Home > When the Wind Chimes(31)

When the Wind Chimes(31)
Author: Mary Ting

My throat tightened and my eyes pooled with tears. I had no words of comfort. I glanced at the family portrait of the three of them that hung over the mantel, wishing Steve were with us.

Her breath fluttered. “I miss him every day, but more so now. Steve loved Christmas music. He would turn up the volume and sing along. Now, our house is quiet.”

I dabbed the liquid at the corner of my eyes before it could fall. “We should play Christmas music for Steve, okay?” I squeezed my sister with the arm that wasn’t holding Tyler.

She wiped away a tear. “I’m so happy you’re here.”

“Me, too.” I swallowed my sorrow. I refused to cry in front of her.

“Oh,” she said as if suddenly remembering something and faced me with her eyes wide. “I asked my friend if she knew anything about Bridget’s mother ...”

Under different circumstances, I would have brushed her off, but this distraction was welcome.

“And ...?” I dragged out the word.

“Well.” She rubbed at her temple. “They don’t know anything about her mother.”

“That’s weird.” I paused when Tyler shifted in my arms and waited for him to settle. “Medici is well known in the community. Everybody is in his business, right? Well, not everyone, but the single women, from what I saw.”

“That’s true. I always hear about so-and-so trying to catch his eye. He’s a big fish in any pond, but on an island this size, he’s a whale. If my source is correct, he’s been here just as long as I have, and he’s a private man. I was surprised when you told me he attended the Movie and Popcorn fundraising night. He’s never been to any of the gatherings.”

Tyler’s head drooped to the side awkwardly. I carefully pushed it up. “Maybe she left him and he’s heartbroken.”

“A mother would never leave her child behind.” She caressed Tyler’s cheek.

“We don’t know anyone who did that, but many have, Abby.”

She shrugged. “I guess you’re right. So, what’s he like? I’ve only met him at the gallery.”

I scrunched up my nose, thinking. “He’s ... he’s very good with Bridget. The way he interacts with her is endearing and sweet. But he can also be stiff and so professional. I get that he’s a businessman, but I don’t know. He’s fine. Why? You interested?”

I tried to make my voice light and teasing, but I couldn’t picture them as a couple. Worse, I didn’t want to. I didn’t want to see him with anyone.

Dear God, I didn’t need that thought.

“No. Don’t be silly.” She glared at me. “Maybe for someone I know.”

“Oh,” I said, trying to not sound disappointed. “Anyway, have you sold anything?”

“No.” She pressed her back against the sofa. “Speaking of Medici, he hasn’t picked up Cupid yet.”

“I’ll take it to him tomorrow. I don’t have to be at his place until late afternoon.”

My phone flashed brightly on the table. Abby handed it to me since I couldn’t move with Tyler in my arms.

I had turned off the volume and I had missed a text.

“It’s Leonardo.” I stared at the message, my heart drumming faster.

“What did he say?” My sister leaned closer to me to read the message.

Leonardo: Phillip will pick you up tomorrow at four. See you then. Goodnight.

Then the dots rolled in. I waited, watching and waiting, but no words came. Whatever he wanted to say, he hadn’t.

“It’s regarding work,” I said and flipped the phone over on my lap.

“Of course it is.” Her tone suggested there was some secret.

While Abby tucked Tyler into bed, I sat on my mattress and texted Leonardo back.

Me: Thank you. See you tomorrow. Goodnight.

Dots followed immediately. I waited patiently, but then they stopped.



Chapter Twenty-One — Unwelcome Visitor



The next morning, I went to the gallery with my sister. I helped her out until Phillip picked me up. When Phillip looked at the Cupid in my hand, I’d told him it was for Mr. Medici. He nodded with a carefully neutral expression. No doubt he was used to seeing Leonardo with statues and paintings.

“All I Want for Christmas Is You” filled the house when Phillip opened the door for me.

“Bridget,” I called.

When she didn’t answer, I headed up the stairs. She would likely be in her room. I stopped after a few steps when I heard laughter coming from the family room. Instead of rushing in, I tiptoed and peeked in to see what they were doing.

Leonardo sat on the sofa with a tablet on his lap, his finger touching the screen, while Bridget sat next to him.

“Hurry. The skeletons are going to get you.” Bridget covered her eyes and then leaned in eagerly.

“You’re going down. Pow. Pow. Pow.” Leonardo’s arm darted from side to side.

His playful tone made me smile and I wanted to take back what I had said about him being too stiff to my sister.

“Eat it. Eat it. Eat it.” Bridget pumped her fist in the air.

Ah, they were playing Unicorns versus Skeletons. I knew Bridget played, but I hadn’t known Leonardo did. They had called each other Unicorn and Skeleton, but I’d thought he was humoring her.

There was something sexy about a man who played with his child.

“Oh, no.” Bridget shook her head. “They’re coming too fast. My poor unicorns.”

Leonardo ran a hand down his face. “Poopers. That’s the end of that round.”

Poopers? Too adorable.

“Poopers.” Bridget crossed her arms, frowning. “Can we play again?”

“After I eat my unicorn.” Leonardo jolted up and curled his fingers into claws, growling.

Bridget screamed and ran, her little feet scurrying on the hardwood floor. They ran once around the sofa and then Leonardo halted with wide eyes. They both finally saw me, looking like they had been caught red-handed.

“Kate.” Bridget’s feet pounded across the gap between us.

Air left my lungs in an umph as Bridget careened into me, almost knocking Cupid out of my hands.

“Kate.” Leonardo rubbed his nape and straightened his short-sleeved button-up shirt.

Was he embarrassed? Nervous? I had expected him to be wearing a suit and going to a business meeting, but he wore slacks. Not for work, then. So why had he asked me to come over?

“I would have rung the bell, but Phillip let me in.” I hiked a thumb behind me.

“Of course. You’re welcome to come in. I didn’t recognize you at first. You have your hair up.”

He noticed. I’d put on a comfortable cotton dress and tied my hair into a ponytail.

“Oh. I brought your Cupid. I had to stop by my sister’s gallery, and since I was going to see you today, I picked it up. I hope that’s okay?”

“That was thoughtful of you. Thank you.” Leonardo took it from me and walked around the room as if unsure where to place it. He finally shelved it between the photo frames.

“Were you playing Unicorns versus Skeletons?” I asked Bridget, who was still holding onto me.

“Uh huh. Tyler told me you play. He said you’re the best. Can you help us?”

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