Home > Promises in the Dark(17)

Promises in the Dark(17)
Author: D.K. Hood

Remembering only too clearly how it felt to be picked up and thrown across the ground, she nodded. “But they were behind the blast. It wouldn’t have been as bad as what we went through and we survived.”

“These people were on top of it, Jenna.” Kane turned her around to face him. “It would’ve been quick. Unconscious and then they probably died from inhaling the fumes before the fire engulfed the room.”

Jenna nodded and straightened. “Okay, I’ve seen enough. We’ll stop by the search command center and chase down the witnesses while the incident is fresh in their minds.” She looked at Carter. “Anyone here, watching the show when you arrived?”

“Nope.” Carter peered at her over his facemask. “The sheriff had cleared the spectators but he gave me a list of everyone who came by.” He pointed to her tablet. “It’s all in the case files.”

“Thanks. We’ll head into town now and find out if anyone took videos of the fire, it might show people or vehicles in the area at the time.” Jenna turned to Carter and walked with him out of earshot of the others. “I owe you an apology. The recording and observations of the scene are some of the best I’ve read.”

“Well thank you, ma’am.” Carter smiled at her and then his expression changed to serious. “I’m real sorry for riling you before, it wasn’t intentional. I respect women but admit I’m a little rusty being alone for so long but I promise not to step out of line again. I just want us to get along, Jenna. Can we be friends?”

Astonished by his sincerity, Jenna blinked. “So, no more smartass remarks and sexist comments?”

“Cross my heart.” Carter’s green gaze searched her face.

Jenna smiled. “I’d like that, thank you.”

“Good. Now I can get my mind back on the job.” Carter gave her a salute and headed out the backdoor.






The Whispering Caves



Gasping for breath, Sophie flattened herself against the wall of the cave. She could hear the man coming, his steady footsteps crunching through the never-ending gravel under her feet. She couldn’t tell if he’d entered her tunnel or was walking close by. Sound became distorted inside the caves. A tumbling rock was amplified into a rockfall and the sound of her heavy breathing seemed to bounce back at her as if mocking her attempts to escape him. Blackness hung over her, obscuring everything, so she couldn’t see her hand in front of her face. Terrified of taking another step into oblivion, she slid her fingers along the damp rock walls and gripped the blanket covering her shoulders.

“Come out, come out wherever you are.” His voice echoed toward her in a rush of sound.

She wanted to scream and run away but the gloom held her prisoner in her fear of the unknown. She edged forward, step by step. Something touched her face, and the unmistakable tickle of a spider’s web clung to her. Critters brushed past her in a rush to get away and underfoot, the hard cave floor had become smoother and angled downward. A sticky substance squelched through her toes and she slipped and slid, losing her blanket. With no time to stop to find it she pushed on, but each forward movement brought with it another horror. The air moved, sending another blast of coolness over her sweat-soaked brow. She could hear him now, and a beam of light lit the rock above her head, sending bats flying in all directions. The panicked beasts caught in her hair and she screamed in terror, swiping them away with her hands.

“I can hear you.” The man’s voice rumbled up the tunnel. “I won’t be leaving a lantern for you next time, Sophie. It will be you and the rats and I get to watch them eat you alive in night vision. How sweet is that?” He chuckled deep in his chest. “Maybe if you come to me on hands and knees and beg a little, I’ll go easy on you.”

Frantic, Sophie scrambled on, feeling her way along the cave walls into the void. The air coming toward her had gone from a slight breeze to pushing the hair from her face. Under her fingers the unforgiving rock walls had turned to ice. In the distance she could make out a rushing sound. Could it be the wind that made the tunnels whisper or was it the rush of water? Images of ghouls and monsters ran in chaos through her mind but she’d rather face them than spend one more second with her tormentor. Swallowing her fear, she kept moving. Behind her the man’s footsteps grew louder. The way ahead bent to the right and underfoot became slippery and she tumbled, falling with a splash into ice-cold water. Teeth chattering, she grabbed at the slippery walls and pushed to her feet. The rumbling sound had gotten louder. She recognized the sound of a waterfall and almost whooped with joy. She’d visited Black Rock Falls with her family and heard stories about the catacombs. The tunnel must lead out to somewhere near the falls. Determined to find a way out she hastened her step and waded on blindly. Without warning, the ground dropped away and fast flowing water picked her up and dragged her along like a cork. She bounced off the walls as it headed downward in a rush into the murky darkness.

“Sophie… Sophie, I’m right behind you.” The man’s voice seemed closer now and the beam of his flashlight was bouncing off the water.

In blind terror she struck out swimming with the current. The thundering noise was getting louder by the second and an unforgiving sheet of water pounded her from above. She couldn’t stop now, and kicked her legs hard. She had to keep her head above the water. Suddenly a current swirled her around and tugged her under, spinning her like a top. Trapped in the inky water, she couldn’t breathe. Her heart pounded in her ears and her lungs screamed for one precious mouthful of air. Blindly, she fought to the surface and sucked in a breath as the fast-flowing torrent swept her along.

The ice-cold stream surrounded her, numbing her legs but she kicked her leaden feet and fought to find the rock wall. Hands flailing, she found nothing but air. Sophie cried out in horror as the torrent increased speed. Pain shuddered through aching bones as it hurled her without mercy against the walls on its way through the weaving passage. Water filled her nose and mouth, cutting off any chance to breathe. Dizzy from colliding with the rocks, she gathered her last ounce of strength and fighting for a single breath, she tumbled onward like a stick in the rapids. All around her, the deafening roar of water filled the cave.

In the distance a beam of light peeked through long strands of green undergrowth. Daylight bounced off droplets of water in rainbows and the noise was so loud, it filled her head. She had to slow down or the water would carry her over the edge of the falls. Gasping for air, she grabbed at outcrops of rock, anything to slow her progress but the mossy rocks slid against her palms. Sheer terror gripped her as she burst into the blinding sunlight and caught one glimpse of a cloudless blue sky before the waterfall claimed her for its own.






Getting involved in other people’s arguments was a recipe for disaster but Kane had to say something. They needed to work as a team and the friction between Jenna and Carter was getting out of hand. “Do you mind if I say something?” Kane turned the Beast onto the highway and headed into the town of Louan.

It was a glorious day, sunshine, blue skies and away from the smell of fire, the air was sweet. Jenna loved days like these and her hostility disturbed him. He’d rarely seen Jenna in a mood. Determined maybe, but when she was on the job, she was professional all the time. After flicking her a glance, he waited for her to close her tablet and look at him.

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