Kate turned to him. ‘I’m not having a go at you, Will. It’s not your fault, but you really don’t have a clue what I’m talking about. Do you?’

‘Well then, explain it to me. It was a nice tree. I’m really sad it has come down, but at least it didn’t land on the house.’

Kate rolled her eyes. ‘It might just as well have done. It was important, Will. We need all the protection we can get out here. We’ll suffer for this, you’ll see.’ She pulled her towel tighter around her and turned away.

Will was left staring out over the marshes. Sam Page was right. It would be worth the risk of having her hate him just to get her away from this godforsaken hole. If there was the slightest chance of getting his wife back, he’d take it. Whisper Fen and Holland House were driving her insane, and he could not, in all conscience, sit around and watch her decline any further.

He twisted his gold wedding ring around and around until his finger was sore. He must ring Sam and make arrangements. And face up to his responsibilities, while he still could.

* * *

Will made no attempt to stop Kate when she said she was going out on the fen. It would give him a chance to ring Sam Page and ask his advice on how to proceed. He had managed to get her to eat a mouthful or two of breakfast before she went out, but she didn’t appear to be leaving the garden. He saw her sitting by the well with one hand on the trunk of the fallen tree, as if she were sitting at the hospital bedside of a dying relative.

Finally, she went out through the gate and made her way slowly up on to the high path. Will waited until she was a tiny figure on the horizon before he got his phone out.

Sam listened while Will somewhat incoherently described what had happened since the previous day. Sounding relieved, Sam assured him that he was doing the right thing. ‘But you must do all you can to persuade her to speak to someone voluntarily. I’ve already discussed it with Laura Archer, and we agree that Kate should see Lawrence Hassel. He has a specialised private clinic near Wainfleet. He is prepared to see Kate tomorrow for a consultation, and then treatment, if he deems it necessary.’


‘Don’t worry about the cost, my boy. There will be no bill, and if there were to be a charge, Lawrence wouldn’t take advantage of you. We were at university together. He is not just an excellent doctor, he is a very good friend. I trust him implicitly.’ He paused. ‘Would you like me to come over and be there when you talk to her? Or perhaps have Matt with you?’

‘No. It’s kind of you, but I think this is something that I have to do alone.’ As he spoke he wandered over to the window. Through an arch of battered clematis flowers, he regarded Kate, a lone dark figure, silhouetted against the sky. He felt like a traitor. ‘Sam? If she refuses to go with me to see this Lawrence Hassel — which she might — what happens then?’

Sam said, ‘If you remember, you dealt with this when you were a police officer. If concern is raised about someone’s mental health, and if they are deemed to be a danger to themselves or others, we call a team of health professionals who assess the patient in a place of safety. This team would normally consist of a registered medical practitioner, an approved mental health professional like a social worker or a psychologist and a section twelve approved doctor, usually a psychiatrist. If they all agree on a diagnosis, the individual concerned will be found a place in a suitable hospital.’

‘Sectioned, in other words.’ Will sighed, recalling a number of pretty violent incidents during his time as a policeman involving people who had been sectioned. How had things got this bad?

‘So, you can see how much better it will be if you can convince her to go for a private consultation voluntarily. It would be on her terms then. No one would be making decisions for her.’

‘I understand. Perhaps you’d give me your friend’s contact number?’

Sam gave him the phone number and the address. ‘If she agrees, be there at eleven tomorrow morning. Lawrence will be expecting you.’

Will hung up with a heavy heart. This was the most difficult thing he had ever had to do, and he was filled with dread.

He was so entrenched in his thoughts that he hadn’t heard the car doors slamming. Matt Ballard and DC Bryn Owen were at the front door. His first thought was that something else had happened at Emilia Swain’s cottage. Until he saw their faces.

‘I met Bryn while I was on my way here,’ Matt said. ‘You need to listen to what he has to say.’

‘We’ve just had a call from a Captain Philip Fauve?’ Bryn said. ‘It seems his ward has gone missing.’

Will froze. ‘Sophie? Missing? I don’t understand. They’re in London, aren’t they? Has she got lost or something?’

‘No, sir. They’re staying at the Fenmoor Lodge. He said they changed their minds and drove up here this morning.’

‘Here?’ Will saw Matt flash him a concerned look.

‘Well,’ Bryn continued, ‘as I said, sir, it may be nothing — the youngster might have just gone off with some other kids or something — but due to the recent tragedy in her life and considering her age, we’re treating her as “at risk.” Apparently, they checked in earlier than expected, and went to the pool for a swim. They swam for a while, then Philip had a call from his base. He took it in the swimming complex reception area, only a few yards from the pool. Sophie said she’d go and get changed and meet him in the foyer, but she didn’t turn up. He had someone check the changing room, but Sophie had gone.’

‘Jesus! I have to go there!’ Will exclaimed.

‘Hang on, Will.’ Matt took his arm. ‘Have they searched the hotel?’

Bryn Owen nodded. ‘From the attic down, believe me. We need you to stay here, sir,’ he said to Will, ‘just in case she tries to get to you. You are her nearest relative in this country. She’s just arrived, so she can’t have made any friends yet, so that is what we think she might do.’

Will closed his eyes. A few moments ago, he had been worrying about how to tell Kate what he had arranged for her, now everything had been turned on its head by the disappearance of his young niece.

‘The hotel is only four miles from here,’ Bryn was saying, ‘and we have officers out checking every inch of that area.’

Will began to collect himself. ‘Have there been any sightings? How long has she been missing?’

‘She has been gone since two fifteen, and no. No sightings, as yet.’

‘What about her clothes? You say she went into the changing area. Did she actually get dressed?’

Bryn nodded. ‘Her swimming costume was still in the changing room, and all her clothes were gone.’

‘Could she have been abducted?’

There was an uncomfortable silence. Then the door opened wider. Kate was standing just inside, her mouth slightly open, her eyes wide and staring. ‘Abducted?’

With surprising speed for such a big man, Matt ran forward and caught her just before she hit the floor.

‘I warned you, Will! I told you it was too late. How much more “proof” do you need?’ She spat out the words, then closed her eyes and slumped into Matt’s arms.

Will hurried to her, lifted her limp wrist and checked her pulse. ‘Matt, get her into the lounge. Lay her on the couch. I’ll get a duvet. We need to keep her warm — she’s frozen and her heart rate is far too low.’

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