Home > Her Shallow Grave(63)

Her Shallow Grave(63)
Author: D.K. Hood

The moment she shut the door behind her, the truck moved away, making a turn. Paralyzed with fear, Ava hesitated. Indecision crawled up her spine. He’d kill her for sure if she didn’t reach the cops in time. Panic had her by the throat as she aimed for the thickest part of the forest. She didn’t look back and bolted deep into the trees weaving around tall pines. The cold air cut into her lungs with each stride. It was maybe four hundred yards to the police vehicle, maybe more. Ahead, the forest loomed dark and foreboding. She must go deep and then turn parallel to the road before heading back to the lights and safety. Counting as each yard went by, was her only option. If she came out the forest too far away from the cops, as sure as her name was Ava, Preacher would spot her and she’d be dead.

Ice patches cracked under her boots and low branches grabbed at her clothes as if trying to slow her down. Breathing heavily, she chanced a glance behind her and spotted Preacher’s truck. He was crawling along the track keeping her in sight. If she could see him, he could see her. He was toying with her and it had just become a game she couldn’t win.

In sheer panic she zig-zagged through the trees, leaving the winding animal trails to push deeper into the forest. Fallen logs slowed her down and exposed roots tangled around her feet. Blowing out huge clouds of steam, she forced one leg in front of the other. Chest aching and heart pounding, she urged her aching legs forward. She tried to push down the rising panic as the tall pines closed in around her, like prison bars. Chunks of heavy snow fell from the branches sounding like footsteps behind her. She gasped in terror. I must keep running.

Two hundred yards from Preacher, she turned, panting, to get her bearings but everything looked the same. Trees and more trees for miles in every direction standing like sentries in the gloom. She let out a sob. Which way back to the road? Had she gone around in circles? She stared at her footprints in the snow. All Preacher had to do was follow her trail but surely by now, she had two hundred yards on him. Heaving with exhaustion, she sagged against a tree and bent over to get her breath. Freezing air burned her lungs and warm tears spilled down her cheeks.

The rumble of an eighteen-wheeler cut through the silence and using the hum of the motor as a guide, she took off again, leaping over dead bushes. After another three hundred yards over the rough terrain and with only adrenalin keeping her going, she staggered back onto a trail. The snow was thicker but she plowed on, her feet heavy and limbs cramping. At four hundred yards, she turned and headed back to the road. Through the gloom, blue and red lights flashed like a beacon to guide her to safety. Bursting through the perimeter of the trees, she stopped and gaped in astonishment. Not a police vehicle, or a crowd of cops waiting to help her. Nothing but a few lights guarding an area surrounded by crime scene tape. The highway was empty in both directions. Terrified, and alone, she slumped against a tree and pressed her head in her hands. “I’m dead.”

Boom! A shot rang out. Branches splintered in the place her head had been moments before showering her with splinters and pine needles. Ava screamed and fell to her knees covering her head.

“I’m coming for you, Delores.” Preacher’s voice penetrated the stillness. “I’m going to hunt you down, girl.”

Boom! Boom! Two more shots followed in rapid succession, slicing off tree limbs like butter. The gunshots echoed through the forest sending birds squawking into the sky. Ava’s stomach turned to ice. She had no chance against him. Boom! Boom! Boom! Gasping in terror, she ducked and weaved slipping and sliding on the uneven icy ground. Behind her she could hear him crashing through the forest and getting closer by the second. She dragged up her last ounce of energy and ran for her life.






Head buzzing with information, Jenna listened to Wolfe detail every minute of Isabella’s horrendous last moments. The prints matched, it was her, there was no doubt. Isabella had been in trouble with the law, small time, possession and obstruction, but she didn’t deserve to be murdered—no, mutilated—and left out for the wildlife to eat. The majority of Wolfe’s findings matched the other victims, the drug used, the method of dismemberment and the face to face strangulation. He was almost through and with Agents Jo Wells and Ty Carter watching via a video link, Jenna was anxious to hear their conclusions.

“There are two significant differences in this murder.” Wolfe glanced up at her. “I have reason to believe he strangled her to the point of unconsciousness at least twice. The various marks on her neck are an indication.” He walked to the screen. “More importantly, this.” He pointed to an X-ray of the victim’s neck. “In laymen’s terms, her neck is broken. From the marks on the flesh, I’d say from sharp downward pressure from a boot to the back of her neck. I’ve seen this injury before; it’s typically used in the military, a fast and lethal way to kill someone. I figure she woke up when he started to cut her. He had to stop her screaming and finished her quickly.”

“I knew it! The killer’s made a crucial mistake. He might as well have left us a calling card.” Mind reeling with possibilities, Jenna turned to the screen. “Carter, didn’t you figure the killer might have been in the military? Did you have time to hunt down any suspects?”

“Nothing specific, but Kalo is on it. Now we have names it will be easier.” Carter stared into the screen. “We did compile a list of men living in or around Black Rock Falls who served in the military and there are many.”

Jenna nodded. “Jo, why do you believe the killer has changed his MO. Kane believes it’s because he was in a hurry and now, he’s escalating.”

“Yeah, I agree with Kane. He needed a quick fix and wanted to be noticed. By leaving the body beside the sign, he’s thumbing his nose at the sheriff’s department. He believes he’s invincible and this makes him very dangerous. If he’s cornered, he’ll kill without any thought or reason. Don’t try and talk him down, Jenna. There’s no reasoning with a psychopath when his psychosis reaches this level.” She turned to talk to someone and then turned back and smiled. “We’ve got something for you. Two of your persons of interest are ex-military, Axel Reed and Josiah Brock. This information would remove Claude Grady out of the equation, nothing in his background suggests military or unarmed combat experience. Do you have eyes on the other two?”

“One of them has vanished.” Jenna frowned. “Axel Reed still hasn’t returned home. Rowley drove up to his cabin at first light, he’s not there either. Josiah Brock was home, Rowley checked on his cabin as well. The killer must be using another cabin. Somewhere close by.”

“I don’t recall passing any cabins on the way up the mountain to Brock’s place.” Kane stared at his boots, hands on hips in deep thought. “If we could get a bird up, we’d be able to search. Right now, it’s hopeless.” He lifted his gaze to Jenna. “A cabin must have access to the highway. We’ve probably driven past it a million times.”

An idea came to Jenna and she headed for the door removing her mask and gloves. “I need to make a call.”

She called the office. Old Deputy Walters was on duty. He liked to come in a few times a week and help on the front counter. “Hey, I have a suspect who lives on the west side of the mountain, out on the backroad that goes way up top. He’s out of Snowberry Way. We visited one cabin high up and another cabin lower, maybe ten minutes’ drive away. Do you recall any old disused cabins out on that backroad between those two or beyond maybe?”

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