Home > Winter Heat(109)

Winter Heat(109)
Author: Kennedy Fox





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Chapter One






“Shit,” I mumble, looking up at the screen in the airport. My shoulders slump as I read the screen. Delayed. My flight is delayed. Again. I’ve been here for over twenty-four hours trying to catch a flight home. My sister, Charity, and her husband, Brody, are due to have their first baby any day now. My boss sent me to Michigan for what was supposed to be a two-day shoot the day after Christmas. Now, here I am the day before New Year’s Eve, which is also the day before my sister's due date, and I’m still not home. This trip has been a fucking disaster. I just want to get home to Cedar Rapids before my niece is born.

Charity is not just my sister. She’s my best friend. We’re Irish twins—she was born in January, and I was born in December, the same year. That’s another reason I’m anxious to be home. Twenty-six isn’t a milestone birthday, but I still want to be home. When Charity told me her due date was on my birthday, she was worried I might be upset. I was the opposite. I hope Sadie—that’s what they’re naming her—is born on my birthday. I’m going to be the best aunt to that little angel, and sharing a birthday is just another bond that will bring us together. I can see us celebrating our joint birthdays for years to come.

Glancing over my shoulder, I see the line for the rental cars. It’s about a mile long. I’m not particularly looking forward to the eight-hour drive, especially in this weather, but I have to get home. Tired of waiting, I grab my carry-on and head toward the end of the line. As I stand here, I know that I need to break the news to my parents and my sister.

Me: Hey. My flight’s delayed again.



I follow the message up with a picture of the line I’m standing in.

Me: Trying to get a rental to drive home.



Charity: Again? How bad is the weather? Are you sure you should be driving? If flights are canceled, that sounds bad.



She’s not wrong, but I’m determined to be home when she delivers my niece.

Me: I’ll be fine. It’s an eight-hour drive, but it’s more than likely going to take longer. I’ll keep you posted.



Charity: Please be safe.



Me: Will do. Will you let Mom and Dad know?



Charity: On it.



Even though I’m turning twenty-six, I’m still really close to my family. We’re tight-knit. I still check in with my parents often, and Charity and I talk every single day. Every few minutes, the line inches forward. I try to psych myself up for this drive that is sure to have me white-knuckling the steering wheel all the way home. Driving in snow isn’t new to me, but that doesn’t mean I want to do an eight-hour stint either. Luckily, I’m prepared and have my cell charger. I’ll just plug it in, pull up my playlist, and take my time. It’s better than just sitting here in this airport waiting for yet another flight. I make a mental note of snacks to pick up before leaving the airport. I want to make the least number of stops as possible.

The line moves forward another couple of inches, and I glance at my watch. It’s been twenty minutes already. I scroll through my phone, checking emails to pass the time, when a loud voice asking, “Can I have your attention?” calls out to the crowd. I slide my phone into my pocket and brace myself for what else could possibly go wrong.

“I’m sorry, but we are out of rentals. That’s all,” the young guy says as he turns and walks away from the counter. Coward. I’m sure he’s running from the furious mob that includes me and at least fifty others standing with me, waiting for a car. Of course, I know it’s not his fault, but come on, this is out of hand.

Defeated, I leave the line and find a bench. Tilting my head back, I let out a frustrated sigh. I’m going to have to call Charity and tell her I might not make it home. What a clusterfuck.

“Callista?” a deep male voice asks.

Opening my eyes, I look up to find none other than Silas Taylor standing over me. “Silas?” I ask, not really sure if my eyes and my mind are playing tricks on me. It figures that I would run into my brother-in-law's sexy best friend while I’m gross and living in an airport.

“Fancy meeting you here.” He gives me the panty-dropping grin that he’s known for, and I fight the urge to look behind me to see the women in the airport doing just that. Silas Taylor and his dimpled charm are lethal.

“Yeah.” I nod like an idiot. In my defense, the dark gray sweatpants he’s wearing low on his hips are even more distracting than the damn dimples. It’s obvious he has that V that I’m always reading about, and it’s times like this I wish I had X-ray vision.

“Headed home?” he asks.

“I’ve been here for over twenty-four hours trying to get home. My flight keeps getting delayed, and I was hoping to rent a car and just drive, but—” I wave to the desk behind him. “—they just announced they’re out of cars.” I pat at my hair, sure that it’s sticking up all over the damn place. “You?” I ask, trying to make casual conversation. It’s not like there’s much else to do in this damn airport. Might as well make the best of it.

He holds up a set of keys. “Driving home.” Those damn dimples wink at me again. “You want a lift?” he asks.

Shaking out of my dimple-induced fog, I sit up straighter. “You’re headed back to Cedar Rapids?”

He chuckles. “I do live there. Are you feeling okay?”

No. Your fucking dimples are distracting me. “Sorry, I’m exhausted. I didn’t really sleep well. You know, sleeping in the airport with lots of creepy people I don’t know. All the rooms were booked as well, so I spent the night in the hard-ass chairs, constantly trying to rest, but keep one eye open, if that makes any sense?” I ramble.

He nods. “I think I know what you’re trying to say. Come on.” He holds his hand out for me. “Let’s grab some food for the road, and get out of here.”

I place my hand in his and ignore the way my palm tingles, allowing him to pull me from the seat I’d resolved to sleep another night in. “Are you sure you don’t mind?” I ask him.

“Not at all. Besides, can you imagine the hell Charity and Brody would give me if they knew I left you here on your own when I’m going your way?”

“Where are you coming from?” I ask, being nosey. Silas is a firefighter for our hometown.

“Let’s grab some snacks, and I’ll tell you on the way. We’ve got a long drive ahead of us.” With his hand still clasped around mine, he has his bag thrown over his shoulder, and grabs my carry-on with the other, leading us away from the car rental terminal. His tall frame leads us expertly through the crowd to the nearest shop.

He releases his hold on me as we both grab random snacks and place them on the counter. By the time I dig into my purse for my wallet, Silas is already passing the cashier cash from his. He hands me the bag with a smile, grabs my luggage, and laces his fingers through mine, leading me back to the rental car lot. My hand tingles from his touch. He’s flirted with me in the past, but this is new. Not that I’m complaining.

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