Home > When the Wind Chimes(18)

When the Wind Chimes(18)
Author: Mary Ting

I matched her slow steps across the marble floor.

She added, “I’ve been a nanny my whole career. I can read people well, and I know what sort of person gets along with children. I can tell you have a kind, genuine heart and common sense.”

My face warmed a little. “Thank you, but if you’re the nanny, then why am I needed?”

“Look, Kate. My sister just got out of the hospital and I need to take care of her.”

“I’m so sorry.” I readjusted my purse strap and stopped walking.

She waved a hand. “Thank you. She’s doing well, thank the Lord. Anyway, I’m not trying to pressure you in taking the position, but I need to find someone right away. The payment is high because it’s last minute. I need you to start on Monday, if you are willing. I can ask for higher pay if that’s what you want.”

I put out a hand. “Oh, no. I’m fine. Four thousand is fine.” Any more than that would be ridiculous. “I have a question, though. Don’t the parents want to meet me?”

“They’re out of town.” The crystal chandelier overhead cast rainbow-colored drops of light over the floor. “They’ll be coming home Monday evening and then leaving again. They trust my judgment. I’ve cared for Roselyn as if she were my own ever since she was born.”

“I see. And I have no idea who I’ll be working for.” I snorted.

She patted my arm in a steady rhythm. “Last name is Banks. That’s all you need to know. Just concentrate on Roselyn and you will be fine.”

Two weeks. Nothing to it besides the fact I had to take full responsibility for a child and live in a stranger’s home.

Mona clasped her hands together under her chin as if in prayer. “So does this mean you’ll take the position?”

I had nothing better to do. I might as well work. I could give half of it to my sister to save for a rainy day.

“Sure. I’ll take the job,” I said with a smile.

Mona released a sigh of relief and shook my hand.



Chapter Twelve — Surprise



Abby’s eyes bulged. “You did what?” Her voice rose to a near shriek.

I had sprung the news about accepting the nanny position on her out of nowhere. I would have been shocked, too, had I been in her shoes. She’d only known I had interviewed for regular jobs in my career field.

“Four thousand for two weeks?” Stella gazed out the window from her desk.

She certainly wasn’t getting paid that much here.

I paced around the sofas and stood in front of the clay models by the window. “It happened kind of fast. Besides, you don’t need me, and I have nothing else to do.”

Abby leaned her hip against the amenities table and crossed her arms. “That’s true. And I’m fine with whatever you decide to do in your free time. I was shocked, that’s all. What are their names? Maybe I know them.” She poured hot water in sturdy paper cups and handed me one with a tea bag in it.

“Thanks.” I took a tiny sip, savoring the warmth as I enjoyed the sweet mango-flavored tea.

“Maybe I’ll know them,” Stella’s gray eyes glistened as she opened her water bottle to take a drink. “I’ve lived in Poipu, Kauai all my life. It’s a small community. Everyone knows everyone.”

I eased into the sofa and kicked up my feet on the tea table. Likely nobody was stopping by the store during the lunch hour, so I could get comfortable.

“Do you know the Banks family?”

“Banks? What are their first names?” Stella narrowed her eyes as if I were purposely withholding information.

“Just Mister and Mrs. Banks. A woman named Mona interviewed me.”

Abby sat across from me, her fingers clasped around the cup. “And who is Mona?”

“The nanny.” I sipped my tea.

Stella gulped down her drink and wiped her mouth. “She must have some power over the family if she’s allowed to hire you. And if she’s the nanny, why do they need to hire another one?”

“Mona said her sister just got out of the hospital and she needs to take care of her. And the parents are away often. She—Mona—has been the girl’s nanny since she was born, apparently. I’ll get to meet the parents on Monday. No big deal. It’s not like they’re wanted criminals and you’ll never see me again.”

It was supposed to sound absurd, but once I said it out loud, I wondered if there was a possibility of that scenario coming true. Either I needed to stop watching crime shows, or I needed to call Mona and tell her I’d changed my mind.

Abby must have read my expression. “It’s fine. I’m sure it’s fine. Just call me every day so I know you’re not dead.” She frowned and brought the paper mug to her lips.

“Their daughter goes to the same preschool as Tyler, and she’s the same age. That should make you feel better.”

“Really. What’s her name?”


“Roselyn?” Abby peered up to the ceiling thoughtfully. “Tyler has never mentioned a Roselyn before.”

“Maybe they’re not friends.” I crossed my legs. “Tyler can’t be friends with everyone. Aren’t there like fifty kids?”

“A bit more. There aren’t that many preschools nearby.”

“Where’s the house located?” Stella scrolled through some pages on her phone.

“More like a mansion.” I should have brought that up first. I wasn’t going to stay overnight at some sketchy place.

“On Skyshore?” Stella’s voice went an octave higher and shifted her gaze to me.

“Yes.” I raised an eyebrow.

Stella squealed. “No wonder they’re paying you four grand.”

Abby bit her bottom lip and cupped her mug with both hands. “I don’t know, Kate.”

Stella raised her hand. “If Kate doesn’t want the job, I’ll take it.”

We both turned to her for different reasons.

“I need you, Stella.” My sister pointed at her. “You’re staying. When I hit it big, you’re getting a raise.”

“A two thousand per week raise?” Stella let out a belly laugh.

Abby turned her lips downward in a pout.

“Awww, Abby, I’ll never leave you,” Stella said with a mocking tone. She placed her elbow on the table and propped her chin on her fist. “At least for now. But I might go to grad school or actually get a job related to my major.”

I took a last drink of my tea and placed the paper mug on the table. “Did Mr. Medici come today to pick up that Cupid figurine?”

“No, he didn’t.” Stella shifted her attention to her fingers dancing across the keyword. “I packaged it this morning since he left a voice message saying he was coming today.”

“Maybe he’ll come later or tomorrow.” Abby hiked a shoulder.

“Maybe he wants to make sure Kate is working,” Stella said with a playful tone as she stole a quick glance my way.

“What? Why would you say that?” I gave her an evil eye.

She waved a hand. “Oh, nothing. Just my observation. Cupid did his job, that’s all.”

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