. Nikki’s name flashed across the screen.

“Girl, what happened?”

“I caught Keith banging his office manager.” My voice sounded deceptively calm, despite the new surge of anger rolling through me. I opened the bathroom door, grabbed my stuff, and walked out of the condo.

“Oh, baby, I’m so sorry. The kids are with my mom and James is upstairs working. I’m so there. Keep your head up, okay?”

“Okay.” I nodded, even though she couldn’t see me. “Oh, and Nikki?”

“What’s up?

“Bring Louella.”

* * *

My besties all showed up within an hour. I’d already started packing my clothes. Keith could have the furniture and the bed he’d probably used to screw other women.

The ladies had rallied around me. Kara had even forgone wine for margaritas. I was feeling nice, easy, and loose after my fourth one.

“Okay, ladies.” I knocked my fist on the granite island countertop. “Hear ye, hear ye!”

“We’re listening, honey.” Raina’s voice was soothing, kind. Her eyes were understanding and sad. I didn’t need sadness. It was Independence Day, and I was officially an independent woman.

“No sad face, Raina! And don’t use that tone you use with your drippity-drop listeners.”

“My listeners are called raindrops,” Raina gently corrected and shrugged when Kara sent her a shut-up look.

Raina raised a hand in defense. “Or whatever. Drippity-drop works, too.”

“That’s right! Besides, I’m happy—no!” I snapped my fingers. “I’m static!”

“Ecstatic,” Raina cut in again. This time Nikki gave her a look above the rim of her margarita glass. “What?” Raina asked, tone defensive. “Friends don’t let friends use poor grammar.”

Kara walked up next to me. “Sweetie.” She rubbed my shoulders and gave me a hug. “What do you need us to do? I see you have your clothes packed. Raina bought boxes. Nikki’s got the tape. We should get you packed and out of here before Keith returns.”

I drank the last of the margarita in my glass and wanted more. Shaking the nearly empty pitcher, I looked at Nikki. “We need more margaritas, stat!”

“What time is Keith coming back?” Kara followed me around the kitchen while Nikki and Raina sat at the counter that bled into the living room.

“Sheesh! Relax, Kaaaara!” I bopped her on the nose. “We’ve got until two-ish.”

Kara looked at the watch on her wrist. “That’s great. We’ve got four hours. Plenty of time.” She walked away from the kitchen and up the stairs. After a minute, she returned with a piece of paper. “Do you think you can step us through what you want to pack?” She looked around. “Not sure what’s yours and what’s Keith’s.”

My head swam. She was talking too much. I needed more margaritas. Why couldn’t we drink? Oh, and maybe some edibles. We hadn’t done that since college. “I just want my clothes and that painting over there.” I pointed to the gift Baba had given me for our housewarming party. Keith hated it. Said it looked too urban. Should’ve known then he was a bastard.

“You know Baba hates Keith. Said he’s too slick. Said I needed a man’s man.”

“Amen to that!” Nikki lifted her glass.

Kara wrote down the painting. “Anything else? No towels? What about your books?”

I shrugged. “My books are at my parents’. Keith said my bookcase didn’t fit in with the décor. Plus, he didn’t think it was appropriate to have all my romance novels out for everyone to see.”

“Good riddance,” Kara growled. “He’s an asshole.”

“He is,” I quickly agreed. “Now, for the important part. Nikki, where’s Louella?”

Kara tilted her head. “You can’t be serious. Why do you need Nikki’s bat?”

“To break shit.”

“This isn’t a Beyoncé video, Sienna.” Kara shook her head. “You can’t go around smashing things with bats.”

Nikki walked out the door and a few seconds later returned, bat in hand. “Didn’t think you were serious, but I brought her just in case.”

“Nik!” Kara shouted. “Do not give her the bat.”

Nikki sashayed to me, gave me Louella, and winked. “Go crazy, girl.”

I did a couple of practice swings, and Kara backed away. “You’re an attorney. Hell, Keith’s an attorney. He could press charges, and you could lose your license to practice law.”

“He won’t. Keith’s a fraidy-cat when it comes to negative publicity. He’ll be a good little boy. Probably try to pay me off for my silence during the election.” I stepped away from my worrywart friend. “What should I break first?” I asked no one in particular, scanning the room.

“The television?” Raina suggested. “Guys act like fucking babies over their TVs.”

“Good idea!” I moved toward the TV mounted on the wall. Lifting the bat in the air, I swung with all my might. The television cracked and splintered, like a ripple in the water, but permanent. “Yes!” I jumped in the air. “Asshole.” I hit the television again. “Piece of shit, mother-effing, I mean, fucking scumbag of the earth asshole-fucker!”

Raina leaned and cupped her hand to Nikki’s ear. “We need to step up her cussing game.”

“We’ll have a Samuel L. Jackson fest in a few weeks,” Nikki whispered. “He’s the master.”

“Thinks he’s ”—whack!—“ God’s gift to women.” Whack, Whack! “He’s not even that great in bed. I taught him all the tricks to please me.” I swung harder and harder. “You think I don’t want a guy that fucks me so good I take his ass to Red Lobster? He ain’t even worth a Big Mac at McDonald’s. More like the value menu.”

“Oh, Lord. Now she’s quoting Beyoncé lyrics,” Kara whispered and waved her hands wildly. “Somebody stop her!”

“With his McPick two for two-buck ass,” Nikki yelled, and Raina gave her a high five.

“No.” I shook my head. “Sadly, he’s not even worth two items from the McDonald’s value menu.”

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