Home > Becoming Banshee(18)

Becoming Banshee(18)
Author: Kimberly Quay

Ian let go of Seth’s shirt and gave him a gentle nudge to snap him out of his stupor.

“Kadi, Triza. Triza, Kadi,” Ian said, using the name he knew I preferred others to call me.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Kadi. I’ve heard a lot about you.” Motioning to Ian as she held out her hand. I took her hand in mine but looked at Ian. “All good. He’s had nothing but good things to say about you. You’re quite the Hunter. I look forward to fighting beside you tonight.” She smiled again. She leaned closer and whispered so low only I could hear her. “I’m flattered that you find me attractive, but a Celtic warrior goddess?”

I knew I did not say that out loud. She’d been in my head.

“Do not read my mind again.”

“Understood. My apologies.” With a slight bow of her head she released my hand. Not before I felt the immense strength of her aura. She could tear me in two with just a thought. So, her acquiescence was out of kindness or respect… or both. “She’s just as you described. I like her already,” she said to Ian.

“Wait until you see her in action,” Seth replied, having recovered.

“We ready to move?” I said as I moved toward Gabriel’s supposed hideout.

“Kadi, hold up,” Triza called, catching up to me. “So, you and Ian, huh?”

“I just met you. I am not going to share my personal life with you. We have more important shit to deal with.”

“And we are headed to that important shit. We can talk as we walk. You felt something tonight, and it has you worried.” I spun to face her. She held her hands up in supplication. “Hey, I read your thoughts. I owned up to it and apologized. It won’t happen again. Get over it.”

I wanted to stay angry with her, but it was hard to be mad when she was being so honest and direct. “Fair enough. I didn’t expect to feel what I felt…”

“I know, but it happened, and you’re confused. You love him.” I glanced her way, and started to deny it, but she continued before I could. “Let’s get through tonight. Later, if you want to, we can talk more. I’ve known Ian for a long time.” She reached out and linked her arm with mine.

I stiffened for a second. I’d never had a female friend. Sheryl and I didn’t have a friendly relationship. We had each other’s backs during missions, but that was about it. I’ve always been closer to Seth than any of the females in our clan. Maybe it’s because a man raised me?

“I’d like to get to know you better. I will be staying at the house with you, so we can talk any time you want.”

“Okay, thanks.” I glanced behind me to see that Sheryl was walking with Ian. She was flirting up a storm, but what got my blood boiling was seeing Ian flirting back. “Ass.”

Triza turned to see where I was looking. “Oh, you don’t have to worry there. She’s tried nailing him down for years. He’s never taken the bait.”

I caught a glimpse of Slash watching Sheryl and Ian. He did not look happy about it. That interesting tidbit was something to think about later.



Chapter Nine

As we got closer to the clichéd old mansion on a hill where Gabriel had taken up residence, Ian caught up to Triza and me. He leaned in close to her, speaking so softly I couldn’t hear what he’d said. Triza smiled at me and turned to go back to the others.


“Stop worrying, Ian, please. I don’t want you to worry about me while we are in there. Then I’ll worry about you worrying about me. We can’t be distracted like that. I got this. You’ve trained me well.”

He looked pained. “I will be fine, I promise.” Rising onto my toes, I kissed him. Just a light peck, but it seemed to relax him at least some.

When the others reached us, I went over to Bryce and wrapped my arms around him. “You be careful, okay?”

“You do the same, my pip.”

We entered through the back of the house. Slash found an unlocked window that led to what must have been a library back in the day. The shelves I imagined once held books were full of cobwebs and thick layers of dust. I took a moment to appreciate how amazing the house must have been once upon a time and longed for a house of my own one day. I may be a kick-ass banshee killer, but the softer side of me wanted the same fairytale life most other girls did. Ha! Fairytale! If they only knew.

I heard a faint tapping noise coming from somewhere above us. I raised my hand to tell everyone to be still. Once their shuffling had stopped, I strained to hear the noise better.

I tugged Ian’s shirt until he bent closer to me. “Upstairs,” I whispered.

He nodded and signaled for everyone to split up to search the house. He stayed with me, as did Bryce, Sheryl, and Slash. It seemed Slash didn’t want to be too far from Sheryl. Curiouser and curiouser.

Ian pointed down a dark hall to the right once we reached the top of the stairs. There were six doors, three on each side. He motioned to the second on the left. We approached the door and listened. Sure enough, I could hear the tapping noise coming from the other side of the door.

I inhaled deeply and felt a rush of adrenaline when I recognized the scent. Gabriel was in there.

I pointed to myself then the door. Ian shook his head. I pointed more emphatically making him glare at me, but he agreed.

I swung the door open. “Gabe, fancy meeting you here!”

His eyes widened proving we’d taken him by surprise. The tapping had been from a cane he was using to pace the room. Banshees don’t need canes. Something was up.

He used the cane to press a button on the desk in front of him. A hidden panel slid open and a few of his minions came into the room. Damn.

“Qadira, my dear, how nice of you to pay us a visit. I’ve missed you,” he hissed.

“Wish I could say the same, asshat.”

His men were ignoring me and focusing on everyone else.

I focused my full attention on Gabriel. He dragged a sword from the cane. Ah, that explains it.

“I see you noticed my men are paying you no mind. They know I want you all to myself. You are mine.”

He was backing toward the wall on the far side of the room. I moved with him knowing he’d try to escape again. He may be old and powerful, but he was also a coward. He used his followers to fight his battles.

“You’re not getting away from me this time, Gabe.” I gripped my knives tighter.

“Oh, I have no intentions of getting away from you, my pretty-little-half-breed.”

He pressed the tip of the cane into a nondescript spot on the wall behind him. A hidden door swung open.

Oh shit, this can’t be good.

I continued to move with him as he stepped over the threshold into the next room. Once I was in, I maneuvered myself so my back wasn’t to the door. That turned out to be a mistake. A quick scan of the room showed that the hidden door to be the only way out.

I heard the telltale sound of the door locking as it closed. Yeah, this was a mistake. I examined the room again looking for any chance of escape. I could only assume his cane worked as a key and was the only way to open the hidden door.

The only hint to anything leading to the outside was the huge fireplace which was burning brightly and provided the only light in the room. So, I could crawl through the fire and work my way up the chimney. Being burned, even though I’d heal, didn’t sound enjoyable. Or I could fight Gabriel, take his ridiculous cane, and get my ass out of here.

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