Home > Pets in Space 5 (Pets in Space, #5)(47)

Pets in Space 5 (Pets in Space, #5)(47)
Author: S.E. Smith

“Ms. Zabour was uncomfortable being on board,” Maeve said. “But not to this extent and not in relation to any specific spot. I believe her trip with us was one of the last before she converted to flying only on her own yacht.”

Jake rolled his eyes and threw his hands up in the air.

“Listen, Gianna was only three when the whole tragedy happened.” Trevor hoped his boss would resonate with a reasonable, calm reassurance from him. “Ms. Zabour was an adult. I can understand Gianna wanting to try to literally lay the ghosts to rest on this voyage. She’s pretty level headed and self-controlled most of the time from what I saw while I was at her estate. The only things she still wants to see are the casino, the cargo hold and the observatory. I vote we let her try it and if there are any more flashbacks, then we pull the plug on the expedition.”

“We can’t have a scene in the casino, with potentially hundreds of other passengers.” Jake was turning stubborn but Trevor understood where his boss was coming from. He had responsibility for the whole ship and all the sentients on board whereas Trevor was only looking out for Gianna this trip.

“I didn’t pay enough attention to the service animal,” he said apologetically, knowing with perfect hindsight he’d been remiss. “Verlaine tried to stop her from going into the room, whined and made a fuss. I should have pulled the plug right then, not continued. “

“Tajikka hounds are extremely sensitive and suspected of being somewhat psychically attuned to their owners,” Maeve said. “The animal’s behavior is the best indicator of an impending episode.”

Trevor wanted to roll his eyes now because he knew or had intuited all this but refrained. “So I’ll continue to escort Gianna where she wants to go but I’ll make sure she understands if the hound is upset, we stop.”

“All right. Any other problems?” Jake asked, appearing to be mollified.

“No, nothing.” He decided not to mention the possibility of being tailed on the way to the spaceport. He had no proof and it seemed now as if he’d been hypervigilant.

Jake’s next remark startled him. “Apparently there is one conspiracy theorist on board. I’ll send you the record. We believe he chose to fly with us because we’re a sister ship—you probably encountered the space swill about insurance fraud and this being the Nebula Dream in disguise when you were doing your research. I hope he doesn’t know Gianna is on board but if he’s the nut case the file indicates, he probably knew she lives on Brumel Three.”

“Are we going to warn him off?” Trevor’s protective instincts went on high alert.

“Not unless there’s a good reason. Why confirm her presence on board for him? But keep your eyes open. His holo is with the file.”

Dr. Shane came in. “I’m authorized by my patient to tell you we both believe it was an anxiety attack brought on by post-traumatic stress. I gather the corresponding room on the original ship was the site of pretty scary and sad goings-on.”

“She mentioned something about it right when we first went inside,” Trevor said. “Not in any detail. Then the room got fucking cold and Gianna kind of lost it.”

“She was a bit dehydrated and I’ve given her fluids to put her system in balance. I’m sure that didn’t help matters any when she was in the pantry, reliving memories.” Emily flicked a hand at her husband to vacate her chair behind the desk, which he did with a grin, and then she sat. “I suggested she make an appointment to come talk to me at more length tomorrow and then we can play it by ear from there. She’s dealing with a lot, gentlemen, and doing a good job but I think it might help if she and I chat. She’s appreciative of your efforts, Trevor, don’t get me wrong, but I’m trained to deal with these types of situations.”

“I’m glad you’re here,” he said honestly. “If we had a doctor with less experience, I don’t think any of us would be as comfortable.”

“I for one would be very unhappy.” Jake leaned over to kiss her. “I gotta go back to work. What’s your verdict, Dr. Shane? Do we let her finish this strange little tour she’s doing?”

Emily tapped her stylus on the desk and considered. “I think yes, for now, but keep a closer eye on how it’s all affecting her. Which is the advice I gave to her a few minutes ago.”

“May I go see her now?” Trevor asked.

“By all means. I need my office space back.” Emily laughed as she shooed the two men out. “She’s released so she can leave any time.”

He found Gianna sitting on the edge of the bed, petting Verlaine. Shoulders slumped, she was obviously tired, with circles under her eyes. “Doing okay now?” he asked solicitously.

“I feel better, yes.” Her voice was listless and her eyes had lost their sparkle.

Concerned, he heard himself being extra cheerful as he gave her the good news she’d been discharged from sickbay. “We can go to your suite now, the doc said.”

Gianna gave him a smile but he wasn’t fooled. Today had obviously taken a lot out of her although she sounded determinedly upbeat as she said, “Good, I hate hospitals, although your Dr. Shane is a lovely person. So understanding and nonjudgmental.”

They strolled out of the clinic and onto the Level A concourse, heading toward the passenger cabin area. Verlaine trotted next to Gianna like a small show pony, completely at ease again, which was reassuring to Trevor. He heard a group of children exclaiming at the presence of the hound and asking their parents if they could have a ride on the “funny pony”. Grinning, he kept Gianna walking as if he hadn’t heard when she seemed inclined to slow down and accommodate the little ones. “If we stop for any time at all, you’re going to have a bunch of Verlaine admirers,” he said, taking her elbow gently. “I don’t think we want to draw a crowd.”

She took a look at the large extended family group discussing her service animal, a tender expression on her face. “He loves children and kids of all ages tend to adore him but I agree with you— this isn’t the time to strike up a lot of friendships. Maybe later, or at the beach if we go again.”

“Sounds like a plan.” Glad he wasn’t going to be supervising an ad hoc ‘pony’ ride attraction on the main concourse, Trevor relaxed a bit. They reached her suite with no further problems or distractions and Gianna invited him inside.

She threw her tote bag on the couch and sank into the cushions next to it. Running her hands through her hair, which made the curls even more riotous, she said, “Not the day I was expecting. I hope I haven’t been too much trouble.”

Happy to reassure her, he shook his head. “Not at all. I was concerned for you mostly. My boss, the chief security officer, agreed to let us continue with your list of places you want to visit but if Verlaine gets distressed, we give it a pass.”

Gianna didn’t put up any argument, resting her head on the back of the couch and blinking as if sleepy. “I can’t argue with the stipulation. At least I can still see the other parts of the ship.”

Remembering Dr. Shane’s concern over Gianna becoming dehydrated, he figured he should suggest refreshments. The doctor had given her a treatment at sickbay but no harm in staying ahead of any potential recurrence. “I could use juice or tea maybe—do you want anything? Are you hungry?” he asked, going to the fully stocked bar and opening the stasis unit. He wouldn’t drink a feelgood while on duty but his throat was parched.

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