Home > The Perfect Marriage(17)

The Perfect Marriage(17)
Author: Jeneva Rose






Sarah Morgan



Matthew drove me straight home. He tried to dissuade me from taking on the case. He said I was making a mistake. I told him it wasn’t any of his business.

I was too tired to go to the office, too frustrated to try to explain to Anne or anyone else what was going on in my life. I don’t think I can even face anyone. I’m feeling far too much—angry, scared, sad, fearful, and a mix of other things I can’t even describe.

This is going to get out soon. The press is going to eat this up. With my status in D.C. and the fact that Adam is a published novelist, it’s only a matter of time until it gets out. What will I say to Anne? To my colleagues? To my clients? I can’t worry about that. My focus must be on Adam and this case.

I’ve been in and out of sleep all day. When I’m fully awake, I mull over everything, meaning the facts of the case I have. There’s Adam who is undoubtedly the most obvious suspect. He has means, motive, and opportunity—which is all the D.A. needs to put together a case against him and convict. But there’s also Scott, and the interaction I had with him supports what Adam said. He has a temper, and he apparently cannot control it. Plus, the text messages Adam mentioned are pretty damning. He also has means and motive, but the question is, does he have the opportunity? I take a pad from my nightstand and jot down a couple of notes. I write opportunity and circle it.

Could there be anyone else? Kelly was the victim, but she was having an affair. What else was she doing? What else was she into? Is there anyone else that would want her dead? I write down Seth’s Coffee. I must talk to her co-workers, her customers, and anyone else that may have been in contact with her.

My phone rings. I don’t recognize the number, and I hesitate to pick it up. It’s 9pm, but it could be Adam calling from the hospital. I should have gone back and checked on him, but Sheriff Stevens assured me that he was fine and that I needed to go home and rest.

I pick up the phone. “Hello.”

“Hey, Sarah, it’s Sheriff Stevens. I’m just calling to check in on you and let you know that Adam is doing just fine. I just left the hospital, and he’s awake.”

“What did the doctor say?” I’m not worried about how I’m doing. I’m concerned about Adam.

“They said he has a broken cheekbone, a minor concussion, and some bruising. But he’ll heal up. I submitted the paperwork to our insurance company, so you don’t need to worry about the cost.”

“I don’t care about the cost. I just care that he’s okay.”

“Well, he is. Sorry to bother you,” he says, and he’s about to hang up.

“Wait.” There’s a bit of panic in my voice. I don’t want him to hang up. I for some reason want to talk to him, but I don’t know why—maybe it’s because he understands what I’m going through. Perhaps it’s because he showed me kindness and understanding when no one else at the department did. Maybe it’s because I can’t seem to read him or maybe it’s because I want his help—actually, I need his help.

“Yeah?” he asks waiting patiently for my response. He seems to be hanging on my every word. I think he wants to talk to me too.

“Thank you, sheriff—”

He stops me. “Ryan, call me Ryan.”

“Ryan. I’m sorry I’ve been short and ill-tempered with you. I know this is in no way your fault and I know you’re trying to help. I’m just trying to hold it together, and I don’t mean to take it out on you.”

I hear him let out a sigh—whether it’s a sigh of relief or a sigh of frustration, I don’t know. “Sarah. I don’t know you that well—but… If Adam did this, I’m just here to find out the truth and enact the proper justice. If Adam didn’t do this, the same is still true. I’m here for you in a professional manner and a friendly manner. I guess what I’m trying to say is I’m here for you regardless of what we uncover together, I’m just looking for the truth.”

I think I’m starting to understand Sheriff Stevens and where he’s coming from. And although it’s highly inappropriate and not something I’d even entertain, I’m flattered. I’d like to tell him off and tell him how wrong what he said is, but I need him. I need his help, and I can’t just blow that off, but I’ll keep this strictly professional.

“I appreciate that, Sheriff Stevens.”

He doesn’t correct the name I call him by this time. He understands exactly what I’m saying. He understands that this, whatever this is between us can’t happen.

“Goodnight, Mrs. Morgan. I’ll see you tomorrow at 11am as planned.”

“Goodnight.” I end the call. As I’m about to place the phone on the nightstand, it buzzes signaling a text. It’s from Matthew.

I’m sorry for what I said. You’re right. It’s not my business, but I’m here for you if you need me. I’ve got a busy next couple of days, but I’ll come to see you as soon as I can.



I hold my finger down on the text and select the heart reaction. I set the phone down, and I close my eyes, hoping I’ll sleep tonight, but knowing that I won’t.






Adam Morgan



After Sheriff Stevens left, I thought about calling Sarah—but I couldn’t, not yet, at least. I know she’s physically okay, but I can’t imagine what I’m doing to her mentally and emotionally. Sarah is the strongest person I know, but a person can only take so much. I feel like telling her to drop the case and hire someone else because she doesn’t deserve this. She shouldn’t have to clean up my mess.

Sure, I know in my heart I didn’t kill Kelly—but I did have an affair, and without that affair, none of this would have ever happened. At least, I don’t think it would have. Maybe Scott would have still killed Kelly, but it wouldn’t have happened in our house, and I wouldn’t be involved.

Scott has to have been the one. I don’t care what kind of show he put on today or that he beat the ever-living shit out of me, it was him. I know it was. I just hope Sarah and Sheriff Stevens can prove that it was him.

I close my eyes and try to sleep, but my mind keeps replaying not only the events of today but the events of the last sixteen months. I think about all the times I had with Kelly. I try not to, but I do. I love my wife, but I loved Kelly too. A few tears escape my eyes, and I let them roll down the sides of my face onto the pillow. What have I done? What the fuck did I do?






Adam Morgan



Two Weeks Earlier



I had just finished a full day of writing, and by that, I mean a full day of sitting in front of a blank computer screen, while sipping scotch. My eyes were strained from staring at the white Word document. But thanks to the scotch, I was numb to everything else.

I had planned on driving back home since Kelly had canceled on me for a third time that week. But I was in no state to drive and I’d decided to stay and get a fresh start in the morning. I shut down my laptop and walked into the living room, swirling my crystal glass of booze. I lit the fire and flipped on some classical music. I was about to select a book from the bookshelf to escape for the evening when I heard a knock at the door. I thought it might be Sarah with a surprise visit and at that moment, I was glad Kelly had canceled.

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