Home > The Split(60)

The Split(60)
Author: Sharon Bolton

South Georgia is incredible. In spite of everything, Joe feels a moment of joy that he’s been able to share it – albeit briefly – with Felicity. And yet, darker clouds are rolling in from the west, as though to remind him that nothing good can come from this visit. He’ll see her again, and his mother will arrest her for murder.

The pre-fab exterior of King Edward Point’s administrative centre hasn’t prepared him for the scale of the technology on the inside. The harbour master’s desk, close to one of two huge windows, holds four large computer screens, each showing satellite images of different points on the islands. A further monitor on another desk shows a constantly updating weather report, and a screen hanging from the ceiling displays the visiting ship’s it itinerary. Noticeboards hold tide tables, work schedules, equipment requisitions.

The man who introduced himself as Nigel and who revels in the combined titles of harbour master, fisheries officer, post master and tourism manager is making coffee. As he adds milk and sugar, he chats to Superintendent McNair about events on the Falkland Islands. Joe is only half listening. Sick with nerves himself, he is anxious about his mother. Delilah, at his side, is slumped in a chair. The seasickness that has plagued her since they left Stanley isn’t letting a detail like solid land get in its way.

‘How did Rob Duncan’s hip operation work out?’ Nigel is asking. ‘They were flying him out when I left.’

Skye pulls a face. ‘He was seen on horseback last week. Rachel went nuts.’ She glances over at Joe. ‘Oldest resident of the Falkland Islands. Drives us all to distraction.’ Turning back to Nigel she says, ‘Oh, and did you hear Jennie Taggert’s youngest qualified for—’

Joe sees his own impatience mirrored on his mother’s face but she has already made it clear that McNair is in charge of the operation to find and apprehend Felicity. So far away from the UK, they will need her co-operation, and that of the officials here. Even so, he lifts his eyebrows in a silent question. Delilah shrugs, as though the effort of anything more is beyond her. Outside the black clouds are low in the sky, almost touching the sea.

He spots a photograph of Felicity pinned to a noticeboard. Taken from above it shows her scaling a wall of ice. Below the safety helmet, her face is strained with effort and yet she is smiling for the camera. A few feet below her is a man of about her own age. He too is smiling. It takes several seconds for Joe to realise why the picture depresses him. He’s never seen her looking happy before.

Behind them, the external door opens. Papers dance in the air and the window blinds rattle against the glass. Nigel says, Ah, here she is!’

Heart pounding, Joe turns to see a woman in her forties, stout and plain.

‘Dr Susan Brindle,’ Nigel introduces the newcomer. ‘Sue, you know Skye, of course. And this is Detective Inspector Jones from England, and her colleague, Dr Grant.’

‘Joe.’ He holds his hand out. ‘Is Felicity on her way?’

‘Susan is the station chief here,’ Nigel explains. ‘All the BAS staff report to her. Sue, Detective Inspector Jones and Dr Grant would like to see Felicity.’

‘May I ask why?’ Brindle is hovering in the doorway, as though entering the room properly might commit her in some way.

‘I’m afraid that’s confidential,’ Joe replies before Delilah can speak.

‘Is she expecting you?’ Brindle asks.

‘This is a police matter,’ Delilah says. ‘Please have Miss Lloyd brought here immediately.’

There follows a moment of stalemate, which the harbour master breaks by handing round mugs of coffee. ‘She said something this morning about a boyfriend,’ he tells them. ‘She’s been very keen on the visiting cruise ships the last couple of weeks. Pouring over the passenger manifests.’ He holds coffee out to Joe. ‘Is it you she was expecting?’

‘She didn’t mention a boyfriend to me.’ Susan Brindle still hasn’t entered the room. ‘We usually know if staff are expecting family or friends. They have to book leave.’

Delilah puts her mug down untouched. ‘My son is not Felicity Lloyd’s boyfriend. I have a warrant for—’

‘OK, thank you, Delilah.’ Skye McNair speaks up. ‘I’ll take it from here.’

To Susan Brindle she says, ‘These people have travelled a long way to see Dr Lloyd and there is no reason I can think of why she shouldn’t be brought here immediately.’

‘I can,’ says the harbour master. ‘She left an hour ago.’

‘Left to go where?’ Delilah demands.

‘Do I have your permission to request Ralph join us?’ Nigel asks Skye. ‘I think you’ll find he was the last person to see her.’

Frowning, Skye nods and the harbour master makes a quick phone call. ‘Ralph’s our head boatman,’ he explains. ‘He’s on his way up.’

‘Is Felicity in trouble?’ Brindle asks.

‘Oh, I’m sure it’s nothing like that,’ Nigel says. ‘Probably just bad news for the lass. Although obviously I hope not.’ He looks, expectantly, at Delilah and Joe. ‘Your son, you say? Didn’t realise the two of you were related. Is Felicity family?’

Delilah purses her lips. Joe gives a tiny shake of his head. The door opens again and a middle-aged man in outdoor clothing brings with him the smell of the ocean, engine oil and guano.

‘Ralph Chapman, who runs our boatyard,’ Nigel makes the introductions. Ralph nods to Skye and asks about her family. Joe puts a hand on his mother’s arm.

‘We’re looking for Felicity Lloyd,’ Skye explains, as soon as she can interrupt. ‘Can you help?’

‘Why?’ Ralph asks.

‘For the love of God!’ Delilah gets to her feet. ‘I have a warrant to take her into custody and I am this close to arresting the lot of you for obstruction of justice.’

Skye opens her mouth.

‘No,’ snaps Delilah. ‘With respect, Superintendent, this is a British protectorate, subject to the laws of the United Kingdom and their precious Felicity is wanted for murder.’

‘Mum, sit down, you’re not well,’ Joe says, and to his surprise, Delilah does what she’s told. Keeping half an eye on her, because he doesn’t like the way her breathing has escalated, he addresses the room. ‘I’m Felicity’s doctor, or at least I was when she lived in Cambridge and I’m worried for her safety. Please tell us where you think she is.’

‘Several miles up the coast by now.’ Ralph speaks as though the words are being dragged from him.

‘Where’s she going?’

‘Bird Island.’ Ralph frowns at one of the computer screens. ‘She’s due back towards the end of the week.’

Delilah says, ‘We have to go after her.’

‘I’m afraid we do,’ Skye tells Nigel. ‘Can you organise a boat for us?’

‘I don’t recommend anyone else setting out for Bird today.’ Ralph is leaning over one of the monitors now. ‘The weather’s taken a turn. I’ve been trying to get Flick on the radio, persuade her to turn around. And I can’t seem to find her on radar.’

The harbour master joins him at the monitor.

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