Home > Pets in Space 5 (Pets in Space, #5)(105)

Pets in Space 5 (Pets in Space, #5)(105)
Author: S.E. Smith

“Huh.” Dek raised her gaze from Cassie’s amber eyes to study the dark ebony depths of her master’s. “Tell me about this Purmian Offensive.”






At his gesture, they moved to the two chairs at the small table in her quarter’s dining nook. Dek drew tumblers of cool water from the H2O tap and took her seat across from him. Her curiosity was highly piqued, but she didn’t have any feelings—awkward, hyper-aware, or otherwise—about being alone with a man in her quarters.

Haley’s Crest, has it been that long?

Dek settled back in her chair and flicked through the status updates on her wristcom. “You can start,” she said without looking up.

Cassie, who’d been poking about in her small quarters with quiet chitters and animated flicks of her tail, returned to her master and jumped into his lap. She made two quick circles before lying down, ears pricked. Dek almost smiled. It was like the little creature was settling in to listen to a favorite bedtime story. Just how intelligent was this pint-size bio-construct anyway?

“Three days ago,” Telon began, “the capitol of Purmia was invaded by the Alliance—eight battalions of Rathskian forces.”

Eight battalions!

Dek forgot her wristcom feed, and her hand dropped to flatten on the table. “Why? For what purpose?”

“Unknown. Worst case scenario: to gain control of the planet and its resources.”

Dek bit hard into her lower lip and stared a hole in the table’s surface. The implications of such an affront could be catastrophic.

For one, it alarmed her that the Alliance would dare carry out such a bold invasion. Though they were the indisputable heavyweights in the galaxy, they’d always used blockades and economic manipulation to control other governments before—never military might. This signaled a paradigm shift in the level of power they wielded over the rest of the known galaxy. The Alliance was evolving into a juggernaut—an unstoppable force that crushed everyone and everything in its path.

Secondly, if Telon’s information about the superpower’s intentions was correct, it would be devastating to their cause. The Duchy of Purmia was their critical ally. Without the funds from the planet’s borga-rich mines, a lot of operations wouldn’t just roll to a stop, they’d smash into a steel wall.

This operation included.

“Do you have more details?” Dek finally managed.

“Their assault was premeditated and systematic. The Rathskian military first seized the capital of Romu and took their legislators hostage. They used them as a bargaining tool to gain access to the royal palace—to the royal family themselves. Long story short, the Alliance has seized the duke and duchess and now wants control of all the planet’s assets.”


“That about sums it up.” Telon dipped his head. “So now you know why your commander was called away on such short notice. Emergency planning.”

“Are other governments planning to mount a rescue? To act against the Alliance?”

“Unknown. Even if there’s a consensus, it will take time to plan and carry out any initiative. The duke and duchess may not have that long.”

A chill spread through Dek’s body, and she spoke around the lump in her throat. “Sixth Hell.”

“Yeah,” he agreed.

She leveled her gaze on the man. “I can’t quite figure why you’d volunteer this information, but I’m glad you did, Telon. Thank you.”

His mouth drew into a thin line. “Word is already out and its spread across the systems. Everyone from high-ranking diplomats to the seasonal bar workers on Banna are aware of what happened. An offensive of this scale by the Alliance could impact everyone here, and I thought you needed to know.” He settled back in his chair. “I don’t know why your superior decided to keep you in the dark, but quite honestly, I don’t answer to him.”

“Maybe there wasn’t time for a proper briefing.”

“Maybe,” Telon said doubtfully.

Dek tried to justify Commander Tapp’s actions in her head. It could be that he didn’t want confusion or panic in the ranks while he was away. Or he was waiting until his intel was complete. Maybe he’d decided his return would be the best time to break the news. She could think of a thousand reasons why he might’ve withheld the situation from her and the team. But whatever his logic, Tapp had left her clueless and this unknown entity hadn’t.

Provided, of course, he was telling the truth and this wasn’t some devious test to see how she’d handle it. “Anything else you want to tell me?”

He leaned on the table. “Anything else you want to ask me?”

“For the time being, no. You’re free to go.”

He rose. “Are you going to contact your commander about this?”

“Undecided,” she answered darkly. “I need to give that some thought.” She wasn’t keen on the idea of having to consult Commander Tapp, determined to handle whatever situations arose in his absence.

“Your call to make, A-Com.”

Dek studied his face. He maintained steady eye contact. No nonverbal cues that might suggest he was fabricating the story. He seemed…straightforward. But the truth was, she didn’t know what his motives truly were. Or what he was doing here on Site D. He was an enigma in her orderly life, and she’d never encountered a mystery she hadn’t systematically unraveled. Eventually, she’d get to the bottom of what secrets lurked behind those dark, soulful eyes.

He turned to the door but paused at the exit. “Ask you a question, A-Com?”

“Quid pro quo?” she countered.

“No.” He pursed his lips, shaking his head. “I don’t expect any reciprocation for the intel I provided. I’m just curious about something.”

“That being?” She joined him at the door.

“When I asked if you were Draxian, you said ‘not necessarily.’”

“Actually, it was when you said LaGuardians are Draxians that I answered ‘not necessarily.’ The Alliance insists Draxis never existed. That it’s just a myth.”

His gaze remained locked on her face. “Somehow, I doubt you put much stock in what the Alliance claims.”

“Not when they’re trying to bury the truth about my planet’s past so they can fabricate a history of their own.”

“Right.” He rubbed Cassie’s pointed little ears. “For what it’s worth, I also find the Alliance’s attempt to erase twelve thousand calendars of human experience offensive. Maybe we have more in common than you know.”

Dek opened the seal to her quarters. “I hope you never give me reason to think otherwise.”

He paused to meet her eyes. “That’s my hope, too.”

Nice way of turning her own words back on her. He hoped he never gave her reason to think they didn’t share common ideals, without actually affirming they did.

“Forget about reporting to the SecCom at dusk. I think we’ve talked enough…for now.” She opened the door wider for him.

On his shoulder, Cassie cooed at her.

“If that changes, you know where to find me.” Telon gave her the ghost of a smile, dipped his chin in parting, and left her quarters.

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