Home > Becoming Banshee(23)

Becoming Banshee(23)
Author: Kimberly Quay

“No,” both men said in unison. Ian added, “Qadira is a family name. It will not make you stick out, so you will have to come up with a better excuse.”

I shrugged not agreeing with him. Qadira is a family name, but it’s from a family I do not know and will never have the chance to know. Kadi is easier and more acceptable. I saw Ian’s mind working and before he could try to prove another point, I changed the subject.

“So, where have you been, Rufus?”

“Deep undercover.”

“All these years?”


“Oh! You’re the mystery scout Ian never talks about, but we know exists, aren’t you?”

“Yes,” he said, his lips twitching upward. “You are a perceptive little thing.”

“Thank you for everything you do.” I held my hand out to him. He had been risking his life to help our clan save others for many years.

“The pleasure is mine.”

He held my hand longer than necessary. I took advantage of our proximity to study him. The resemblance to Ian was stronger than I’d first thought. They had the same patrician features, warrior-like physiques, and even the same grey eyes. They could have been twins aside from their hair color. Rufus looked older. He had little wrinkles around his eyes and his light, blond hair had turned grey at his temples. He had suffered a lot in his life.

Ian cleared his throat bringing my attention back to him. “I believe Brycson and Sheryl have returned from the grocery store.”

“Okay, I guess I should eat something,” I said, even though I still wasn’t hungry. “It was nice to meet you, Rufus. I hope to talk with you more soon.”

“It was a pleasure to meet you as well.”

Ian and I headed to the kitchen. When we entered, I noticed there were more than just our housemates.

“Uh, hi,” I said.

“Hi,” they said as one.

“What’s everyone doing here?” I so wasn’t ready for another problem just yet.

Leo, a Scout like Seth, who had recently moved in, answered for the clan, “We wanted to make sure you were okay. Peder let everyone bunk here until we were sure you’d be okay. So, how are you?”

“Wow. Thanks guys. I’m much better. After a little food and more sleep, I will be good as new.”

I moved to Bryce and stepped into his open arms. He squeezed me and kissed the top of my head. “You tell me if there’s anything I can do.”

I nodded and buried my head in his chest and just held him. Ian approached and asked to speak with me for a moment. We took a few steps away from the group.

“I am going to take advantage of all this extra company and go…” He let his sentence trail off and he was still hesitant to tell me when he needed to feed.

“You need to feed. You don’t have to hide it from me. I am sorry for ever making you feel that you should. I never meant to make you feel this way.”

He gave me a smile. “Do not be sorry. You are the first to have ever made me feel nervous… and I think I like it. I will return soon.”

I turned back to the fridge with a huge smile on my face. Imagine that. Little ol’ me making Ian nervous. It was empowering. Something dawned on me. I grabbed his arm and pulled him back to me before he could go too far.

“Wait, a minute… Do you kiss the people you feed from?” I knew he had to feed. I just wasn’t sure how I felt about him making out with a bunch of other women.

“What gave you that idea?”

“Well, you kiss me when you give me your essence and so did Peder.” I noticed Peder suddenly had somewhere else he had to be. “Stop, get back here.” Peder walked over as if he had his tail between his legs. “Why did you let me think you had to be kissing the person to make it work?”

“What is she talking about, Peder?”

“Just what she said, I led her to believe we had to kiss for the sharing to work,” Peder said, not meeting Ian’s gaze.

“I gathered that much, but why?”

“You know it’s more effective the more you touch. Plus, it’s way more fun that way.”

A deep growl was the only warning before Ian tackled Peder to the ground. He pulled his fist back. I grabbed it before he could execute the punch.

“Really? You are grown men, and friends! Stop it, dammit! Ian, get off him!”

“He kissed you, gave you pleasure. Do not think I forgot about his display of power when you first met.”

“He in no way gave me pleasure. You know that it hurt like hell! Get off him so we can talk about this like adults.” Peder didn’t seem too worried. I imagine it wasn’t the first time they’d come to blows in the years they’d been friends.

Ian stood. “Never touch her again.”

“Wouldn’t dare.”

“Ian, you are being ridiculous. Peder is attracted to men.”

“More attracted to men. I prefer men over women, but women are still mighty fine.”

“You’re not helping things, Peder. Regardless of who Peder is attracted to, I decide who touches me and who does not. Now, one of you explain the meaning behind Peder showing me his power.”

“Releasing the full extent of your power at someone is a threat, a kind of warning. He had no right.”

“He was calling out any of Gabriel’s men in the area and he hadn’t pulled it back in before shaking my hand.” The shame on Peder’s face told me I was wasting my breath. “You were threatening me?”

“Yes, but I knew you wouldn’t understand it, so it was a dick move. I am sorry.”

“Okay,” I said with a shrug.

“That’s it?”

“Yeah. I trust you not to hurt me now. I forgive you. So, we’re okay. Is there some sort of banshee ceremony we’re supposed to do?”

Laughter came from behind me and I turned to glare at Rufus. He was leaning against the entryway to the kitchen enjoying the show.

Peder smiled. “No, there is no ceremony, but forgiveness isn’t given so easily amongst our kind.” He shot Ian a sheepish look.

“Well that seems silly. For a species that has existed as long as yours, you’d think you’d have grown more than that.” This earned me another peal of laughter from Rufus.

“Yes, well…” Ian was uncharacteristically at a loss for words.

“I’m sorry, bro. You were missing, it upset me.”

“You kept her safe for me. We are good.” Ian turned back to me. “You eat and rest. I will be back soon.”

Rufus left with Ian. Peder and the rest of the clan went to do whatever it was they needed to do, leaving Bryce and me alone.

“Bryce, are you hungry? Can I make you something?”

“No, you sit. I’ll make you a sandwich and tea.”

I obeyed because I was getting sleepy again. He placed a plate holding a sloppy peanut butter and jelly sandwich in front of me. This was usually my favorite meal, the sloppier and goopier the better, but today I just stared at it with no desire to eat it.

“Thanks.” I lifted the sandwich to my mouth and reluctantly took a bite.

“Finish it.”

It smelled good, tasted good, but I got no enjoyment from it. I ate it anyway, slowly but surely.

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