Home > Mystery at the Masquerade (Secrets and Scrabble #3)(15)

Mystery at the Masquerade (Secrets and Scrabble #3)(15)
Author: Josh Lanyon

He liked her.

He hadn’t expected to. She wasn’t instantly likeable, but yes, he did like her. And he liked Julian.

It had been a long time since anyone had made him feel so attractive, so appreciated.

In fact, Julian was saying, “We never laughed so hard as we did driving home from that play. It was terrific.”

Ellery smiled feebly.

Marguerite started to speak, but they were interrupted by a loud crash, the distinct sound of a slap, and then a sharp, furious scream.

The music cut off as abruptly as if someone had yanked the plug. There were gasps and shocked murmurs, and the crowd seemed to draw back like wilting petals from acid—or in this case, Brett Ainsley and Klementina Harwood.

The long rope of pearls Klementina had been swinging playfully had broken, and the pearls were bouncing and rolling across the marble floor in a sudden downpour.

“It was an accident, you bastard,” she cried. Black eyeliner mingled with tears on her face. There was a noticeable red mark on her left cheek.

“Nonsense,” Brett said, only, of course, he did not say nonsense, and he snarled what he did say. There was distinct discoloration across the bridge of his nose where it seemed the rope of pearls had struck him. “You did it deliberately, you drunken…” There followed more and cruder expletives.

But Klementina was not easily cowed and she replied in kind, at the top of her lungs. “Maybe I have a right to be angry,” she concluded—not that it was the conclusion.

“Excuse me,” Julian said tightly.

“Julian.” Marguerite reached for him, but Julian ignored her, striding toward the center of the drama. “Oh, for God’s sake,” she murmured, and caught Ellery’s arm when he moved to follow.

“No,” she said. “Really. No.”

“Here comes momma’s boy,” Brett sneered as Julian reached him.

Julian hauled back his arm as though about to punch Brett, but Locke Lombard, the older gray-haired man Ellery had met earlier, interceded, aided by several other male guests who rushed to break up the fight that seemed imminent.

Ellery couldn’t help wondering where Jack was. But it seemed the police chief’s presence was unnecessary as Brett was hustled out into the garden without further incident.

Klementina, meanwhile, had retreated from the field of battle, sobbing loudly. A lifetime in theater had made Ellery a pretty good judge of tears, and he couldn’t help thinking Klementina sounded more enraged than injured.

“You’ll be sorry,” she called.

Several of the other ladies stared after her, whispering behind their fans.

Marguerite let go of Ellery’s arm. “I’m sorry. Julian is very protective of the people he cares for.”

She seemed composed, smiling as though nothing had happened, although her gaze kept returning to the doorway Brett and his companions had vanished through.

“That’s a nice quality in a man,” Ellery said.

“It is.” Marguerite’s smile was briefer this time. “It’s unnecessary in this case. I gave up worrying about how Brett’s behavior might reflect on me or my family’s name a long time ago. We’re descended from pirates, after all.”

Ellery smiled because that seemed to be the expected response. She couldn’t really find it funny that her husband and his…whatever she was had started brawling in the middle of this fancy ball.

Marguerite gestured to the string quartet, which hastily began to play once more. People threw curious glances her way and at the door leading to the garden, but they began to laugh and talk again. Servants hurried to pick up the scattered pearls.

Marguerite let out a funny little laugh. “See? The excitement is all over.”

“I’m sorry,” Ellery said, unable to think of anything more useful to say.

She patted his arm. “You’re sweet. Don’t worry. We won’t let this spoil the evening. Ah. There’s Chief Carson. I guess it’s true about never being able to find a cop when you need one.”

Sure enough, Jack was making his way through the crowd.

“Excuse me, won’t you, Ellery?” Marguerite moved to meet Locke, who had returned from the garden. Locke shook his head apologetically. He and Marguerite moved out of Ellery’s view.

“What was that about?” a small, slim woman in purple asked Ellery.

It took him a moment to recognize acting mayor Nan Sweeny.

“I’m not exactly sure,” he admitted. “Too many drinks?”

“I can guess. Kezzie’s a fool if she thinks Brett is ever going to leave Marguerite.”

Behind her purple lace mask, Nan was scowling.

Ellery stared. Like her aunt Nora, Nan seemed to have her ear to Pirate Cove’s underground lines of communication.

“Is that what’s going on?”

Nan shrugged. “It’s usually what’s going on with Brett. But if he thinks he can quietly brush Kezzie Harwood off, he’s in for a rude awakening.”

Kezzie—Klementina—did not seem like someone who would go quietly into the good night. Certainly she had not gone quietly tonight.

“Anyway. How are you? You look gorgeous. Are you having fun?” Nan asked.

“Yes. For sure,” Ellery said. Which was mostly true.

They spoke for a few minutes longer, and then Nan went off to get another drink. Ellery decided to see if those crab puffs Nora had spoken of had materialized.

He was browsing the mostly empty silver trays—despite the recent burglary, the Bloodworths seemed in no danger of running out of sterling serving utensils—when Julian joined him.

“Here you are!” Julian was smiling widely, but Ellery couldn’t help noticing that his hair was ruffled and his knuckles scraped.

“Hey,” Ellery greeted him. “You okay?”

“Never better. Listen, I have to see about the fireworks. Are you all right on your own for a bit?”

“Of course.” Ellery was amused. He also wondered if “see about the fireworks” was code, or if there really was going to be a fireworks show that evening.

Julian smiled winningly. “What I mean is, please don’t run off. I’ll be back as soon as I can.”

“I’ll be here.”

Julian hesitated, then leaned in and gave Ellery a quick peck of a kiss, before turning away.

Ellery considered that kiss as he went upstairs to answer the call of nature. He decided it was really less of a true kiss and more of a social gesture, like a…a squeeze on the shoulder. Which was fine with him. He liked Julian and, even more, he liked the attention Julian was showering on him—it made a nice change—but he was definitely not looking for anything serious. And if he had been looking for something serious, it would probably not be with Julian, who he couldn’t help feeling was a bit intense and, well, young. Never mind the fact that his family was more than a little complicated.

Eventually, Ellery located a bathroom, took care of necessities, and checked to make sure his costume was still intact and that he didn’t have caviar stuck between his teeth.

He wandered amid the guests sprinkled like expensive party favors along the top level, and followed a small group out onto the balcony overlooking the garden and fountain. His heart gave a little jump as he spotted Jack down below, speaking with Sue Lewis.

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