‘Easier said than done, but it sometimes comes back if you can think about something else for a while.’

‘I suppose, but it’s driving me mad.’

‘If you remember, ring me.’ Swifty stood up. ‘I’m going down to Holland House now, to make sure the Stonebridges are aware of what’s going on. I’ll be warning them to make sure they lock their doors at night and maybe stay away from the marsh and the sea bank for a while.’

‘They are aware of the situation, but good luck with that. Mrs Stonebridge wanders off out there all the time.’

‘Well, maybe Will can keep an eye on her. I certainly wouldn’t advise going out alone until we get a handle on what’s happening.’ Swifty smiled at Matt. ‘Everyone at the station misses you, you know, and the sarge. It’s not the same without you both.’

Matt felt a surge of affection for his old colleague. ‘Thank you, Swifty. I do and I don’t miss it, but, well . . .’ He shrugged.

‘DC Bryn Owen told me the super reckons you should go back in. They are precious short of experienced senior officers, and although you’d served your time, they would be happy to give you another five years before saying goodbye permanently.’ Swifty looked at him and raised his eyebrows. ‘As I said, it’s not the same without you.’

Matt pulled a face and sighed. ‘Ah, Swifty, those last two cases took me to the brink. You were there, you saw what happened. I’ve had enough, really.’

‘Time heals. Well, I’ve delivered the message. Just so that you know, the door isn’t closed to you.’ He straightened up. ‘Must go. I’ll keep you posted, and I’ll update Bryn Owen as soon as I get back to base. See you soon.’

Matt was moved by what Jack Fleet had said, although he was glad Liz hadn’t been there to hear it. If he were honest, after a flying start, he now wasn’t sure that being a PI was right for him. He was so used to the way the force worked that going solo was proving frustrating. But Liz was committed to making their new venture work, and he couldn’t burst her bubble. She had fought long and hard to get herself back from the bad place she had been in, and he couldn’t let her down now. And he hadn’t lied to Swifty — his last case had almost finished him. Why on earth would he choose to go back into that hotbed of pressure, that violence, when he had finally found peace and quiet, and a life with the woman he loved? ‘Matthew Ballard, there are times when I seriously doubt your sanity,’ he muttered.

It had to be frustration that was making him think this way. He was getting nowhere while some arsehole ran rings around him. It was time to up his game.




Will was alone in Holland House. Kate, who had been wallpapering since breakfast, declared she needed some fresh air and was going up on the sea bank for a while. As usual, she declined his offer to accompany her. He reminded her about the unknown assailant who had poleaxed Matt and asked her, for the sake of her safety, to keep close to Holland House. To his surprise, she agreed. He was about to add a warning about Gerald Grove, but thought better of it. He watched her walk away until she was just a tiny figure on the sea bank. It wasn’t until he trained his binoculars on her that he saw she was carrying the doll.

He lowered the glasses. Why on earth was she taking that thing with her? He had noticed that, lately, it was no longer confined to Kate’s studio, but turned up in different places around the house.

His phone rang. It was Matt. ‘How’s the head this morning?’ Will asked.

Matt grunted. ‘Still reminding me what a stupid arsehole I was, thanks for asking.’

‘Sorry.’ Will laughed. ‘But don’t be too hard on yourself. It could have been any of us.’

‘I keep reminding myself that at least it wasn’t Liz, or Mrs Swain.’ He paused. ‘Or you, mate. You’ve got enough on your plate at present. How are things today?’

‘Delicate. I’d never really appreciated the expression “walking on egg-shells” until now.’

‘Look, I thought I’d pop over this morning with some more photos and stuff for Kate. I won’t let on that I’m coming, so act surprised — if you’re okay with that?’

‘Of course.’ Will was certainly okay with it. Having Matt around lifted the pressure off him, even if just for a short time. ‘She’s up on the sea bank right now. I can see her from here.’

‘Not the best place for her, but I imagine you had little say in the matter?’

‘None at all. Although at least she agreed to stay in sight of Holland House. I think I’m learning how to use the place to my own advantage.’

‘Sensible,’ said Matt. ‘Will? Can I throw something at you to consider? Well, two things actually. One is Little Anchor. Do you think what’s going on there could be connected to Holland House in some way? I was thinking earlier about the property a few houses down, the one that’s for sale. It’s almost identical to Emilia’s place, so if you needed somewhere close to the marsh, why not just buy that one?’

‘So, you’re thinking that the particular importance of Little Anchor is its proximity to here?’

‘It’s a shot in the dark, but it’s possible.’ Matt grunted. ‘Not that I know what the heck it could mean.’

‘Food for thought, mate.’ Will ruminated for a moment. ‘So, what’s number two?’

‘Does your Kate know Laura Archer? Did their paths ever cross whilst you were working? Does she know that she’s the force psychologist?’

Will considered the questions carefully. ‘Well, I know they’ve never met. I never had a lot to do with Laura. And to be honest, as soon as Kate was painting again, she was so tied up with her own work that I rarely talked about mine. I can’t swear that I never referred to Laura in passing, but I very much doubt it. For reasons you will fully understand, I was wary of even mentioning anything to do with doctors or psychologists.’

‘I rather hoped that was the case, Will.’

‘What are you thinking?’

‘I’ve spoken to Laura, as I said I would, about the paintings. With your permission, I’d like to tell her the full story and get her professional opinion. It wouldn’t go any further, I promise.’ Matt took a breath. ‘She’s offered to come over to Tanners Fen late this afternoon for an informal chat, and to take a look at the area. It’s not a place she’s familiar with. So, just in case her name cropped up in Kate’s hearing, I thought I’d say she’s an old work friend of Liz’s. How do you feel about that?’

‘I’m not sure, to be honest,’ said Will quickly. ‘Kate is damned canny, and she’s suspicious of everything. It would have to be completely without her knowledge. Laura must never come here, not even to take a look at where we live, because if Kate ever met Laura, she’d sus her out immediately. Then life here wouldn’t be worth living.’

‘We’ll make quite sure Kate never gets to hear of it. Your problem is that while she won’t entertain professional help, you are left in the dark as to how to help her. Laura and her mentor, Professor Sam Page, are bloody good at their job, Will. They put my Liz back on the straight and narrow after having been so badly damaged in her last case, and I’d trust them with my life. If Laura can give us some basic advice as to how to treat Kate, it would help you to help her.’

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