Home > Virus Hunters 2(19)

Virus Hunters 2(19)
Author: Bobby Akart

“How long?” asked Harper.

“For what you’re suggesting? Weeks, with a caveat. If you plan on having direct interaction with any Chinese government officials, whether intentionally with their CDC, or unintentionally, with the PLA or PAP, you’ll be exposed.” PLA was an acronym for People’s Liberation Army, while PAP stood for People’s Armed Police—both undeniable oxymorons in China. They were anything but for the people.

“Excuse me a moment,” said Dr. Reitherman abruptly. He darted out of his office, leaving Harper alone with the two CIA gentlemen. The change in dynamic gave Harper an opportunity to restart their conversation.

“Guys, listen. I have the utmost respect for what you’re saying, and I apologize for my attitude earlier. There are no excuses, but we’re under a lot of pressure here. Everyone in this building and throughout the CDC is hell-bent on defining this disease to avoid another pandemic like in 2020.”

The taller agent, who was the more senior of the two, softened his tone as well. “We understand, Dr. Randolph. I’m not saying that’s not important to us, because it is.”

“We all have a job to do,” added his partner.

The senior agent continued. “Doctor, we are very much aware of who your husband is, and off the record, let me say everyone I work with knows Congressman Mills to be a friend of the agency. We want to lend an assist, but we can’t compromise national security and our own investigation.”

Harper went for it. “Just tell me what concerns you, and maybe I can help.”

“Classified,” said the senior agent.

“It always is,” Harper countered. “Talk around the edges and let me fill in the blanks.”

The two men whispered to one another, and the younger agent took the lead. “We’ll deny everything I’m about to say and make your life miserable if it’s disclosed. That’s a promise, Doctor, regardless of who you are. Understood?”

Harper was taken aback by the man’s demeanor, as he’d been the less forceful of the two agents during their encounters.

“Roger that,” she replied with a smile. Where did that come from? That was so military sounding.

He gave his partner a look and then he explained, “China has one of the most advanced chemical warfare programs in the world. Our intelligence indicates in the decade since the COVID-19 pandemic, they’ve expanded their R&D, production and weaponization capabilities. Their current inventory is believed to include the full range of traditional chemical agents, which can be dispersed through a wide variety of delivery systems.”

The other agent interrupted. “Naturally, there are the conventional methods, including artillery rockets, aerial bombs, spray devices, and even short-range ballistic missiles. Our satellite recon has picked up the PLA conducting defensive CW training. Without question, they’ve integrated the biological weapons program into their overall military doctrine.” CW was a reference to chemical warfare.

Harper asked, “Do you think these men were part of that training and something went wrong? Exposure in an accident?”

“Possibly, or worse,” replied the senior agent. “We have reliable information that the Chinese have taken a page out of the ISIS terrorist playbook.”

It didn’t take much for Harper to read between the lines. In 2017, the CDC had engaged in bioterror simulations with the Department of Defense in which terrorists had weaponized the pneumonic plague. In the war-game scenario, the terrorist group had purposefully infected immigrants crossing the U.S. southern border with Mexico in an effort to spread the disease throughout the country. The results of the exercise were not pretty.

“Weaponized humans,” she interjected.

“Yes. Exactly. Our theory, unproven, of course, which is why we’re here, is that these four PLA soldiers were infected during an exercise, accidentally or intentionally. They were allowed to enter the United States as a test of China’s bioweapons capability and a possible human delivery system.”

Harper perked up. This information could lead her closer to patient zero. The men could, in fact, be what she was looking for. There was just one problem. Other cases were springing up around the world wholly unrelated to the travel itinerary of the four soldiers.

“Have you been able to trace their whereabouts prior to their arrival in America?” she asked.

“We’re still working on that.”

“Will you share it with me?”

Before they could answer, Dr. Reitherman returned to the room with three file folders. Harper glanced at the front of one and saw it was marked personnel.

He stood there in silence and opened the first folder. His eyes darted from the contents to Harper’s face and back again several times. Finally, he addressed the group.

“I may have a solution.” He made eye contact with the CIA agents and showed them the contents of the file. The senior agent shrugged and his partner nodded.

“What?” asked Harper, impatient with the intrigue.

Dr. Reitherman handed her the file, and Harper stared at the contents.

“Hello, doppelgänger.”



Chapter Twenty



CDC Headquarters

Atlanta, Georgia



“Meet Dr. Eloise Blasingame,” began Dr. Reitherman. He explained for the benefit of the CIA agents. “She was one of a trio of our personnel embedded within the Chinese CDC by agreement with World Health and the American government. They were there in a consulting and training role, but make no mistake, their primary purpose was to report anything unusual back to us.”

“The resemblance is uncanny,” commented the senior agent. “I can see where you’re headed with this. But I have to ask. With all due respect to Dr. Randolph, can’t this person do the investigative work since she’s already there?”

Dr. Reitherman replied, “For one, she and her team were expelled from the Chinese CDC building without explanation. They are currently at the American embassy in Beijing.”

“Kicked out of the country?” asked the other agent.

“No. They’re free to leave the embassy compound without restriction. Well, other than the usual requirements of foreign citizens on Chinese soil.”

The CIA agent was looking for reasons not to take these extraordinary measures. “Sooo she could do the investigation. Am I right?”

Harper was about to speak up, but Dr. Reitherman raised his hand to stop her. “No. Frankly, Dr. Blasingame is more lab rat than disease detective. Because her role required strict confinement to the Beijing facility, we needed somebody of her expertise who enjoyed being tethered to a microscope and a desk.”

“That’s not me,” quipped Harper.

“No kidding,” added Dr. Reitherman with a scowl. “Anyway, my question is whether you guys can expedite this dossier, as you called it, for Harper to assume Dr. Blasingame’s identity.”

He pulled her photograph out of the personnel file and handed it to the senior agent. He held it up to compare the woman’s face to Harper’s.

“Is their build the same?” he asked.

“Close enough, from my recollection. I believe Dr. Randolph might be a little heavier.”

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