Home > One Take Only(32)

One Take Only(32)
Author: Lynsey M. Stewart

I watched my girl. She was dancing, but something was off. Skye started edging away from Karma who was trying to get her to dance with him. He pulled at her arm, tried to take her hand and she brushed him off politely, smiling as she removed her hand from his and tried to dance away without making a big show of it. He laughed, but I could sense the frustration in his face. I stepped closer, ready to catch her. She shook her head and carried on dancing, but he wouldn’t take that certain shake of no as an answer. I leaned against the railings, put my hand across my face and counted to five. If I made it, I’d hold back, let her handle this but as I started the count, she put her hand on his chest and pushed him away.

“Leave her the fuck alone,” I shouted finding myself on the dance floor with a fist full of his shirt.

“Woah, man! What’s going on?”

“From where I was standing, she said ‘no,’ so back off.”

“Just a bit of fun,” he replied, holding up his hands. He carried on dancing, making his way towards Margot and Stace. Skye breezed past me, arms folded, scowling and I followed her, wondering what I was going to say, how I was going to explain myself and if we’d finally hit a crossroads where I needed to be honest with her. I felt like I was standing on the edge of a cliff with no idea if she was going push me over or pull me back.

“Skye, wait up.” I shouted as she disappeared in a haze of sweet Love Hearts and strawberry lip balm.

“What are you doing?” she said, turning. The scowl had gone but was replaced with frustration.

“Stepping in,” I replied. “It was obvious you didn’t want him near you.”

“I don’t want anyone near me,” she said, “why did I come here? This is so fucking stupid.”

“What is?” I asked, trying to take her hand. She snapped it back and held onto her wrist like it was burning.

“Just leave me alone.”

“I can’t do that,” I said honestly, spinning as she launched past me, and as I watched her disappear onto another dance floor, I knew I’d never spoken truer words.

She wasn’t hard to find. Her pink hair stood out amongst the others, the ones I didn’t even notice. She swayed and twirled and moved her hips and I was there. A man who only danced when he’d sank a few shots or at the end of a beer-fuelled night. We’d danced before, me like a demented chimp and her laughing at my dysfunction. Which was why she raised her eyebrow as I stepped closer to the dance floor, not quite there, but on the edge. She cocked her head, bit her lip, continued swaying to the music…and turned. She had her back to me now. Her defined shoulders and back rippling to the music…slowly. Her hips followed, her ass a glorious sway. She was all beauty and sexuality and if I continued looking at her, I would ache. I closed my eyes, pained to watch, but curious to see.

Couldn’t she see what she did to me?

How wound up I was?

Coiled like a spring, ready to set off like a firework.

Her hands, goddamn her hands. They were skimming her body, tracing the bump of her breasts through the cups of her top until her fingers teased her sparkly gold flesh. My feet moved on their own. I wasn’t in charge of basic functions. A step closer, two and I was there behind her, close enough to feel her against my chest. She went still, just a gasp of breath until she started swaying again, circling and moving and fuck. My. Life.

“We need to talk,” I said, my mouth against her ear. She shook her head. “We do,” I mumbled as she circled into my cock.

“There’s nothing to say,” she replied on another circle.

“We keep ending up in these situations, Skye.”

“What situations?”

“Where your ass presses against my cock.”

Her head snapped back and she stared, maybe even saw me for the first time.

“What?” she shot back, face scrunched. I almost laughed. The lady protests too much.

“Your ass,” I said into her ear. “My cock.”

“What about it?” She stopped circling. Held herself there. Challenged me to bite.

And, Christ, I did.

“Are we ever going to address the elephant in the room or just throw a fucking sheet over it and be done? Cuss at it and tell it it’s shit every so often. Playful banter, that kind of thing?”

“That’s what we do,” she said, turning around. “What we always do.”

“Yet your ass still presses against my cock.” She titled her chin, but I didn’t miss her eyes, the black circles increasing in size and getting faster. Dilated pupils for the win. I also noticed her breasts, her nipples, the two bumps, aroused and wanting beneath the lace.

“I can’t do this,” she said, breathless and backing down. “Stay away from me tonight, OK?”

“Why?” I asked, needing to know, needing to push her.

“I’m tired of fighting–”

“Don’t fight me, Skye.”

“Fighting this,” she replied, hands on her head in frustration.

“Don’t fight us.”

“There you are.” A voice came from behind me. A voice I recognised as Margot. My date. The woman I’d completely forgotten about like the selfish prick that I was. “I’d love another drink.” I watched as Skye pressed her hand against her chest, her breasts straining as she tried to control her breathing. I’d seen her do this before, the night we watched the porn film being made. The same night she was circling her ass on my cock.

“Yep. A drink. Sure,” I replied, my eyes never leaving Skye. Margot put her hand on my arm and started pulling me, backing me away from my girl. “Just wait a second, OK?”

“Go,” Skye mouthed as she wrapped her arms around herself. I shook my head, willing her to come with me, hating myself that I was letting someone take me away from her when we’d come so far in just a few short minutes.

“Catch you later, Skye. We can talk more about the film. I have some free time next week,” Margot said, still pulling, not taking the hint.

“Great,” Skye replied, a little breathless. “Talk later then.”

“I’ll find you,” I shouted, closing my eyes on a curse. “I’ll come back and I’ll find you.”

She smiled, and that dimple with the pink piercing that only accentuated it more? That dimple was mine.









I’d lost Stace. I’d lost all sense of time. I’d lost Karma.

But I’d found Will.

Conversations were happening all around me. Women talking about their outfits, where they’d bought their dresses, who they had their eye on, who they wanted to leave the club with tonight. I didn’t really pay them much notice, didn’t really care about their playful chattering. I was replaying his words. Will’s words. Don’t fight us, Skye. Us. His use of the word us both excited and terrified me. Could this be the moment I’d been waiting for? He used the word cock, for Christ’s sake, all while adorably fiddling with his glasses. Circling my ass with his cock. Words were spinning. Cock. Us. I’ll come back and I’ll find you. Don’t fight me. Us. Could I be reading more into this? Did I want to? The answers to these questions usually remained unanswered, but looking at myself in the mirror of a nightclub bathroom, I wanted the answer to be yes.

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