Home > Pretty Girls(100)

Pretty Girls(100)
Author: Karin Slaughter

Step three: in progress.

Claire grabbed the gas can and walked toward the back porch. She stopped ten feet away, perfectly in line with the steps. She put down the can. She took out the revolver. She held the gun at her side, barrel pointing toward the ground.

She waited.

The wind shifted. Smoke blew into her face. The color had changed from white to black. Claire didn’t know what that meant. She recalled a television show where the color difference was an important plot point, but then she also recalled an article that said the color of smoke varied depending on what was burning.

Was anything burning? Claire couldn’t see any more flames. There was only a steady plume of black smoke as she waited for Paul to run screaming from the house.

A minute passed. Another. She gripped the revolver in her hand. She swallowed down a cough. The wind shifted back toward the road. Another minute. Another. She listened to the rushing sound of blood in her ears as her heart threatened to beat out of her chest.


“Shit,” she whispered. Where was the fire? There wasn’t enough rain to wet the grass, let alone snuff out a burning house. Even the emergency road flare was sputtering out.

Claire kept her eye on the back door as she shuffled a few feet over to check out the side of the house. Smoke rolled out from underneath the plywood like a coal fire plant. Was the fire inside the walls? The wood siding was old and dry. The wooden studs had been inside the walls for over sixty years. Claire had seen thousands of diagrams of residential walls: the siding on the exterior, the thin wood sheeting for strength, the thick layer of insulation tucked between the wooden studs, the Sheetrock. There was at least six inches of material between the inside and outside of the house, most of it wood, much of it soaked in gasoline. Why wasn’t the fire blazing through the house by now?

The insulation.

Paul had replaced all the windows. He would’ve pulled the old Sheetrock off the walls and foamed in a fire-retardant insulation because no matter what Claire thought of, Paul was always six fucking steps ahead of her.

“God dammit,” she muttered.

What now?

The gas can. She picked it up. There was still a swill of gasoline inside. The paper wick had sucked most of it into the fibers. This was her one and only back-up plan: to light the wick and throw the can on the roof.

And then what? Watch that not burn, either? The point of directing the fire into a crescent was to send Paul running out the back door. If he heard something on the roof, he could just as easily go out the front or even through the garage door. Or ignore the sound as a fallen tree limb or maybe not hear it at all because he was too busy doing whatever it was that he was doing with Lydia.

Claire put down the gas can. She opened the flip phone. She dialed information and got the home number for Buckminster Fuller. She pressed the key to connect the call.

Inside the house, the kitchen phone started ringing. The sound still felt like an ice pick in her ear. She let the muzzle of the gun tap at her leg as she listened to the rings. One. Two. Three. This time yesterday, Claire was sitting on the back porch like a docile child as she waited for Paul to call her every twenty minutes to tell her whether or not her sister was still alive.

Paul answered the phone on the fifth ring. “Hello?”

“It’s me.” She kept her voice quiet. She could see him through the broken kitchen door. His back was to her. There was no smoke in the room, no sign of the fire. He had taken off the red sweatshirt. She could see his shoulder blades stretching against the thin material of his T-shirt.

He said, “Why are you calling on this phone?”

“Where is Lydia?”

“I’m really getting sick of you asking about your sister.”

The wind had shifted back. Smoke burned her eyes. “I saw the unedited videos.”

Paul didn’t answer. He looked up at the ceiling. Could he smell the smoke?

“I know, Paul.”

“What do you think you know?” He tried to stretch the phone cord to look in the hallway.

A flash of light caught Claire’s eye. A single flame fingered its way down from the soffit over the bathroom. She looked back at Paul. The phone was keeping him tethered inside the kitchen. “I know you’re the masked man.”

Again, he said nothing.

Claire watched the finger of flame turn into a hand. The soffit blackened. The wood grain on the siding laced with soot. “I know you have photographs of Johnny Jackson on the USB drive. I know you want your client list so you can keep the business going.”

“Where are you?”

Claire’s heart thrilled with excitement as she watched the fire trace up the plywood board covering the bathroom window.


Paul wasn’t talking on the phone. He was standing on the porch looking up at the house. Smoke rolled off the roof. He didn’t look terrified. He looked stunned. “What did you do?”

Claire dropped the phone. She still held the revolver at her side. Paul looked down at her hand. He knew that she had a gun. Now was the time to raise it up, point the barrel at him, cock the hammer. She should move quickly. She should widen her stance. She should be ready to pull the trigger before his foot hit the ground.

Paul walked down the three steps. She remembered him walking down the stairs at home, the way he would smile at her in the morning and tell her how beautiful she was, the way he would kiss her cheek, the way he would leave her notes to find in the medicine cabinet and send her funny texts during the day.

He asked, “Did you set the house on fire?” He sounded incredulous and secretly pleased, the exact same way he’d sounded when Claire had called him from the police station to tell him she needed bail money.


She could not move. This was her husband. This was Paul.

“Where did you get that?” He was looking down at the gun. Again, he seemed more surprised than concerned. “Claire?”

The plan. She couldn’t forget the plan. The fire was catching. The revolver was in her hand. She needed to cock the hammer. Point it at Paul’s face. Pull the trigger. Pull the trigger. Pull the trigger.

“Lydia’s fine.” He was standing so close to her. She could smell his musty sweat. His beard was full. He had taken off the thick glasses. She could see the outline of his body underneath his white T-shirt.

She had kissed his body. She had curled her fingers into the hair on his chest.

He glanced back at the house. “Looks like it’s spreading fast.”

“You’re terrified of fire.”

“I am when it’s close enough to hurt me.” He didn’t state the obvious: that he was outside, that it was raining, that he had acres of fields he could run to for safety. “Listen, the fire won’t hold off like that for long. Go ahead and give me the USB drive, and I’ll leave, and you can go inside and untie Lydia.” He smiled his sweet, awkward smile that told her everything was taken care of. “You’ll see I didn’t hurt her, Claire. I kept my promise to you. I always keep my promises to you.”

Claire watched her hand go up to touch his cheek. His skin felt cold. His T-shirt was too thin. He needed a jacket.

She said, “I thought—”

Paul looked into her eyes. “You thought what?”

“I thought I chose you.”

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