Home > Space Station Down(26)

Space Station Down(26)
Author: Ben Bova

Walking with the Administrator toward the office NSC had loaned him, Scott replied, “No, ma’am, not yet. They’re working with the Japanese to enable the two video cameras in the JPM. As soon as they’re up, they’ll start scanning the module. They’re also bringing up a voice link over the Ka-band, per Kimberly’s instructions. Johnson is expecting to make contact with her any minute now. They’re just having some hiccups in the Ka-band handoff from the JAXA people, and patching it through the TDRSS satellites.”

Reaching his temporary office, Scott opened the door and motioned for Simone to take one of the two overstuffed chairs along the wall next to the couch and coffee table. The Secret Service agent stayed in the hallway.

As Scott closed the door he asked, “How did the meeting with the President go? Did he approve the mission?”

“Yes,” said Patricia, quickly adding, “but there are caveats, some pretty serious ones, and it’s important that I speak with Kimberly once the links are up. I need to pass this information to her myself.”

“You can spend as much time here as you need to,” Scott assured her. In the back of his mind he was planning to head down to Kennedy Space Center to prep for the launch. “This is really your office, not mine.”

Simone shook her head. “I’ve got to get back to the West Wing. The President has called in the principals of the National Security Council, and I’ll be sitting in as soon as they get here. This is serious, Basher.”

“Yes, ma’am, I understand.” He wheeled his desk chair close to the Administrator’s. “And with your permission I’d like to go ahead and fly down to KSC—”

“Excuse me?”

Scott continued hurriedly, “You know that I have the most experience on the station, and with that last flight I have more zero-gee time than anyone in the astronaut corps. As an active duty officer, I don’t need a Presidential finding to participate in Title 10 war operations. And I probably have more combat time than anyone in the astronaut corps. In addition, I’ve launched on the Dragon and I just helped put together a training class on the Boeing CST-100 capsule before rotating in as CAPCOM three days ago, so I’m qualified on every platform that we have. So I thought that with all my experience…”

Simone frowned. “What exactly are you asking, Basher?”

Scott felt his cheeks go warm. He’d thought for sure she’d be the first to grasp that he’d be perfect for the flight. It was so obvious! “I know it’s out of place for you to intervene in the selection process, but I thought that with my background and experience I’d be your top choice as the mission commander.”

Simone stared at him, her face radiating disbelief. She drew in a breath, then spoke in a low tone. “You know the selection process is out of my hands, Basher. And although I appreciate your enthusiasm I can assure you that every astronaut on the roster is jumping at the chance to fly this mission and do whatever they can to help both Kimberly and the station survive. And as far as you being an active duty officer, you of all people know that the selection process was set up for a purpose, to reduce risk and assure mission success. Just like it is in the military, NASA makes these decisions, not individuals. Astronauts are too close to the activity and can’t distance themselves from the needs.”

“But that’s the only reason I mentioned this, ma’am, the need to assure mission success.”

Coldly, Simone said, “You speak to George Abbey and Chief Astronaut Tarantino about that. But in my eyes, you’re not only trying to jump the chain of command, you’re also putting the mission and the entire nation at risk!”

Scott sat up straighter. “I beg your pardon?”

“Your ex-wife, Kimberly, is on board, Basher. Your ex-wife! Although I don’t doubt your intentions, NASA cannot and will not risk you making a decision on orbit that might endanger Kimberly, the other astronauts, or the ISS. We don’t know the situation up there, but if there is even the slightest chance that you might hesitate or make the wrong call because of Kimberly, I can’t afford to allow you on this flight.”


“Because if this mission fails and the ISS deorbits, then the panic and rioting the President is worried about just may happen. And that’s why I need to return to the NSC meeting once the principals arrive. It’s that serious.”

Scott felt his jaws clenching. With an effort to control his growing anger, he said as mildly as he could manage, “But if the selection process plays out and I’m manifested on the flight, then—”

“Then I’d overturn Tarantino’s decision in a hot second. Period. You will not be on that flight. Understand?”

Scott felt as though he’d just failed the most critical check ride of his career and was being forced to retire, sent out to pasture. A sick, sour feeling rose from the pit of his stomach.

“Basher, do you copy?” Patricia demanded.

Scott mutely nodded over the sound of blood pulsing in his ears. He disagreed with her, but he also understood that it wouldn’t help to push her—or anyone else in NASA, apparently—any further. Even George Abbey. It was a losing battle, and he needed to cut his losses. “Yes, ma’am. I … I understand.”

“Good.” Simone settled back in her chair. “If it makes any difference, I’ve been in contact with the Secretary of Defense.” She glanced at her wristwatch. “She was on the line when the President approved the rescue mission, and her department has already come up with a short list of active duty officers currently in the astronaut corps: two Army Special Forces, a Navy SEAL, and an Air Force MD. They’re all experienced in hand-to-hand combat and tactics, and they don’t have the emotional ties that you have. I’ve already passed their names to JSC, so this conversation is OBE. Copy?”

“Copy.” Scott realized that his efforts really had been overwhelmed by events.

“Good. Now that that’s behind us, I absolutely need to speak to Kimberly as soon as the voice link is up. I need to pass along some information that’s going to be hard for her to take, and she needs to know about it as soon as—”

A rapid knock on the door interrupted her.

Simone looked up and called, “Yes?”

The door inched open and the Secret Service agent stuck her face into the office. “Sorry to disturb you, ma’am, but the last NSC principal just drove through the White House gate. The Director of National Intelligence will be entering the West Wing shortly and your presence is needed.”

“Thank you.” Simone stood up and smoothed her skirt. “Basher, get on the horn to CAPCOM and let me know the instant they make contact with Kimberly. If you can’t pull me out of the meeting…” She hesitated. “… then you’ve got to tell her about the antisatellite option.”

Scott got to his feet as she headed for the door. “Do you think that’s wise, letting her know that her own country might choose to shoot down the ISS?”

“The President says he won’t do it if the station stays in a stable orbit and doesn’t descend. But the Aegis cruisers are deploying, and once they reach their positions, if the ISS starts to deorbit I don’t have any doubt in my mind that the President will give the order for them to employ their ASAT weapons. And the ISS will be destroyed—even if Kimberly is still alive and the Dragon rescue mission makes it on board. The President has stated that he cannot allow the nation to unravel. Period. The lives of five astronauts are expendable.”

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