Home > When a Liger Mates(35)

When a Liger Mates(35)
Author: Eve Langlais

The church was an old one, and an odd choice, yet the aunts insisted it was the perfect location, claiming it had long ago been desecrated by witches. Which made her wonder what kind of surprise they might spring at the ceremony. Blood sacrifice? Would everyone howl at the end?

She had no idea what to expect, and it frazzled her nerves. They didn’t improve as a never-ending stream of guests arrived.

All kinds of golden people showed. Even the Lion King, who appeared simply as a man. A handsome one, with a very pregnant woman on one side and a small child on the other. Him, his aunts, his cousins, his second cousins, their families, his friends, all here to see her wed the most elusive bachelor.

“It’s almost time.” It was Lenore who’d offered to walk her down the aisle in place of the brother she’d never found.

A pang of sadness filled her.

Lacey saw and shook head. “Oh no you don’t. No tears allowed.”

Sniffling them back, Charlotte tried to regain her composure when suddenly she had three sets of arms around her.

“Don’t cry. I swear he’s going to marry you!” Lacey promised.

“I know he will,” Charlotte hiccupped. “That’s not why I’m crying.”

“She misses her brother,” Lena announced as if they were all too dumb to figure it out.

“’Course she does. No need to bring it up,” Lenore snapped.

“We tried to find him, dearie,” was Lacey’s soft addition.

“I just— just—” Wished she knew if he was at least okay.

They hugged her tighter and let her know without words she wasn’t alone.

It made her sob harder, which finally led to Lacey snapping, “Enough with the waterworks. It is go time, people! Someone get me the kit so I can fix her face!”

The hustle and bustle had her laughing as Lacey turned into a general, repairing her smeared makeup, adjusting her cleavage, and slapping a bouquet into her hands.

As they exited the prep room and entered the hall outside the church nave, the music started as if on cue. Lena clutched her bouquet like she’d throw it at the first person who mentioned the fact she’d worn heels and a dress. She swept through the swinging church doors while Lacey gave last-minute instructions.

“Remember, chin up, tits out, and count to ten before following me.” Lacey took her place, shoulders back, beaming, and strode through the doors.

Charlotte trembled, her fist damp around the bouquet. Maybe they should have wagered on her running, because, for a second, she debated it.

Then she thought of Lawrence. The man waiting inside.

The shivering calmed, and she took a deep breath.

Lenore patted her hand. “Thatta girl. Everything will be fine.”

Then the woman who was supposed to walk her down the aisle went through the doors and left her alone. The betting pool got it wrong. It wouldn’t be Lawrence chickening out today. But her. She couldn’t do this. Not alone. Not—

“What the hell, Pumpkin Eater. I leave for six months and come back to you getting married?”

It couldn’t be.

“Peter? Peter!” She whirled and threw herself at her brother. The only reason she didn’t cry? Because she was livid. “Where have you been? You had me so scared.” She hit him with the bouquet, not caring that petals went flying.

“Whoa. Careful there. I swear I didn’t do it on purpose. I got lost in the wilderness. Was sick for a while, and only recently returned.”

“I’ve been looking for you.” She sniffled.

“I know, and I’m sorry you were worried. I owe a huge thanks to your fiancé. He managed to track me down.”

“I’m glad you’re here.” Glad he was alive. But she’d be smacking Lawrence later for keeping this a secret. “I want to hear all about what happened. Why was the mob after you? What’s the deal with this key?”

He eyed the wrought iron metal woven into her bodice and grimaced. “I honestly don’t know and, given what happened to me, not really interested in finding out.”

“I don’t understand.”

“I promise to tell you everything. Later. Right now, I think you have something more important to worry about. You’re getting married.”

“I am.” She nodded.

“Do you love him?” Peter asked, holding her hands, expression intent.

She nodded. “More than anything.”

“Then if you’re ready, I’d love to walk you down the aisle.”

“I’m glad you’re here.” She clutched his arm as they went through the door. Her smile incandescent as she walked down that aisle to truly become the wife of the liger who loved her.






The wedding went off without a hitch, although Lena needed makeup repair. She sobbed throughout the whole thing.

There was even more crying by the single ladies, as yet another eligible bachelor was taken off the market, which meant more than a few eyes lingered on Peter.

As Charlotte slow danced with her husband, she whispered, “Shouldn’t we warn him?” Peter had no idea the room was packed with lions.

“Your brother will be fine. Don’t worry.”

“Easy to say. I haven’t seen him in over eight months.”

“You can badger him all about his adventures on the cruise.”

She paused mid-step to stare at Lawrence. “Wait, he’s coming, too?”

“As you stated, you haven’t seen him in a long time. I tried to get him here sooner, but there was some red tape I had to deal with.” He’d not been exaggerating when he told Charlotte he had access to better search methods not to mention the funds to release the American being held in a remote jail for theft. Apparently, a very hungry Peter wandered out of the woods and broke into a bakery for food. “I thought it might be nice in between our most excellent lovemaking if you had a chance to catch up.”

“You’ve thought of everything.”

“Indeed, I have.”

Which was how his aunts ended up on a flight that got cancelled, meaning they missed the boarding call for the boat. And then, when they tried to fly ahead, another favor called in had them delayed at customs. By the time his aunts met them a week later at their last port of call, they were scowling, but it was worth it.

Especially when Charlotte threw up on Lenore’s feet and, with a shit-eating grin, Lawrence said, “Guess who’s going to be a dad?”



As Lawrence led a decidedly green Charlotte away, the aunts crowded around their newest family member by marriage.


“We’ve got some questions for you,” Lenore stated.

“About this key.” Lena held it up. She’d filched it when Charlotte changed out of her gown for the honeymoon. “Why is it so valuable? What does it unlock?”

“I don’t know,” was Peter’s less than satisfactory reply. Given Lawrence had warned them they couldn’t harm his mate’s brother, she couldn’t shake or slap the boy. But it was tempting.

Lena’s irritation emerged in a tense, “What do you mean, you don’t know? Your sister got kidnapped by the people looking for it. Hell, you went missing for months because of it.”

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