Home > Stay Where You Are and Then Leave(27)

Stay Where You Are and Then Leave(27)
Author: John Boyne

There was a long pause, and finally Mr. Lloyd George simply sighed and shrugged his shoulders. “I don’t know,” he said. “Soon, I hope. Very soon. Can I be absolutely honest with you?”


“It will be over within the week or it will drag on interminably. It depends on various issues which are being resolved at the moment. But I am hopeful, Mrs. Summerfield. I remain hopeful. You have a husband fighting over there?”

Margie shook her head. “Not anymore,” she said.

“I’m very sorry.”

“No, you misunderstand me,” said Margie quickly. “He’s not dead. He’s in hospital.”


“Not physically.”

Another pause. “Then in what way?” he asked.

“They’re calling it shell shock, aren’t they?” said Margie, and Alfie’s eyes opened wide now. That was the word that Marian Bancroft had used on the train.

“Ah yes,” said Mr. Lloyd George. “Yes, that is indeed what they’re calling it. Mr. Asquith has spoken to me about this—it’s difficult to know what to make of it.” Alfie couldn’t believe how ridiculous this conversation had become. Mr. Asquith had talked about shell shock? Now he’d heard everything. “When a man has his legs blown off, the evidence is there before one’s eyes. When he says that his mind is destroyed, well…” He trailed off.

“You think these men are lying?” asked Margie, the steel evident in her voice. “You think they’re cowards? That they don’t want to fight?”

“Not at all,” he replied. “I don’t know enough about the condition, that’s the truth of it.”

“Then perhaps you should find out.”

“Yes,” said Mr. Lloyd George. “Yes, perhaps I should.”

Margie glanced at her watch. “I better go,” she said. “I’m visiting my husband in hospital.”

“Which hospital is he in?”

“The East Suffolk and Ipswich.”

“That’s a fine place. I wish him a swift recovery.”

“Do something,” said Margie, leaning forward now, so close that if she had just glanced to her left and a little down, she would have locked eyes with her son. “Do something to end it. Please.”

And with that, she turned away and marched toward the ticket booth, opening her bag as she did so and taking out her purse.

“A distraught woman,” said Mr. Lloyd George, sitting down again with a sigh. “There are so many with loved ones who have been lost or wounded. Tell me about your family, boy. You have brothers? A father?”

“I don’t have any brothers,” said Alfie.

“And you never had any?”

Alfie frowned; this seemed like a strange question to ask. But then he realized what the man meant and shook his head. “No,” he said. “It’s always been just me.”

“And your father?” continued Mr. Lloyd George, a note of apprehension creeping into his voice. “He is keeping well?”

“He’s in France,” said Alfie, lying. “He’s over there doing his bit.” A phrase he had heard Old Bill Hemperton say on a hundred occasions.

“I hope he stays safe,” said the prime minister. “You must be proud of him, yes?”

Alfie said nothing, just nodded his head and continued cleaning the prime minister’s shoes. He looked over toward the ticket booth and twisted a little so he was less visible to his mother if she turned around again.

“Are you really the prime minister?” he asked after a moment.

Mr. Lloyd George nodded. “I am, lad, yes. If you can believe it. Don’t I look like a prime minister, then?”

Alfie considered it. “I don’t know,” he said. “I don’t know what a prime minister is supposed to look like.”

“Picture a man,” said Mr. Lloyd George. “About six feet in height. With a mustache and a pipe. Give him a friendly smile and a Welsh accent. And there you have it. The very model of a perfect British prime minister.”

Alfie smiled. Welsh! Of course, that’s what his accent was.

“I have a friend who wants to be prime minister,” he said after a moment.

“Oh yes? And what’s his name, then?”

“Kalena Janáček. And he’s not a he, he’s a she.”

Mr. Lloyd George burst out laughing and shook his head. “Don’t you mean she’d like to be married to the prime minister?” he said, and Alfie frowned.

“No,” he said. “She wants to be the prime minister. Herself.”

“Well, it’s a radical idea,” Lloyd George replied, thinking about it and puffing on his pipe for a moment. “But we live in an age of radicals, Master Summerfield, so I wouldn’t rule anything out. You may tell her that I said that.”

“I don’t see her anymore,” said Alfie.

“Why not? Did you have a falling-out?”

“You took her away,” said Alfie. “Her and her father. They were sent to the Isle of Man.”

The Prime Minister nodded and considered it. “Janáček—that’s what you said, isn’t it? Austrian, were they? Polish?”

“English. She was born three doors down from me.”

“A curious name for an English girl.”

“Her father came here from Prague.”

“So half Austro-Hungarian, half English, then.”

“She wasn’t a fraction.”

Mr. Lloyd George frowned and looked at the boy with a concerned expression on his face. “You’re a bright one, aren’t you?” he said after a long pause. Alfie glanced toward the ticket booth again; Margie was now first in the queue and speaking to the man behind the counter.

“How do they look, sir?” he asked, sitting back and letting the prime minister examine his shoes.

“Excellent job, my boy,” he said. “I’m very grateful. I have an appointment with His Majesty in about twenty minutes, and it’s important to look one’s best when courting royalty. They have the most curious obsessions.” Alfie’s eyes opened wide; he found it hard to believe that he had just shone a pair of shoes that would soon be standing before the king. “Of course, the king’s own shoes are always sparkling,” added Mr. Lloyd George. “I think he has a boy on the staff to do it for him. Or a fleet of them. I think he breeds them in-house. Now wouldn’t that be a fine position for a lad like you?” he added, smiling, and Alfie felt himself beginning to laugh. It was a fantastical idea. “Anyway,” he said after a moment. “How much do I owe you?”

“A penny, sir,” said Alfie, and the prime minister reached into his pocket and threw three pennies into Alfie’s cap. “One for you, one for your mother, and one to keep your father safe from harm,” he said. “Ta-ra now, Alfie. Thanks for the shine.”

As he headed back toward his companion, Margie turned away from the ticket counter and Alfie watched as she stared directly into the prime minister’s face. He was accustomed to being stared at, of course, so he didn’t look away but gave her a polite bow and a tip of his hat as he walked on. Alfie moved behind the pillar and watched her as she stared, before shaking her head and walking over to platform two to board her train. Only when she was safely out of sight did Alfie run around to the information chart to find out where her train was going.

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