Home > Trusting a Warrior (Loving a Warrior #3)(30)

Trusting a Warrior (Loving a Warrior #3)(30)
Author: Melanie Hansen

   Had she really cared that much? Or was she just going to call Rhys and tell him, oh well, she’d tried?

   Hot, tired and crabby, she thrust Devon from her mind and concentrated on finding a parking spot at the busy medical complex. She made her way into her OB’s office, where she signed in and wedged herself into a chair next to a couple who were whispering and giggling together.

   “She’s moving so much today. Feel it?” The woman grabbed the man’s hand and placed it low on her bulging belly.

   He gasped. “I feel it!” Bending over, he put his lips near his fingers and crooned, “Hi, baby girl. Mommy and Daddy are so ready to meet you.”

   The woman stroked his hair, her eyes glowing with tenderness, and Lani glanced away, her own eyes stinging. The loneliness burning its way through her was a physical ache, this oh-so-painful reminder that the world largely moved by twos.

   She looked around the busy waiting room, hoping, praying, to see someone else sitting alone, but she was the only one. What would she do when her time came? A picture formed, of a solitary Uber ride to the hospital in the dead of night. She’d be dropped at the curb, alone, in labor. Who would comfort her, and ease her fears, and celebrate with her when her baby was finally placed in her arms? Who would drive her home, for fuck’s sake?

   The memory of Devon’s hopeful smile swam before her eyes, and suddenly, Lani couldn’t help but put herself in her shoes. It had to have been hard, admitting to Lani that Rhys still cared for her. How much courage had it taken for her to show up at Lani’s door and make herself vulnerable like that, not sure of her reception? What would she have done if Lani’d actually accepted her invitation?

   “Well, I think we’re about to find out.”

   Determination stiffening her spine, Lani fished the phone number from her pocket, and before she could change her mind, she texted, I’m sorry. Lunch sounds good. When?

   An almost immediate reply popped up. Yay! How about Friday, my house? That way we can sit and talk as long as we want, no pressure.

   Lani hesitated. Was she really gonna do this?

   Devon’s not the enemy. We’re not in competition. She’s the woman Rhys loves, and since a part of me will always love him, too, maybe it’s a good idea for her to have a place in my life.

   Her thumbs flying, she replied, I’ll be there.

   Devon texted her the address along with a string of smiling emojis, and Lani couldn’t help but snort a little at her enthusiasm.

   Just then the giggling couple was called back, and the man leapt to his feet and assisted the woman to hers with such tender solicitousness that tears sprang to Lani’s eyes anew. Before the self-pity could dig its claws any deeper, her phone chimed again.

   She glanced at it impatiently, her heart giving a giant leap when she saw what it was, a picture of Bosch in full combat gear, along with an accompanying text. Ready to meet me? I’m free tonight if you are.

   A grin spread over her face. I’d love to!

   Great. My dad’ll pick you up at six?

   Snickering at the realization she was having a “conversation” with a dog, she typed, Perfect.

   Anticipation buoyed her through her appointment and all the way home, where she took a long, hot shower and then spent an inordinate amount of time on her hair and makeup.

   “No, I won’t feel stupid about it,” she lectured herself in the mirror. “I have a date tonight with a great guy, and I deserve to look and feel my best.”

   Besides, how many more dates was she likely to have? At thirteen weeks, she could be starting to show soon, and she couldn’t imagine that men would be lining up to get involved with her. After she had the baby, the last thing she’d have time for was a man.

   “So, basically, I’m gonna enjoy it while I can,” she said, pointing her mascara wand at her reflection. “No promises, no strings, just two people enjoying each other’s company. Nothing more, nothing less.”

   Still, when the quiet knock on the door sounded precisely at six, her breath caught in a way it hadn’t in years.

   “Jesus, he’s a SEAL,” she lectured herself. “You’re not going to fall for a SEAL. It’s not gonna happen. So what if he cleans the kitchen without being asked? Or offers pity-free hugs and a shoulder to cry on without expecting anything in return? Lots of non-SEALs would do that, right? Tons of them. Men like that grow on trees.”

   Rolling her eyes at her own absurdity, Lani paused and fluffed her hair out one last time before reaching for the security chain.

   “Seriously, now. Geo’s amazing, but he’s not for you. Go out, have fun, but try not to lose sight of that, okay?”

   Taking a deep breath, she swung the door open, only for her mouth to go dry as an Arizona desert. Damn. Geo wore a faded Green Day T-shirt and soft jeans that molded themselves to slim hips and muscular thighs. His broad shoulders seemed to take up the entire doorway, the hands shoved in his pockets pulling his waistband down just enough to give her a peek of taut belly.

   God, she could so lick him like an ice cream cone right now.

   “Hey,” he said, smiling, raising an eyebrow when she continued to stand there and gape.

   Her cheeks heated. “Hey,” she croaked, hoping he hadn’t noticed how red they must be. “Ready to go?”

   “Yep, if you are.” Standing to the side, he waited until she’d closed and locked her door before ushering her on ahead of him down the stairs. At the bottom, he put his hand lightly on the small of her back and steered her toward a sleek, gunmetal-gray Toyota Tundra.

   The touch, impersonal as it was, still managed to turn her knees to mush. Once seated inside the truck, Lani pressed her thighs together, doing her best not to squirm as he swung up into the driver’s seat, his corded forearms making her mouth water. In fact, he looked so tasty it was a wonder she hadn’t grown fangs.

   Sucking in a deep, calming breath, she asked, “So...what’s next for you and Bosch?”

   He completed the left turn out of her parking lot before answering, “We leave tomorrow for a few weeks at Fort Benning, and then on to Langley for a, um, workshop.”

   A pang went through her. So this was the last night he’d be in town for a while. She kept her voice light. “Oooh, a workshop. Sounds exciting.”

   “Just another day at the office.” They chuckled together. “How about you?”

   “Eh. Work. Therapy.” Lunch with my ex’s new love. “More work. More therapy. You get the picture. Lather, rinse, repeat. Super interesting,” she finished drily.

   “When’s your support group?”

   She blinked, amazed that he’d remembered. “It’s the, uh, last Saturday of the month, actually. Why?”

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