Home > Restricted (The Verge #1)(18)

Restricted (The Verge #1)(18)
Author: A.C. Thomas

Ari was no longer quite as disgusted by the exchange of bodily fluids to seal the deal.

Orin agreed to get Ari across the deep dark and into the Restricted Sector, but that was where they would part ways. Ari would have to arrange his own way home after he located Theo. The ship, or rather, Delilah, would belong to Mr. Stone from the moment Ari disembarked inside the Sector.

It was a fair trade, as far as Ari was concerned. He was asking Orin to take an enormous risk. The threat of Enforcers alone was enough of a deterrent before considering the unknown dangers of the deep dark and the Restricted Sector. It was the least Ari could do to let him have the ship and be done with Aristotle and his problems as soon as possible.

Ari stomped down firmly on the trickle of dread that crept through his chest at the notion of Orin leaving. It was settled. There was no point in wallowing over something that hadn’t happened yet. Ari could take the time to fall apart once Theo was back home and no sooner.

He had to be practical, treat the physical aspect of their partnership as casually as Orin did. Ari nodded to himself as he carefully packed up his lab equipment. That was exactly what he would do. Simple.

He just needed to refrain from allowing his emotions to become engaged.

He left the lab, closing the door behind him before heading into the cockpit. Orin was already seated in the pilot’s chair, hunched over a new set of calculations with numbers and equations flying across the screen. He offered up a smile when Ari entered, his flashing dimples having no effect on Ari’s heart.

The fluttering in his chest was likely due to indigestion from too many dehydrated foods. Ari’s emotions remained entirely disengaged. According to plan.

Ari took his seat, watching Orin’s hands move across the screen for just a moment longer than was strictly necessary. He had decided to keep his emotions from becoming engaged, not his vision.

Or any of his senses really.

Ari swallowed awkwardly, pulling up their revised list for consideration. “Do we have an initial destination in mind? To locate a singer?”

Orin didn’t turn his head, but amusement crinkled up the skin at the corner of his eye in a way Ari should not have found as attractive as he did.

“Yup. Sure do. Got a couple places lined up all in a row for us. I’m just finishing up on these practice navigations, keeping myself sharp before we have to hit the deep dark.”

Ari squinted at the impossible-to-interpret numbers and symbols. “All of this is just practice?”

Orin nodded. “Yeah. Something I used to do for fun, keep myself from getting bored. Calculate how to get from here to there, imaginary ships and imaginary places. Get your numbers right, and you can go anywhere you please. Get your calculations right, and you can always get away.”

His voice trailed off as a wash of color rose up the back of his neck, hands swiftly closing down his projections as he kept his face turned away from Ari.

“Sorry ’bout that. Catch me jabbering away on this nonsense. I know how you hate to waste your time. Let’s get started on finding that singer.”

Ari pursed his lips. There was something there, in Orin’s words that niggled at him. Something defensive in his voice, as though he expected Ari to reprimand him. It made something twist unpleasantly in Ari’s gut.

He turned his attention to the projection Orin had brought up on the main view screen.

“This here’s a good place to start. Big settlement, lots of people, lots of hiding places, lots of songs on the wind. Figured we could hit up two or three ratholes first thing in the morning. I’ve got us headed there now. If I can time it right, and I always do, sugar, we oughta make landfall just before dawn.”

Ari nodded his head, the settlement was one of the few on the Verge he’d heard of, infamous for its colorful clash of cultures and seething pool of illegal activities.

Orin indicated Ari’s screen with his chin. “Need to get ourselves a list of songs we’re listening for. What do we have to go on?”

Ari opened up Theo’s notepad. “We need any information we can find on Outliers and exit points, anything related to the Restricted Sector. My brother left something of a description of his abductor, as well as some odd sketches. I would like to see if anyone knows anything about these images.”

Orin swiveled his chair and leaned forward, elbows balanced on spread knees. “He left a description? You got a note from him?”

Ari flicked over to Theo’s note, hesitating before enhancing the image. Orin skimmed over the words before honing in on the images.

“Huh. Never seen nothing quite like that before.”

Ari nodded, moving in closer to study the images. “Precisely why I am hoping someone might be able to offer more information.”

Orin rubbed his chin thoughtfully, sitting up in his chair. “Alright, so we ask around about this Outlier fella, flash those drawings at the right singer. What about your brother? You got some pics or vid for us to show? Might help if you give me a description too.”

Ari closed the notes and powered down his screen before turning his head to answer.

“No description should be necessary, as Theo and I are identical twins. I shall simply refer to myself as a visual aid in jogging their memories.”

Ari paused as Orin’s face did something decidedly odd.

“Twins?” he gasped out quietly. Orin gaped like he had been struck on the back of the head, mouth wide open and slack with shock. “You’re telling me there’s two of you?”

Aristotle shook his head sharply, reclining back in his seat to cross his arms over his narrow chest. “Of course not, don’t be ridiculous. We are two distinct people, different in many ways.”

Orin shut his mouth, the prominent lump of his Adam’s apple bobbing in his throat. His hands gestured clumsily in Ari’s direction.

“Yeah, no, I get that, honey, but you’re saying he looks just like you. Like if the two of you were to stand side by side in front of me, I’d be seeing double.”

Ari shrugged irritably. “I suppose. We are identical, but Theo has always worn his hair longer. You would be able to tell us apart, I’m sure. Our close resemblance should be sufficient for anyone who may have seen Theo, however.”

Orin nodded distractedly, busy admiring Ari’s face and figure.

Ari shoved past the pilot more roughly than was necessary as he stalked out of the cockpit. “Please wipe that stupid expression from your face. The concept of twins can hardly be a revelation to you.”

As he followed slowly, the thump of Orin’s boots echoed heavily after Ari’s more precise footsteps. “I’m just savoring the knowledge that not only have I met the prettiest man in existence, but that apparently somewhere out there is another one just as pretty. I’m waking up tomorrow to a more beautiful world, and that’s a fact.”

Ari walked into the galley and opened a cabinet, realized he didn’t want anything, and slammed it shut again. “Yes, well, if you manage to do your job properly, you will get to meet him as soon as possible.”

Humming in acknowledgement, Orin settled onto the bench, knees spread wide as he faced Ari.

Ari caught his wide smirk and sighed. “What?”

Orin’s grin popped his dimples in full display. “I’m just sitting here contemplating the possibility that I could be the cream filling in a you sandwich.”

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