Home > Mary Poppins : The Complete Collection(46)

Mary Poppins : The Complete Collection(46)
Author: P.L. Travers

Michael ran and took the Bowl from Mary Poppins and put it on the floor by Mr Turvy’s head. And, as he did so, he felt a curious thing happening to him. The floor seemed to be pushing his feet away from it and tilting them into the air.

“Oh!” he cried. “I feel so funny. Something most extraordinary is happening to me!”

For by now, he, too, was turning Catherine wheels through the air, and flying up and down the room, until he landed head-first on the floor beside Mr Turvy.

“Strike me pink!” said Mr Turvy in a surprised voice, looking at Michael out of the corner of his eye. “I never knew it was catching. You too? Well, of all the – Hi, Hi, I say! Steady there! You’ll knock the goods off the shelves, if you’re not careful, and I shall be charged for breakages. What are you doing?”

He was now addressing Jane, whose feet had suddenly swept off the carpet and were turning above her head in the giddiest manner. Over and over she went – first her head and then her feet in the air – until at last she came down on the other side of Mr Turvy and found herself standing on her head.

“You know,” said Mr Turvy, staring at her solemnly,” this is very odd. I never knew it happen to anyone else before. Upon my word, I never did. I do hope you don’t mind.”

Jane laughed, turning her head towards him and waving her legs in the air.

“Not a bit, thank you. I’ve always wanted to stand on my head and I’ve never been able to do it before. It’s very comfortable.”

“H’m,” said Mr Turvy dolefully. “I’m glad somebody likes it. I can’t say I feel like that.”

“I do,” said Michael. “I wish I could stay like this all my life. Everything looks so nice and different.”

And, indeed, everything was different. From their strange position on the floor, Jane and Michael could see that the articles on the carpenter’s bench were all upside down – china dogs, broken dolls, wooden stools – all standing on their heads.

“Look!” whispered Jane to Michael. He turned his head as much as he could. And there, creeping out of a hole in the wainscoting, came a small mouse. It skipped, head over heels, into the middle of the room, and, turning upside down, balanced daintily on its nose in front of them.

They watched it for a moment, very surprised. Then Michael suddenly said:

“Jane, look out of the window!”

She turned her head carefully, for it was rather difficult, and saw to her astonishment that everything outside the room, as well as everything in it, was different. Out in the street the houses were standing on their heads, their chimneys on the pavement and their door-steps in the air, and out of the door-steps came little curls of smoke. In the distance a church had turned turtle and was balancing rather top-heavily on the point of its steeple. And the rain, which had always seemed to them to come down from the sky, was pouring up from the earth in a steady, soaking shower.

“Oh,” said Jane,” how beautifully strange it all is! It’s like being in another world. I’m so glad we came today.”

“Well,” said Mr Turvy mournfully, “you’re very kind, I must say. You do know how to make allowances. Now, what about this Bowl?”

He stretched out his hand to take it, but at that moment the Bowl gave a little skip and turned upside down. And it did it so quickly and so funnily that Jane and Michael could not help laughing.

“This,” said Mr Turvy miserably, “is no laughing matter for me, I assure you. I shall have to put the rivets in wrong way up – and if they show, they show. I can’t help it.”

And, taking his tools out of his pocket, he mended the Bowl, weeping quietly as he worked.

“Humph!” said Mary Poppins, stooping to pick it up. “Well, that’s done. And now we’ll be going.”

At that Mr Turvy began to sob pitifully.

“That’s right, leave me!” he said bitterly. “Don’t stay and help me keep my mind off my misery. Don’t hold out a friendly hand. I’m not worth it. I’d hoped you might all favour me by accepting some refreshment. There’s a Plum Cake in a tin on the top shelf. But, there – I’d no right to expect it. You’ve your own lives to live and I shouldn’t ask you to stay and brighten mine. This isn’t my lucky day.”

He fumbled for his pocket-handkerchief.

“Well—” began Mary Poppins, pausing in the middle of buttoning her gloves.

“Oh, do stay, Mary Poppins, do!” cried Jane and Michael together, dancing eagerly on their heads.

“You could reach the cake if you stood on a chair!” said Jane helpfully.

Mr Turvy laughed for the first time. It was rather a melancholy sound, but still, it was a laugh.

“She’ll need no chair!” he said gloomily chuckling in his throat. “She’ll get what she wants and in the way she wants it – she will.”

And at that moment, before the children’s astonished eyes, Mary Poppins did a curious thing. She raised herself stiffly on her toes and balanced there for a moment. Then, very slowly, and in a most dignified manner, she turned seven Catherine wheels through the air. Over and over, her skirts clinging neatly about her ankles, her hat set tidily on her head, she wheeled up to the top shelf, took the cake, and wheeled down again, landing neatly on her head in front of Mr Turvy and the children.

“Hooray! Hooray! Hooray!” shouted Michael delightedly. But from the floor Mary Poppins gave him such a look that he rather wished he had remained silent.

“Thank you, Mary,” said Mr Turvy sadly, not seeming at all surprised.

“There!” snapped Mary Poppins. “That’s the last thing I do for you today.”

She put the cake-tin down in front of Mr Turvy.

Immediately, with a little wobbly roll, it turned upside down. And each time Mr Turvy turned it right-side-up, it turned over again.

“Ah,” he said despairingly, “I might have known it. Nothing is right today – not even the cake-tin. We shall have to cut it open from the bottom. I’ll just ask—”

And he stumbled on his head to the door and shouted through the crack between it and the floor.

“Miss Tartlet! Miss Tartlet! I’m so sorry to trouble you, but could you – would you – do you mind bringing a tin-opener?”

Far away downstairs Miss Tartlet’s voice could be heard, grimly protesting.

“Tush!” said a loud croaky voice inside the room. “Tush and nonsense! Don’t bother the woman! Let Polly do it! Pretty Polly! Clever Polly!”

Turning their heads, Jane and Michael were surprised to see that the voice came from Mary Poppins’ parrot-headed umbrella which was at that moment Catherine-wheeling towards the cake. It landed head downwards on the tin and in two seconds had cut a large hole in it with its beak.

“There!” squawked the parrot-head conceitedly “Polly did it! Handsome Polly!” And a happy self-satisfied smile spread over its beak as it settled head-downwards on the floor beside Mary Poppins.

“Well, that’s very kind, very kind!” said Mr Turvy in his gloomy voice, as the dark crust of the cake became visible.

He took a knife out of his pocket and cut a slice. He started violently, and peered at the cake more closely. Then he looked reproachfully at Mary Poppins.

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