Home > Royally Crushed(42)

Royally Crushed(42)
Author: Melanie Summers

Her eyes flutter and she whispers, “Don't be mad.”

I shake my head, laughing through tears I never thought I would have. “Never. I could never be angry with you.”

She gives me a weak smile, even though her eyes are still closed. “Thank you. I love you, Will. I did it for you.”

Uh-oh. “Did what, Belle? What did you do?” I ask, the hair on the back of my neck standing up on end. I glance around, trying to figure out what she's talking about, then for the first time, I notice the phone and see the rock on top of it. “No, no, no, no, no. Tell me you didn't.”

“We can make it. I just need a bit more time.”

Her head lolls to the side and she passes out again, leaving me alone with my fear and fury.

Panic fills me, and for once in my life, my blood runs cold. It's too much for me to take in and I sit motionless next to her while I try to make a decision. I need to get her to a hospital as quickly as possible. The show is over. My career is done. But the only thing that matters is keeping her alive.

I stand and hop to my feet, then set to work taking apart the lean-to. I grab all of our supplies. Once I have everything loaded on the raft, I pick up Arabella, lay her down on top of a sleeping bag on the raft, and wrap her in the other one. Then I drag the raft to the river, and with one big push, set off into the darkness, hoping for a swift and uneventful ride through the night. By morning, we should be almost at a town along the river called Wasapi, where I can find a doctor. All I can do now is stay awake, steer the raft, and pray that she’ll make it until we get there.






Score-Keeping Men, Powerful Bananas, and Hemorrhoid Cream




I wake to the sound of sloshing water and a cool breeze across my skin. The sun is up already, and it takes me a second to realize we’re traveling downstream on the raft. I have to crane my neck to see Will, who is sitting slightly behind me with his hand on the rudder. He has dark circles under his eyes, and he looks exhausted. I want to reach up and touch him, but the thought of lifting my arm seems unrealistically difficult.

My stomach growls loudly and I realize I'm ravenously hungry. “Will, I'm so sorry about all of this.”

He looks down, relief, filling his face. “Belle, you're awake.”

I sit up slowly and smile at him.

“I was so worried. Are you okay?”

I nod. “Yeah. I’m a bit weak, but I think I'm over the worst of it. I just need some water and something to eat. We can still make it.”

He shakes his head, keeping his eyes on the river. “No, we can’t. I'm taking you to the hospital in Wasapi.”

“What? No. We can't do that. We have to finish this,” I say, moving closer to him.

He winces, and I know it must be from my horrendous dragon breath.

“It's over, Arabella. There’s no possible way to get to Mbambole in time. We've gone too far in the wrong direction to make it now.”

“What are you talking about?”

“We’ve been heading north for a couple of hours already.”

Oh, bollocks. I shake my head vigorously. “No. Why would you do that? I told you I just needed a few hours to recover.”

“Did you really think I'd risk your life for a TV show and some cash?” he asks, his voice shaking with anger. “Do you even know how sick you've been? You've been passed out and feverish since yesterday afternoon, Arabella. You're weak and dehydrated, and you need medical attention.”

“No, I don’t. I’ll have some water and bananas, and I’ll be right as rain.”

He scoffs. “You must be delirious if you think that would work. There’s no possible way you can do an eighteen-hour hike through the jungle like this. Or are you expecting me to throw you over my shoulder and sprint to the finish line, hoping you survive along the way?”

I set my jaw, defiance simmering in my empty tummy. “I'm going to be fine. We can still do this.”

“You don’t get it. You think this is a game, but it’s life and death out here. Why can’t you seem to understand that?”

“I made a mistake, okay, but there’s no need to be an arse about it.”

“Oh no?” he asks, his eyes wild with anger. “No need? I’ve been awake all night trying to keep you alive and keep this raft from hitting a rock or bottoming out, all the while watching for hungry crocodiles who might just decide to pop their heads over the top and take a bite out of you. And you know what? It wasn’t just the one mistake. By my count, it’s three giant screw-ups that totally fucked us both. First you ate the berries, then you lied to me, then you smashed the phone for reasons I cannot even begin to understand.”

“I did it because I knew you’d call for help.”

“Yeah, I would have, because help is exactly what we need right now!”

“I'm not going to lose you that money and ruin your career,” I say, picking up the bunch of bananas and ripping one off.

“Oh, please don’t act like you care about me. You wanted to have your own version of a fantasy spring break.” He changes his voice to imitate me. “Will, let's stay here for a few days, please. Just the two of us. I need this, Will.”

I fight back tears and keep my voice as steady as I can. “I didn't make you stay out in the jungle having sex with me. You were every bit as on board with that idea as I was.”

“Well, that's what happens when a guy thinks with his second brain.”

“Oh, so none of this is your fault? It's all my fault, and your penis’s fault, but you had absolutely no say in any of it?”

Shaking his head at me, he leans in. “I can't even believe you're mad at me right now. Me. The guy who’s trying to save your royal arse. You totally fucked all of this up for everyone, and yet, somehow you have the nerve to be angry with me. For what? Trying to get you to safety? Putting you before myself? Which thing is it you’re so offended by?”

“I appreciate that but—”

“But what? I should be able to magically get us both across the finish line? I know I'm amazing, but Christ, Arabella! There are limits to what any human can do. I’m not one of your butlers, you know. You can't just order me to do what you want and expect me to hop to it. Yes, Your Highness. Right away, Your Highness.”

“That's not what I meant and you know it.” My voice is shaking now.

He stares at me for a moment, his eyes softening a little. “Just drink some water and lay down. You’re too weak for any of this.”

“Will, please. I can't let it end this way. I have to try.”

“You did, Arabella. I know you tried, but it takes a certain kind of person to do what I do,” he says, his voice growing calm now. “It's actually all my fault. I should've refused to take you out here. I knew better.”

I curl my knees up into my chest and rest my head on them, feeling a wave of wooziness come over me. His attempt to let me off the hook hurts worse than his anger. He’s exactly like everyone else. He has absolutely no faith in me. But I can prove him wrong. I know I can.

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