Home > My Roman (Boys on the Hill #1)(62)

My Roman (Boys on the Hill #1)(62)
Author: Rose Croft

Roman yanked me in the kitchen before I could say anything. “What would you like?” He gripped his keys, guiding me to the door out to the garage. I heard another door close in the distance. My mind was still reeling over seeing my friend come from Nick’s room.

Over the groan of the garage door opening, I said, “Either. I love both.” I stepped into his Jeep.

“Both it is.” He dipped his chin in decision and the Jeep revved to life.

When Roman backed out of the driveway, he pointed over at a red convertible BMW on the cul-de-sac where my roomie was fumbling with the door swiping a finger under her eye. “Isn’t that Kenzie?”

“Yep.” I nodded as she soon sped off like a bat out of hell running away from demons. “I saw her leaving Nick’s room.”

“Huh.” Roman turned the steering wheel under his palm, pulling out onto the street. “Nick. That fucker has never had a girl stay the night. I mean, he loves to fu—” He paused as if thinking better of what he was about to say. “He swore off relationships and even though he’s not a saint, he’s not one to encourage girls to spend the night. To him, even having a girl sleep in his bed was getting too personal. Trust me, I know him.”

“Really?” My eyes widened like saucers. “But Nick is so personable. He’s always sweet to me.”

“He is friendly,” Roman said gruffly as his eyes narrowed, obviously still a little jealous where his friend is concerned. “Nick’s got the boy-next-door, good guy down pat. For the most part he is. And he’s charming and whatever the fuck else you want to say about him. But he’s not looking for a girlfriend. I just hope your friend is careful since she was already burned by Justin.”

“Me too.” I chewed on my bottom lip concerned about my friend.

“Hey,” he said. “Let’s enjoy this day and start making up for all the lost time.” Roman laced his hand in mine giving it a squeeze. I squeezed his back and gazed at the dreamlike, brightest blue sky and the forever-green leaves on the trees lined up along the county road. It was fall, but you wouldn’t know it. Beyond the trees were rolling hills that looked like mini mountains encircling the cozy college town. My hair whipped in the breeze, my longtime love held my hand, and we were about to have the best breakfast tacos and kolaches this side of the Hill country. Seemed like the perfect day. The first of many to come.



Roman—Two Months Later


“God, you’re so domesticated, bro.” Axel scoffed and took a pull from his beer. We were sitting outside waiting for the grill to get nice and hot before I put the steaks on. It was early December and warm as usual. Our regular season was over, but we went undefeated and were one of four teams playing in the playoffs for the national championship at the end of the month.

“And? What’s your point?” I loved spending every moment I could with my girl and didn’t give it a thought.

“Nothing, man. Better you than me.”

“Once you find the one, you’ll understand.”

“Not trying to.” He stretched out on the lounger with a shit-eating grin. “I like my freedom. Having someone keeping tabs on me all the time? Uh, no thanks.” He chuckled. “But you were like a bloodhound tracker with Theo from the beginning so…”

“Shut up.” I took a sip of my beer fighting a smile. He was right. Sort of. Who was I kidding? It was a spot-on observation. Nonetheless, it was good to sit around and banter with my friends although they did get on my nerves.

Dmitri stepped up to us with a drink in one hand and a sour face. “Is anyone going to help me make the salad? Why am I doing all the prep work?”

What the hell? Was he on his period or something? “I just asked you to slice an onion. An onion. That’s it. I already have the steaks seasoned. The potatoes are in the oven, and the salad is pre-made and only needs to be mixed together.”

“And the idiotic onion made my eyes water. I looked like I was crying. Crying. You do know that I never cry.”

Axel broke out in a cackle behind me. “Gah, D, I didn’t know you were such a pussy.”

“Fuck off,” he growled stalking toward him. “I’ll make you my pussy.”

Axel guffawed even louder, and I tempered the laughter threatening to erupt. I don’t think Dmitri realized what he said didn’t come out right. Perhaps he needed to work on his comebacks.

“Hey. It’s all good.” I moved between them before Axel busted a vein in his temple from laughter and Dmitri just plain busted my friend’s nose. “Let’s check on the potatoes.” I guided him with me. “And get you another drink.”

My phone pinged, and I pulled it out of my pocket.

Theodora: On my way.

Me: Okay. Drive safely.

Yeah. I sounded like a parent. However, considering what’d happened to her in the past, I was overly cautious. If anything ever happened to her again…I shook it off. Everything in her world seemed to be trending up. Her mother was now back at home and improving. She even found a job at a physical therapy facility. Theodora broke the news to her that Antoni was the person responsible for her living hell. I still felt shame over the situation, but Rhonda was starting to come around on me. She even told me how remorseful she was that she fell in love with my father, which was an awkward situation, but I tried my best not to think about it. She spoke about my father in the past tense, and just like other uncomfortable events in our history that’s where I was leaving it—in the past.

My father moved out of the house and had already agreed to give my mother anything she wanted if they could settle the divorce without dragging it out in court because he knew he didn’t have a leg to stand on. He’d fucked up their marriage. Now mom was an equal partner in his business. Good for her.

Anyway, Theodora worked the day shift at Duffey’s earlier and stopped by her dorm to shower and change. She rarely stayed at her place anymore because I insisted she stay with me most nights. I was going to convince her to move in with me next semester. Were things moving too fast? No fucking way. Too slow if you asked me. I knew she was mine, and I wanted to be with her. I’d even decided to stay an extra year and play for Hillside my senior year and forego the draft until the following year. I was going to marry this girl as soon as she gave me the green light. Hell, I’d marry her tomorrow if that was what she wished.

Dmitri glanced past me holding his drink up mimicking a toast. “Look who finally decided to grace us with his presence.”

Nick passed by looking like he just stepped out of the shower. “Where the fuck you’ve been?” I asked. Nick had been acting like a surly bitch all day, which was odd considering he was usually a happy-go-lucky guy. The only other time I’d seen him withdrawn and quiet was a few months back when Theo and I came back from breakfast, and Nick was sporting a black eye. Of course, I gave him shit about it because he would’ve done the same to me, but he never told me what happened. Or who he’d had a run-in with. Come to think of it, that was the day Kenzie was spotted leaving in her car.

“I worked out.” He opened the fridge and pulled out a long neck, popping the top with his teeth. He leaned over the rib eyes. “You need me to grill those to make sure you don’t overcook them.”

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