Home > The Jane Austen Dating Agency(65)

The Jane Austen Dating Agency(65)
Author: Fiona Woodifield

‘Maybe you’re finally growing up a little?’ Mel suggests. ‘No more nice, kind Sophie who’s looking for a man to complete her life. Instead move over everyone for the new sassy independent Sophie, ready to take over the world.’

I laugh. ‘I’m not sure I’d go quite that far, but it’s a start.’

‘Even a worm will turn.’ Maria smiles.

‘Are you calling me a worm?’ I joke.

‘No, of course not, but I could do with taking a leaf out of your book, especially when it comes to telling my father that Charles and I are engaged.’

‘Engaged?’ I exclaim. ‘Really? You didn’t say.’

‘I hadn’t quite got that far,’ says Maria shyly, ‘but engaged we are, whether my father likes it or not.’

‘That’s the spirit. You tell him.’ Mel has a large sip of wine. ‘Or take Sophie and get her to talk to him, she’s scary!’

‘Yeah right, anyway I propose a toast – to Maria and Charles, congratulations!’ I say. We all clink glasses noisily. ‘Now, what are we going to do about Mel’s show?’

Mel groans. ‘I’m going to have to give up and try again next year, if I can get another sponsor that is.’

‘No, I don’t think so,’ I say firmly.

‘What do you mean? There’s no choice.’

‘That’s what you think. I, on the other hand, have a cunning plan. Just give me some time.’

I leave the others to watch Poldark, although they’re on strict orders to call me if I miss any scenes with Aidan in a wet white shirt. At the moment, however, I have more important matters to deal with. I retreat to my room with the phone.


‘Hello, darling. It seems like ages. How are you?’

‘Good thanks. How was Marbella?’

‘Simply gorgeous, of course,’ he says glibly. He chatters on for a while about the fashion shows, the parties, in fact mostly the parties, and makes me laugh with a couple of risqué stories which may or may not be true.

‘Look, Mark, can we catch up tomorrow morning? I need to ask a really big favour.’

‘Of course, darling, anything for you.’

‘It’s not for me actually, it’s for Mel. She’s got a problem with her fashion show.’ I briefly recount the saga with Lady Constance.

‘Oh no, complete disaster. Anything I can do to help. You know your wish is my command and I am a huge fan of Mel’s work.’

‘What I need, if you can manage it, is a meeting one day this week at lunchtime with anyone you can get who’s big in the fashion world. You, obviously, and Tim if he’s free. I’ll ask Miffy what she can do too, oh and anyone else in Editorial.’

‘You betcha, you can count Tim in, and I’ll see who else I can get to help. Tell Mel to bring samples of her work with her and layouts for the show – she’ll only have a few minutes, if that, to impress these people. You know how it is.’

‘Thanks, Mark. You’re simply the best, you know that.’ I ring off and get up to go and tell the others.

Before I make it out of my room to spread the news that I have things in hand, the phone goes again.

‘Hi, Sophie, it’s Emma.’

‘Hi, Emma, lovely to hear from you.’ It suddenly comes back to me there had been some kind of crisis when I left Chatsworth on Saturday and I had forgotten all about it. ‘Is everything okay?’

‘No, not really. It’s all gone horribly wrong,’ she blurts, totally unlike her usual well-measured self.

‘What’s the matter? You’re not ill, are you?’

‘No, I’m fine, though stressed as hell. But I received some upsetting news on Saturday while at Chatsworth.’

‘I’m so sorry. What is it?’

‘I don’t know how to put it, but you need to know and it will soon be common knowledge…’ There’s a pause as she takes a deep breath. ‘Jessica Palmer-Wright and Daniel Becks have run off together.’

‘Really? I didn’t think they knew each other that well.’

‘Neither did we.’

‘Oh my God. Darcy Drummond must have been upset to hear this news.’

‘Not half as upset as he was when he heard the rest of it,’ remarks Emma. ‘They’ve disappeared with the profits of The Jane Austen Dating Agency – cleared us out.’

‘Oh… my… God…’

Emma continues, her voice wobbling, ‘And more serious still, they’ve been running an illegal gambling ring under the cover of the Regency Gaming Nights. So not only are we done financially, the agency is in trouble with the police. I’m sorry, Sophie, but The Jane Austen Dating Agency is finished.’



Chapter 32



It takes a few moments for me to register the full meaning of Emma’s revelation. For once, I’m lost for words. I hadn’t seen this coming at all. My mind’s full of a million questions; none of it makes sense. I’m so shocked, I don’t really know what to say to Emma. We agree to speak again soon but when she rings off, I’m left with a feeling of total emptiness.

Why on earth would Jessica Palmer-Wright get involved with Daniel? I know he’s persuasive, but she must see he’s nothing but trouble. Not that I believed for a minute that Jessica Palmer-Wright was a true supporter of the agency, or that Daniel wasn’t capable of anything after the lies he spun.

‘It’s over,’ I announce dramatically, upon returning to the lounge.

‘What’s over?’ Mel asks, stuffing popcorn and distracted by Poldark’s Demelza and Hugh.

‘The Jane Austen Dating Agency, it’s no more.’

‘Why? How come?’ I have the others’ full attention and Poldark is summarily dismissed.

‘Our dear friend Miss Palmer-Wright has run off with Daniel Becks, taking all the profits with them.’

‘No!’ Maria says. ‘That’s terrible.’

‘I know, and worse still, the two of them were involved in some illegal gambling deal and have got the whole agency pulled into major trouble.’

‘Rob was right,’ says Mel, spraying popcorn everywhere in her excitement. ‘For once he was right about the game being rigged.’

We all pause for a second, momentarily diverted by the thought that Rob could be right about anything.

‘I expect it was a one-off,’ I suggest.

‘Yes, you’re probably right, he doesn’t usually make a habit of it,’ Mel agrees with a smile.

‘Poor Emma. What’s going to happen about her job?’ Maria asks quietly.

‘That’s a point,’ I reply.

We sit, considering a moment.

‘She has contacts,’ Mel says, ever practical. ‘I reckon Miffy at your work will get her in somewhere.’

‘That’s true, though I don’t know what Emma’s qualifications are,’ but I cheer up momentarily, ‘and she doesn’t strike me as badly off, she can always ask her family for help. I think they’re quite wealthy.’

‘It’s such a shame though,’ Maria murmurs, close to tears.

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