No one spoke for the rest of the journey. Then they were there, and Mitch was offering him a hand. ‘Best of luck, Will. Gonna have to hand you over to the flight crew now. Sorry there’s no steward on this baby.’

They looked up at the big grey transport plane with its four powerful Allison engines. ‘What sort of crew does it take to fly this?’ asked Matt, clearly in awe of this behemoth.

‘Two pilots, a navigator, a flight engineer and the loadmaster. It’s a real workhorse the CC-130. It’s used in search and rescue, and can airlift troops, cargo or equipment. It can even be reconfigured to carry fuel. It can carry ninety-two passengers, but you two are the only ones until you reach Goose Bay, Newfoundland. Then you’ll have a bit of company as they are collecting a couple of medics and some medical supplies from 5 Wing. Well, it’s been great meeting you both, just sorry for your loss.’ Beneath the plane, a tall skinny man was hurriedly beckoning to them. ‘Good luck.’ Mitch saluted them, and then waved as they climbed aboard the Hercules for their less than first-class flight home.




Matt and Will finally set foot on English soil again, each mighty glad to have joined the police rather than the air force. It was a journey they would have preferred to forget, although Will said he had a feeling that his back was probably not going to let him do so for some weeks to come. There had been hold-ups and unforeseen problems at Newfoundland that had delayed them for hours, but at least they were now home.

RAF Waddington was only a short distance from Lincoln, and Matt said he would happily blow some money on getting a cab back home. Will agreed and was just about to ask for the use of a phone when a rather rotund officer approached him, his hand outstretched.

‘Hello there. Mr Stonebridge, isn’t it? Interesting trip, huh? Bet you wish you’d waited for the exec jet!’ the man said.

Will took the proffered hand. ‘It would have been nice, but to be honest, we are just happy to be home, thank you. Everyone has been very kind to us.’

‘Yes, they are a good bunch, the Canadians. Now, I’m just off to Fenfleet myself. Can I give you a lift? You are going that way, aren’t you?’

Will looked at Matt and grinned. ‘If it’s not too much trouble, we’d really appreciate that. Thank you very much indeed.’

* * *

Soon they were turning into the lane leading to Holland House. Matt waved to Will and told him that he would call around after breakfast the following day. They would start immediately on Kate’s research into Holland House and the marsh.

When he arrived, Liz was standing in the doorway, waving happily to him.

Matt thanked the officer and lifted his bags from the boot. Cannon Farm had never looked so good, and he suddenly realised that some of Will’s tension had rubbed off on him. Matt’s home was his haven, where he found peace and happiness. Will’s was full of conflict and unease. At the sight of Liz hurrying down the path towards him, all the stress of the last few days evaporated.

Matt dropped his cases and took her in his arms, kissing her long and hard. Liz was smiling broadly at him.

‘You’re really early! I was thrilled when I got your text! That’s marvellous! Oh, Mattie, I’ve missed you so much. Come on inside and tell me all about it.’

Matt dumped his things in the hallway and followed her through to the kitchen. The kettle was already on with two mugs waiting beside it. ‘Oh, God!’ he exclaimed. ‘A proper cup of tea! I’ve missed that almost as much as I’ve missed you!’

‘I hope not.’ Liz smiled.

‘I did say almost. And you know how I love my tea.’ His smile faded. ‘Oh, Liz, it’s been a nightmare. I hadn’t realised how much Will is suffering, and just how disturbed Kate has become since they moved.’

They sat down and held hands across the table.

‘I too was shocked when I saw her. I didn’t know what to do or say. It was like she was a different person to that lovely girl we used to spend so much time with.’ Liz bit her bottom lip. ‘I wanted to offer to help, but it was as if I didn’t know her.’ She sighed. ‘You’ll see for yourself when you see her.’

‘Liz?’ Matt said seriously. ‘I want two things now I’m home.’


‘I want that bloody cup of tea that you threatened me with.’ He gave her a wicked grin. ‘And I want you.’

She licked her lips lasciviously and stood up. ‘Then I’d better get a move on with the tea, hadn’t I?’

* * *

Will stopped at the gate and looked back over the marsh. He had never wanted to see Whisper Fen so much in all his life. The last few days had been a surreal nightmare. Now, all he wanted was his home and his wife. He wondered what kind of reception he was about to get — the returning warrior, or an indifferent, “Oh, you’re back.”

He got neither. The house was empty.

He called her name but there was no reply. He had forgotten the time difference and wasn’t sure if it was morning or afternoon. A glance at the kitchen clock told him it was only a little after ten. Wherever she was, she couldn’t have read his text, or she’d be here surely?

He dragged his cases up the stairs and put them on the spare bed. More than anything he wanted a shower and a change of clothes.

He made quite sure that Kate was not working in her studio and hadn’t heard him and went to see how far she had got with decorating the lounge.

The furniture was still covered with dust-sheets, but work was well underway. She had finished the ceiling and painted the coving and all the woodwork. The old wallpaper had been stripped away and the walls above the wooden dado rail had been painted in a warm shade of terracotta. One wall was completed, with the bottom part papered in a heavy, and slightly ornate, striped pattern in deep burgundy, dark terracotta, ivory and gold. Will had not particularly liked the design but was forced to say it looked wonderfully rich on the walls of the old room. He smiled to himself. Kate had been right, as always, with her colour choices.

Sick and exhausted, he needed a shower, or maybe a bath. Everything else could wait. He went back upstairs. He had thought Kate must be walking the marshes, but he saw that her car had gone. Maybe she had mustered the courage to go into the town, or at least the supermarket.

He opted for the bath and was soon luxuriating in one of Kate’s bath foams. It smelt of lavender and the hot water soothed him.

The sound of someone opening the front door made him realise that he had dozed off. ‘Kate! Up here, sweetheart! I’m in the bath.’

There was the sound of hurried footsteps and then a door closing. His brow furrowed for a moment, and he was about to get out when he heard her call out that she would be with him a minute. Then, after considerably longer than a minute, she was with him, giving him a wet hug and a kiss. ‘I didn’t expect you until much later.’

‘I did text you.’ He bit his lip. He didn’t want a row. ‘Long story. I came home in less than style, but I’m here, that’s all that matters.’

She took the sponge and the soap from him and began to wash his back. ‘It’s all over now, Bear. Are you glad you made the journey?’

He hated the casual way she spoke. It had been his only sister’s funeral, for heaven’s sake, he’d hardly had a choice! Once again, he stopped himself. ‘Of course I’m glad I went, although it was murder being away from you. We don’t do “apart,” do we?’

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