Home > Trusting a Warrior (Loving a Warrior #3)(40)

Trusting a Warrior (Loving a Warrior #3)(40)
Author: Melanie Hansen

   “Well, I’m glad you did. Why don’t you join us?”

   The expression of relief that spread over his face made her heart ache, and as he snagged a chair from the stack next to the wall, she thought, “Devon was right. He needs to see for himself that I’m okay.”

   After all, he’d gone down into that basement to protect her. The instinct to watch over her was deeply rooted, and anchored in place by their shared trauma. Devon had intuited that need and worked out a way to satisfy it—by offering her friendship to Lani, no matter the risks that entailed for her own personal happiness.

   Oh, how she loves you, Peanut Butter. Way more selflessly than I ever could.

   She waited until Rhys was settled next to Devon, his arm slung casually along the back of her chair, before asking, “Okay. What’s next for you?”

   “Eighteen more months in the Air Force,” he said. “Then PA school, hopefully followed by a job in emergency medicine.” He grinned at Devon. “A house with a white picket fence, two-point-five dogs.”

   “Uh-uh. One dog.”

   “Aww, honey, we can’t have an only dog. It wouldn’t be fair to him or her.”

   As they bickered amicably, Lani’s hand fell to her tummy. That was another facet of hers and Rhys’s incompatibility, the fact he’d never wanted kids. Afraid to lose him, she hadn’t wanted to examine her own feelings about that too closely.

   He really is where he needs to be, isn’t he? And so am I.

   Everything was delicious, and as the meal went on, she relaxed even more. Devon and Rhys’s easy affection spread to include her, and by the time the three of them had cleared the table and cleaned the kitchen, Lani felt like she’d known Devon forever.

   She excused herself to use the restroom, returning just in time to see Rhys pull Devon into his arms. “Thank you for this. You have no idea...”

   Devon reached up to cup his stubbly cheek. “Love you,” she whispered. “Mean it.”

   The kiss they shared was achingly gentle, and Lani backed slowly out of the doorway to give them some privacy. Her eyes fell on a black-and-white picture of Matt and Shane on the beach. They were sitting side by side, Shane’s arm draped over Matt’s shoulders, their fingers entwined.

   She smiled. The four of them were so close, bound together by experiences she’d never had and never would. She was a true outsider, a mere ex-girlfriend, not to mention a painful reminder of the past. Yet Devon’s simple gesture—as well as Rhys’s gratitude for it and Shane’s kindness toward her—told her their friendship circle would expand to admit her, a generosity of spirit she’d be an absolute fool to reject.

   Yeah, it’d suck being a fifth wheel. Seeing Rhys’s happiness with someone else no doubt would cause the occasional twinge, but what a small price to pay for the chance to be a part of it all.

   Lani squared her shoulders. Time to grow up a little more and accept this olive branch for the gift it was.

   She slipped back into the kitchen, where Devon and Rhys were swaying together and giggling over some private joke.

   “Okay, lovebirds,” Lani said, amused. “Think I’m gonna take off. Been a long-ass day.”

   “I’ll walk you out.” Rhys released Devon with a kiss to the tip of her nose, then waited while Lani gathered up her things.

   Devon approached her, worrying her lower lip between her teeth. “Thanks for coming,” she said huskily. “I really enjoyed it.”

   With a reassuring smile, Lani said, “Me, too.” She hesitated. “Maybe we could do it again sometime?”

   Their eyes met and held, understanding arcing between them. There’d be no rivalry, no pettiness. They could both love Rhys in their own way, and maybe—someday—they’d grow to love each other, too.

   “I’d like that,” Devon said softly. She reached out her hand. Lani took it, and after a tight squeeze, they let go.

   Outside, the cool evening air caressed Lani’s flushed cheeks. She and Rhys ambled silently down the walk toward her car, parked a little ways down the street. At last he said, “Thanks for giving her a chance.”

   “I like her. I enjoyed myself tonight.”

   Rhys’s voice was a little rueful. “You’re being a thousand times more mature than I’d be if the situations were reversed. It’s—”

   When he broke off, she touched his shoulder. “I’m not about to cut my nose off to spite my face, and believe it or not, it makes me happy to see you happy.”

   “Ah, Lee-Lee.” He opened his arms and she went into them, choking back a tiny sob. She clung to him as he hugged her tight. “I don’t think I’d be truly happy unless you’re a part of my life. I hope you believe that.”

   “I do. And same.”

   With a brush of his lips over the top of her head, Rhys let her go. He waited until she was safely in the car, engine started, before he lifted his hand in a final wave and turned to jog eagerly back toward the house.

   All the way home, she let the memories flood her, both the good and the bad, as she closed the Lani-and-Rhys chapter of her life once and for all. Whatever memories they made from here would include Devon, and Lani’s child, fresh new pages of a book yet to be written. Instead of scaring her, the thought sent anticipation tingling through her.

   I think maybe, just maybe, I got this.

   Once inside her apartment, she tossed her keys into the basket by the door and hung up her purse. As she did, her phone buzzed, and pulse kicking into a sudden gallop, she fished it out. The picture that greeted her made her laugh out loud.

   In it, Bosch sprawled on his back, paws in the air, sound asleep.

   Still giggling, she texted, Someone’s tired, huh?

   Someone’s very tired. TWO someones, actually.

   I bet. She paused, then said, Thanks for this morning. It means a lot that you remembered.

   You’re welcome.

   And thank Bosch for me, too.

   I will.

   With a wicked grin, she typed, Don’t tell him, but I just enlarged the pic and kissed his nose.

   What?? Now I’m jealous of him! But I won’t tell.

   Lani’s tummy gave a flutter, even as she rolled her eyes. I’d be happy to kiss your nose, too, if it’s that important to you, geez.

   After a delay of several seconds that felt like hours, the phone buzzed, and quivering, she opened the selfie. In it, Geo looked tired, and stubbly, his hair overly long, but his incredible eyes glowed with warmth. He pointed not to his nose, but to his slightly parted lips. The text read, Suggested kiss target.

   Her own lips started to tingle. Kissing her finger, she pressed it lightly to the screen, then typed, Done.

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