Home > His Pumpkin Pie(14)

His Pumpkin Pie(14)
Author: Alexa Riley

Before I can open my mouth, Frost is pushing away from the table. “We are finished here.” He tosses his napkin onto the table and walks away.

I look at my father and then to my mother and shake my head. “He’s right. We have nothing left to discuss.”

I stand up, and my mother slams her hand on the table, making the dishes rattle. “You have no respect.”

What I’d like to do is lean over the table and tell her exactly what I think she deserves, but then I think of Pumpkin and what she would do. She would show compassion and patience, and that’s something I’ve never done.

“Your blood no longer binds you to us.” I take out my wallet and pull out a stack of bills. I place them carefully between us on the table as she looks up with watery eyes. “This is something that we’ve needed to end for a very long time.”

“Miller—” My father tries to cut in, but I silence him with a glare.

“You insult us and then expect us to bend to your wishes?” I shake my head. “You do not deserve our presence, let alone our affection.”

“Ungrateful,” my mother hisses, and I smile sadly at her.

“Perhaps.” I nod as I tuck my wallet into my jacket. “But I will remain ungrateful while never speaking to you again.”

They are silent as I turn from the table and walk out of the restaurant just as the food is delivered. When I step outside, I see that Frost is gone and so is my car. I sigh, knowing he left because he needed to get out of there, but he could have at least waited.

“Miller!” I hear my name and turn to see Chel coming close.

Before I can react, she’s putting her arms around me in an embrace and holding my face. I start to put distance between me and the young woman who has always been too touchy for my liking.

“Chel,” I say and look around like Frost will appear any second.

“Your mom said to meet you boys here, but I didn’t imagine you’d be waiting for me outside. I’m so sorry I’m late. I had the worst time finding parking.”

It takes me a second to catch up, but when I do, I’m livid. Chel is the daughter of someone in my parents’ circle. I assume this is the woman my mother intended for my brother and me to share. Are we such low dogs we can only fuck one woman? The thought turns my stomach sour when I think of sharing Pumpkin.

“She’s inside,” I say as I take my phone out and hit the number for my driver. Wyatt answers and says he’s on his way without me saying a word, and I’m grateful for him.

“Are you coming?” She steps closer and tries to put her hand on my chest, but I dodge the contact.

“Nyet,” I hiss, holding my hands up and walking away.

I can’t do this. I can’t handle my parents and this bullshit on top of it. I’m going to kill Frost for leaving me here, but all of that can wait. What I need right now more than anything is to hold Pumpkin in my arms. When she’s wrapped around me, all's right with the world.



Chapter Fifteen






Cookie pushes the cart down the aisle of the grocery store, and I try not to think about what I saw earlier. I trust him, so I’m choosing to wait until I hear the whole story.

Now that I know both Miller and his brother are coming, I want to make sure we have enough food. My heart flutters thinking about him. He said he has family things to deal with, and as much as I don't want to leave his side, I know family is important, so I smiled and told him I’d see him later.

I can’t help but wonder if he might change his mind and have dinner with his family instead. I know I’m being stingy with wanting him to come be with me for Thanksgiving, but there’s no way I could skip out on mine.

In the back of my mind there’s a small voice that wonders why he didn't ask me to come along today. It’s silly because we’ve only known each other for a short time, but I invited him to spend the day with my family already. Our connection is so deep it feels like I’ve known him my whole life.

Mom told me I was being silly but quickly caved, saying if I wanted to get extra food then I should so I don’t worry over it. She knows me well because I would have stressed out over having enough. Plus it gives me something to do so I don’t obsess over when Miller might call or text.

I peek over my shoulder, seeing the same man that I saw earlier. I’m either paranoid or someone is following me. I’m going with paranoid because there is no reason for someone to be following me.

“I think you’re right about getting more food. Your man is big,” Cookie says while wiggling her eyebrows. “Is he big everywhere?” I hit her with the loaf of French bread I picked up. “That’s a yes.”

“You hush.” My face heats, and I get turned on thinking about the things Miller does to my body. He’s the only lover I’ve ever had, but in my heart I know sex couldn’t be better with anyone else. It’s the connection we feel, or at least the one I feel.

“From how red your face is turning, you don’t need to answer me.”

I roll my eyes. He is big everywhere, and I’m still surprised he fit inside me. It was like our bodies were made for each other. I know it’s crazy, but I’m starting to think he’s my soul mate. I didn't ever believe in the whole “love at first sight” thing, but my mind has quickly changed after meeting Miller.

“I think we got everything,” Cookie states. I scan the cart and nod in agreement. “Let’s get out of here. I want to make the cheesecake tonight.”

My mouth waters thinking about her cheesecake. It’s the one thing she can make, and I swear she puts magic into it. She never tells anyone the recipe, so my cheesecakes never turn out quite right.

We both head toward the checkout and I see the same man again. What the heck is going on? I openly stare back at him while we bag up the groceries. Maybe he’s waiting for the right moment to hit on Cookie. Men are always fawning over her, but she never gives anyone a chance.

“You know him?” Cookie asks, seeing me stare at the guy. I shake my head and watch him walk out of the store. “He’s creepy.”

“Yeah he is.”

I find myself checking behind me as we drive home to see if someone is following us. I don’t see anything, so maybe he was just a weirdo who liked to stare.

“Did you girls buy the whole store?” my mom laughs as we bring in all the bags.

“I actually looked up some popular foods from Russia and I was going to give them a go. Pelmeni is sort of like a pastry dumpling and I want to try making a sharlotka. It’s like an apple cake.”

“She’s in deep,” Cookie says to Mom.

“What? I want them to feel welcome, that’s all.” It’s the truth. Again, I know I’m being crazy, but if this is what I think it is, then Miller is going to be around forever. Not that I’m ready to say that to him, because he would probably run for the hills. Aren’t men scared of commitment?

Am I mixing up love with lust? It doesn't matter. For now I don’t think that Miller is going anywhere. We can take things nice and slow if he wishes, but I’m not sure how long we can go slow with him not using protection.

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