Home > Bad Parts : Bad Parts A Supernatural Thriller (Dark Parts, #1)(30)

Bad Parts : Bad Parts A Supernatural Thriller (Dark Parts, #1)(30)
Author: Brandon McNulty


Trent sighed. He remembered what Ash said about growing a set and convincing Jake to talk.

Only one sure-fire way to do that.

“Jake,” he said. “That doctor can fix your eyes.”

The sheets twitched. Jake gasped.

“If you want—”

The sheet fell away. “I want to see again.”

Five words. A new record.

Trent entered the room and lowered himself to the floor. He knelt beside Jake, studying him. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d gotten this close without smacking into a hostile vibe. Now he received Jake’s curiosity. Warm, healthy curiosity. And hope.

Jake leaned forward. “Can she really fix my eyes?”

“Yeah.” Trent rubbed his son’s shoulder. Jake didn’t flinch, so Trent took the next step and wrapped both arms around him. The eyes might be off the market, but that wouldn’t stop Trent. If Ash couldn’t convince Snare to conjure up an extra pair, Trent would find another way.


“You’ll see again, champ.” When Jake returned the hug, he added, “I promise.”






Karl tossed a third consecutive cigarette as the front door opened behind him. Warm air rushed out, along with Ashlee, who shuffled down the porch steps without a word. After all the excitement following little Jake’s return, Karl never got a chance to thank her for finding him. God only knew how much longer the search would’ve lasted if she hadn’t.

“Ashlee!” He called to her from the porch, but she was already halfway across the parking lot. “Wait up a sec.”

“Make it quick.”

“Wanted to thank you,” he said, rushing over. “Good thing you found Jake. How’d you know where to look?”

She shrugged. “I used to run away all the time, remember?”

Karl smiled. “Where you running to now?”

“Berke Toyama’s house. We’re gonna take down the cameras.”

“What?” The good humor flushed out of him. “Ashlee, Candace will notice. She checks that camera app of hers like it’s Facebook.”

“Gotta get them down somehow. We can’t just hope she changes her mind.”

“No. No, we can’t.”

“Then I’m going.”

“Hang on.” Karl raised a finger. When Ashlee was younger that always quieted her. He needed to think. Much as he hated to admit it, she was right. They couldn’t hope for a miracle. When Candace made a decision, she stuck to it like cement. Her resolve had held their group together all these years, but now he needed her to back down. Reasoning with her wouldn’t cut it. He needed to apply pressure somehow. “Might have an idea.”

“Might? Either you do or you don’t.”

“I do.” He grabbed his keys. “Trust me for once, will ya?”



Karl parked five houses down from Candace’s. Standard procedure. If he were on duty with his police cruiser it’d be a different story, but she didn’t like having his personal truck near her house at night. Didn’t want people getting the “wrong idea”—her words, not his. As he hiked the sidewalk, he eyed her bedroom window. It overlooked the town like a queen’s balcony. Looking at it now, he wondered what exactly waited inside her wall safe. More importantly, he wondered what he’d have to say, or do, to get up there alone.

Simplest plan was to coax her upstairs into bed. She always showered afterwards, and a shower could buy him five or ten minutes. Trouble was, he couldn’t picture her being in the mood right now. Not after that look she gave him during Mac’s burial.

He rang the doorbell. Mick answered and pointed him to the living room. Karl found Candace hunched over her laptop with a cup of coffee. On her screen were the camera feeds.

“Evening, Candy.”

“Don’t ‘Candy’ me.” Her eyes never left the screen. “What do you need? I’m busy here.”

So much for her being in the mood.

“I need someone to talk to.” He smiled. “My go-to gal.”

She sipped her coffee. “This isn’t about Snare, is it?”

“It’s about my grandson. Not sure if you heard the news…”

“Christ above.” Candace slapped her forehead. “That was Jake? Is he okay?”

“Thankfully, yeah. Ashlee found him.”

“I should’ve been out there searching.” She shook her head, disgusted. “You should’ve called.”

“Everything happened so fast.” He lowered himself onto the cushion next to her. Her orange-scented shampoo sent his pulse hopping. “Heck, I’m still wound up. I was at home just now and there were some Blue Moons in the fridge.”

She turned to him, alarmed. “You didn’t drink them, did you?”

“No. But I had to get outta the house. Had to see you.”

“Smart move.” She patted his thigh. “Now relax. Your grandson’s okay. Nothing to get worked up over. Give it time, you’ll settle down.”

“Hope so.” He put his hand over hers. Gently brushed her knuckles. Met her eyes and smiled. “You want to?”

She flinched. “Right now? While Mickey’s home?”

“Send him out on an errand.”

“I could, but I’ve got things to take care of.”

“Won’t take long.” He gave her hand a playful squeeze. “You know me.”

She snorted. “Won’t take long to finish. But getting started…”

“Whoa, now! That’s cold,” he said, fake-offended. “Ice cold.”

“And yet,” she said, cupping his crotch, “you seem to be warming up.” She shut her laptop and called out, “Mickey!”

While the two Lapinskis argued in the kitchen, Karl ventured upstairs. In the bedroom, he went straight for Candace’s wedding photo, hanging across from the bed. Usually he avoided looking at it out of respect for her late husband, but not now. Karl lifted it off its hook and spotted the polished steel safe underneath. Above the number pad, a digital display read LOCKED in neon green letters. Karl set the photo frame aside and punched in 1217—Mick’s birthday. When he hit enter, the safe beeped.

Access denied.

Uncomfortable heat pushed against his forehead. So much for that. He tried Mick’s birthday again, using all six digits instead of four.

Access denied.

A series of footfalls sounded from downstairs. Mick groaned in the foyer as Candace listed his chores. Her voice grew closer. Too close.

“Now, Mickey!”

“But, Ma, why can’t it wait?”

“Because I’m your mother. Now get moving.”

The front door slapped shut.

Her feet thumped upstairs.

Karl squatted to lift the picture. He almost had it on the hook when the doorbell rang. He heard Candace stomp downstairs, open the front door, and bicker with her son, unknowingly buying Karl extra time.

Setting the picture aside, he tried her wedding anniversary. The safe beeped twice, followed by a metallic whirring sound. Access granted. Seemed Candace still wasn’t over her late husband. Karl could feel bad about that later. Once the steel door floated open, he reached inside and grabbed a bulky manila envelope sealed with tape.

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