Home > Pets in Space 5 (Pets in Space, #5)(162)

Pets in Space 5 (Pets in Space, #5)(162)
Author: S.E. Smith

My eyes widened in shock. Although the thought had crossed my mind, picturing my woman cannibalizing me sent a very unpleasant shiver down my spine. I couldn’t have blamed her for it but…

“Relax, Dragon,” Reklig added tauntingly. “Your woman was horrified at the thought and wanted no part in it. So much so that the Creckels decided not to upset her further by leaving your remains intact. I guess the membrane can get fat on you.”

The relief on my face must have been obvious as my team all chuckled at me. But Reklig was the first to sober.

“There’s a lower floor in that base. We need to find out what’s in there,” the Scelk continued. “The Creckels don’t like me much. I suspect my appearance reminds them too much of the bugs. Then again, it might have been that they really do not appreciate anyone attempting to read their minds.”

Stran emitted the short growling sound that served him as a snort, then gave Reklig what could only be a superior look. I cast an inquisitive glance towards Doom, but Thanh answered my unspoken question instead.

“It’s not just the Creckels’ IQ that is off the charts, so are their psychic abilities. Unlike us, they can sense the minute anyone attempts to read their minds.”

“And my dear mate got psychically bitchslapped for trespassing,” Madeline said teasingly while affectionately caressing Reklig’s bald head covered in chitin scales.

He made a face that was no doubt meant to be stern and displeased, but he couldn’t hide his love for his female. I silenced my pang of envy. I’d finally found my mate, yet I had no idea how the heck to go about courting her, or even when would be an appropriate time considering the terrible ordeal she’d just been rescued from. What if she didn’t want to come back to Khepri with me and decided to remain on Dreija, the Creckel planet, with her lifelong companions?

“Serves you right for snooping,” I said teasingly, pushing away those somber thoughts. There would be plenty of time for us to discuss short and long-term plans once Janelle was a little healthier. “But about that lower floor, I’m guessing this involves more excavating?”

“I’m afraid so,” Doom said with some annoyance.

That made me chuckle. As the most unkillable of all Xian Warriors, Doom was beyond bloodthirsty. Like me, he’d been going through some serious battle withdrawal since the end of the Kryptid war.

“Our scanners still can’t pick up anything, but they hadn’t shown Janelle or the Creckels either,” Doom continued. “There are definitely some scramblers in the base.”

“That’s not surprising,” Madeline said. “Khutu wouldn’t have wanted his prisoners to be able to send distress signals during his troops’ absence.”

I nodded. “We need to find out what is in that basement, but Janelle said there was no one else to rescue. So, we’ll probably only find equipment, tools, and decayed supplies. Still worth investigating.”

My team agreed.

“I would like to desist from the excavation work,” I said sheepishly.

“Of course,” Doom said kindly. “We won’t keep you from tending to your mate.”

“It is for my mate,” I explained. “Her optical aid is beyond antique and damaged. I want to build her a temporary one since we won’t be back on Khepri for at least another three to four weeks, between this rescue and getting the Creckels back to their homeworld. I would therefore like to borrow most of Madeline’s time as her tech expertise would be highly beneficial.”

“I’d love to,” Madeline said, her beautiful green eyes sparkling with excitement.

As an albino, she’d lived all of her youth with the various ocular problems related to albinism. But thanks to her high psychic abilities and phenomenal technical skills, she was able to join the Vanguard. While Earth’s technology significantly lagged—as it was still considered a primitive planet—the Vanguard benefitted from the most advanced biotechnology in the galaxy. As a member of the elite military, Madeline received the best medical treatment, fixing what Earth doctors couldn’t have.

I doubted my Janelle’s condition could be as easily resolved as Madeline’s, but either way, we would be able to improve what she currently dealt with.

“You two get to work then,” Doom said with a gentle smile. “Everyone else, let’s go. We’ve got rocks and metal to cut out of the way. Joyful days.”

I laughed at our leader’s dejected expression and walked out accompanied by Madeline.



My initial worry at seeing my woman hooked to some IV when I entered the Infirmary immediately waned when Janelle’s head turned towards me and a glowing smile stretched her lips. Although still cracked, they glistened with a healing balm that was already doing wonders for them, not to mention the fluids she’s been receiving.

My breath caught in my throat at her beauty. The nanites in the treatment Jessica had administered had clearly been hard at work. It would take some time for my mate to put on a few healthy pounds, but her skin had lost its dull, ashen color, her blond hair, in spite of the damaged tips, promised full, wavy locks in the near future. Her pointy nose, high cheekbones, and slightly slanted eyes hinted at a possible Nordic or Scandinavian heritage.

“Reaper,” she whispered with a fervor that warmed my heart.

“Yes, it’s me. How did you recognize me at such a distance?” I asked while approaching her bed. “Did my horn give me away again?”

Janelle shook her head playfully, a smug smile on her lips. “No, your footsteps did. They’re strong but light at the same time. I bet you look like you glide when you walk.”

That left me speechless for a second. “I… I have never actually paid attention to that particular aspect, but I’m impressed with your attention to detail,” I said with sincere admiration as I stopped next to her bed.

She extended a hand towards me, and I gladly took it.

“I have no… hmmm… merit? Yes, merit,” she repeated with a bit more conviction in her choice of word. “My ears help me see what my eyes can’t.”

I couldn’t imagine how challenging using regular speech might be for her right now, but it was good that she would get to practice with us until our return to Khepri. Feeling bold, I gently brushed her soft hair away from her face and caressed with my thumb the side of her left eye. I leaned forward to have a look at her optical implant ports. The redness and swelling had significantly gone down already.

“How are you feeling?” I asked, pleasantly surprised to see her leaning into my touch.

“Much, much better!” she said with enthusiasm. “Sleepy, still a little weak, and my face tingles.”

“From the nanites?” I asked.

“Yep,” Jessica said behind me. “Janelle sure is giving the nanites a heck of a lot of work. But she has a remarkably strong constitution for someone so fragile in appearance and who has survived such a terrible ordeal. Her vitals are looking great, and she’s taking very well to the treatment.”

“That’s excellent news,” I said, casting a swift glance at Doom’s Soulcatcher over my shoulder.

“Jessica is a great healer,” Janelle said with a pouty reluctance that was both adorable and confusing.

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