Home > The Lost Boys(35)

The Lost Boys(35)
Author: Faye Kellerman

“That couldn’t be easy on either of you,” Rina said.

“It was horrible,” Terry said. “It was hard on me, but honestly, it was worse for him. He was in a pressure cooker. Family pressure, professional pressure from the hospital, pressure from the community. He had so much responsibility to so many people. I think he cracked.”

“Why didn’t you move to Goa with him?” Gabe asked.

“I offered a hundred times,” Terry said. “He didn’t want us to move. He said it would destabilize the family. I thought it was really odd but I didn’t argue.” She rolled her eyes. “Then I found out the real reason. Goa is the gambling center of India. I caught on when the calls started coming from the bank.”

Gabe got up and started pacing. “Are you broke?”

“Worse than broke. He’s in heavy debt. Really heavy debt. In the past his family had bailed him out.” She shook her head. “Not this time. He swears to me he won’t do it again. But he’s broken his promises in the past. And his swearing won’t do anything about the money he owes.”

“And you’re sure that his family won’t help him out?” Rina asked.

“Positive. They’ve had it. I’ve had it.” Another exhale. “In order to pay off his debts, he’s borrowed some of it from a prominent family. But he still owes plenty to some very unscrupulous people. It’s a total mess. I know that Devek is worried about his safety foremost, but also about our children. We’re all at risk.”

“I noticed you didn’t say he’s worried about your safety, Terry,” Rina said.

“Rina, we are done,” Terry said. “I also found out that he’s been keeping a woman there—in Goa. He confessed to the affair, assured me it’s over and has begged my forgiveness. He’s also promised to give up gambling for good. But I simply don’t have any charity left in me.” Tears continued to fall. “Still, I don’t want anything bad to happen to him.”

“Then why don’t you all move to America?” Gabe said.

“Because Devek cannot move out of India until he’s paid back the money.”

“Why can’t he pay back money if he lives here?”

“It’ll look like he’s running away. They’ll hunt him down.”

“Then you move.”

“Devek will not allow me to move to America with the children.”

“Who cares what he wants? Divorce the guy and come back here.”

“That’s exactly what I’m doing, Gabe. Except that I’m not supposed to leave the country with the kids until custody is decided.”

“You fled without his permission.”

“Of course I did. He’s going to fight me for full custody, and he’ll win. His family has the money to battle this out. His father won’t pay off Devek’s debts but he’s not going to let his grandchildren leave the country. And despite what the law says, the courts are biased.”

The room turned silent. Rina appraised the woman. “What else, Terry. I feel like you’re holding back on us.”

Terry bit her fingernail. “It’s not just custody, it’s because of Juleen. Normally when a couple gets married in Hindu tradition, it’s the bride that gives a dowry. We have no money. Devek is considering an arranged marriage where Juleen won’t need a dowry.”

“Shit!” Gabe said. “You are kidding me!”

“I wish I was.”

“She’s eleven! Isn’t that against the law?”

“Of course it is. Marriage at that age is forbidden, but not betrothal. And please keep your voice down.”

“Does Juleen even know about that?”

“Sort of.”

“You didn’t agree to this, did you?”

“Why do you think I’m here? I came here to protect her and to clear my mind. I’m trying to figure out a game plan.”

No one spoke. Then Rina said, “You think that’s why he’s been so strict with her?”

She nodded. “With her father’s consent, Juleen can marry as young as sixteen. I know he’s already spoken to a few older men who are widowed. Not bad men. I know one of them. He’s very wealthy. In exchange for Juleen, he would help pay off some of Devek’s debts. He’s a nice man, but he’s almost sixty. I can’t do that to my daughter.”

Gabe said, “Does she know about this?”

“Please lower your voice!” Terry said. “Yes, she knows. No marriage will take place unless she complies.”

“She hasn’t agreed to this, has she?”

“It’s not like America, Gabriel. Kids do not defy their parents. That’s why I’m here.” Terry wiped her eyes. “I don’t know what to do.”

“Why Juleen?” Rina asked. “I’m sure there are lots of young and beautiful girls willing to marry rich old men.”

“The man I know . . . he is a family friend. I truly think he wants to help. But she’s a child. She deserves the right to make up her own mind. But that’s a very American way of thinking. Devek, of course, probably wants an agreement signed yesterday. It is very shameful to owe that much money.”

“How much are we talking about?” Gabe said. “A hundred thousand?”

“More.” Terry shook her head. “Much more.”

“A million?”

“Maybe even more than that.”

“How did his debts get so out of control?” Rina asked.

“He kept on using his family credit. He’s an idiot! And I’m an idiot for having an affair with him twelve years ago. God, what on earth was I thinking?”

Gabe said, “Do you want me to ask Dad for the money?”

“He hates me.”

“He doesn’t hate you. He’s mad at you, but I know he still has feelings for you, Mom.”

“You know what taking money from Chris would mean?”

“It would mean you’d be in his debt forever. Better you than Juleen.”

“I agree.”

“Then what’s the problem?”

“Even if Devek were to become debt free, there is no guarantee he won’t gamble in the future. Then we’d all be in the same situation. I need to remain here where the children will be acquisitional citizens. I need a lawyer. I have to get the paperwork done. But even with all that, there’s nothing to prevent him from kidnapping the children and taking them back to India.”

“You’re their mother,” Gabe said.

“Yes, but a case could be made in India that I kidnapped the children and brought them here.”

Rina said, “Does Devek even know where you are?”

“I’m sure he knows that I’m in America. He’s probably figured out that I’m in New York because Gabe’s here. And yes, he will come after them once he realizes I’m not coming back. I need the children safe and hidden, so I can figure out my next move.”

No one spoke.

“I know. I’ve gotten myself into another real mess.”

Gabe said, “Mom, I love you. I truly do. But I can’t take them. I’ve got a visible career, and I can’t ask that of Yasmine. Furthermore, I can’t protect them.”

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